CDZ This op-ed on gun control....why is it right?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This op-ed hits the major points on many issues involving the gun debate......why is it right?

Gun control is fine, except for not working

What about the fact that a British ban on handguns saw killings increase for the next five years until more cops were finally put on the beat?

What about the fact that back in the days when it had a complete gun ban, Russia had four times as many murders as we had? In that case, does culture have more to do with gun violence than anything, just as culture probably accounts for us having more killings than the Europeans?

The late, great social scientist James Q. Wilson thought so.

What about the fact that so-called assault rifles are not assault weapons and that the real ones are already banned? The military says an assault weapon is one that can be automatic — press the trigger and the gun keeps shooting until you let up. The rifles often called assault weapons because they look like them are semiautomatic — you have to keep pulling the trigger.

By the way, handguns are the first weapon of choice in crimes and mass shootings, and while there are mass shooters who favor the automatic lookalikes, they would still kill without them.

In fact, FBI numbers show knives are used to kill five times more people than all rifles put together and that fists and feet do the deed more than knives.

Finally, what about a 2013 study of studies by the Centers for Disease Control? It failed to find evidence that gun control laws worked but did find evidence for something else: People rescue themselves from crimes on a regular basis with guns, and guns work better than any other safety technique.
I think gun control is just another political talking point for the democrats who want more gov't, more regulations, and more control over the public.
This op-ed hits the major points on many issues involving the gun debate......why is it right?

Gun control is fine, except for not working

What about the fact that a British ban on handguns saw killings increase for the next five years until more cops were finally put on the beat?

What about the fact that back in the days when it had a complete gun ban, Russia had four times as many murders as we had? In that case, does culture have more to do with gun violence than anything, just as culture probably accounts for us having more killings than the Europeans?

The late, great social scientist James Q. Wilson thought so.

What about the fact that so-called assault rifles are not assault weapons and that the real ones are already banned? The military says an assault weapon is one that can be automatic — press the trigger and the gun keeps shooting until you let up. The rifles often called assault weapons because they look like them are semiautomatic — you have to keep pulling the trigger.

By the way, handguns are the first weapon of choice in crimes and mass shootings, and while there are mass shooters who favor the automatic lookalikes, they would still kill without them.

In fact, FBI numbers show knives are used to kill five times more people than all rifles put together and that fists and feet do the deed more than knives.

Finally, what about a 2013 study of studies by the Centers for Disease Control? It failed to find evidence that gun control laws worked but did find evidence for something else: People rescue themselves from crimes on a regular basis with guns, and guns work better than any other safety technique.
It is in our Second Amendment; there should be no security problems in our free States. I blame the Commanders in Chief, of that which is Proclaimed necessary to the security of a free State.
I think gun control is just another political talking point for the democrats who want more gov't, more regulations, and more control over the public.

It's far more sinister than that. Look at nearly every state that has been taken over by leftist radicals. You will find mass murder of unarmed civilians. It's a hallmark of the left. Wipe out the opposition, or anyone who might be opposition. That is much more difficult when there is the threat of a gun fight.

Until we address the violence in our society, we won't stop anything. We might be able to make innocent people defenseless, take rights away from Americans, but we won't stop the killing. Notice the Democrats NEVER talk about the violence unless it's gun violence and that's because they don't care about the violence and they don't care about the lives lost. They only care about the tool used. Their leaders are evil, lying, sociopaths and their voters are stupid sheep.
This op-ed hits the major points on many issues involving the gun debate......why is it right?

Gun control is fine, except for not working

What about the fact that a British ban on handguns saw killings increase for the next five years until more cops were finally put on the beat?

What about the fact that back in the days when it had a complete gun ban, Russia had four times as many murders as we had? In that case, does culture have more to do with gun violence than anything, just as culture probably accounts for us having more killings than the Europeans?

The late, great social scientist James Q. Wilson thought so.

What about the fact that so-called assault rifles are not assault weapons and that the real ones are already banned? The military says an assault weapon is one that can be automatic — press the trigger and the gun keeps shooting until you let up. The rifles often called assault weapons because they look like them are semiautomatic — you have to keep pulling the trigger.

By the way, handguns are the first weapon of choice in crimes and mass shootings, and while there are mass shooters who favor the automatic lookalikes, they would still kill without them.

In fact, FBI numbers show knives are used to kill five times more people than all rifles put together and that fists and feet do the deed more than knives.

Finally, what about a 2013 study of studies by the Centers for Disease Control? It failed to find evidence that gun control laws worked but did find evidence for something else: People rescue themselves from crimes on a regular basis with guns, and guns work better than any other safety technique.
Carrying a gun is a pain, but at night when help is not around it is a good feeling to just have one handy. Criminals who do home invasion would like to know if you have one inside it acts as a determinant and make doing the crime more dangerous for them. They have the idea that old people will shoot you and younger ones with kids more then likley do not have a gun handy. Hint: Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
This op-ed hits the major points on many issues involving the gun debate......why is it right?

Gun control is fine, except for not working

What about the fact that a British ban on handguns saw killings increase for the next five years until more cops were finally put on the beat?

What about the fact that back in the days when it had a complete gun ban, Russia had four times as many murders as we had? In that case, does culture have more to do with gun violence than anything, just as culture probably accounts for us having more killings than the Europeans?

The late, great social scientist James Q. Wilson thought so.

What about the fact that so-called assault rifles are not assault weapons and that the real ones are already banned? The military says an assault weapon is one that can be automatic — press the trigger and the gun keeps shooting until you let up. The rifles often called assault weapons because they look like them are semiautomatic — you have to keep pulling the trigger.

By the way, handguns are the first weapon of choice in crimes and mass shootings, and while there are mass shooters who favor the automatic lookalikes, they would still kill without them.

In fact, FBI numbers show knives are used to kill five times more people than all rifles put together and that fists and feet do the deed more than knives.

Finally, what about a 2013 study of studies by the Centers for Disease Control? It failed to find evidence that gun control laws worked but did find evidence for something else: People rescue themselves from crimes on a regular basis with guns, and guns work better than any other safety technique.
Carrying a gun is a pain, but at night when help is not around it is a good feeling to just have one handy. Criminals who do home invasion would like to know if you have one inside it acts as a determinant and make doing the crime more dangerous for them. They have the idea that old people will shoot you and younger ones with kids more then likley do not have a gun handy. Hint: Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Just hope they are not Finns.
Federal gun registration is nothing more than another left-wing subterfuge for compiling yet another list of political enemies.

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