This May Just Turn Into The Claude Rains Election


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I know, I know....we're not allowed to speak of the election being stolen......but if the mounting evidence becomes an avalanche.....Democrats will be playing the Claude Rains part from Casablanca....'Shocked!'

2. "Did Dominion Delete the Missing Arizona Voter Files?
There is some bad news coming out of Maricopa County in Arizona. The Board of Supervisors now claims that they never had control of the passwords or the routers the Senate wants for the forensic audit.

That means that Dominion not only had total control over the 2020 election but they would have to be the ones who deleted the entire records of the election from the machines just 3 days before turning them over for the audit.
That is known as obstruction of justice since they were under a subpoena at the time they were erased. Someone or someones need to go to prison if that is what happened.

In the records that were deleted were the records for the adjudicated ballots, which are easy to flip from one candidate to another. Other charges people at Dominion might face are election interference and fraud.
This needs to be addressed especially since no Democrat has won the county since Harry Truman and Biden allegedly won by 40,000 votes in an election Biden won by less than 11,000 votes."

3. Dominion voting machines do not report the absolute number or sorting of the ballots as cast.......instead, they allow the ‘adjusting’ of the number and selection of the votes.

In the contracts that Dominion signs with municipalities, we find the following:

AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA AND DOMINION VOTING SYSTEMS, INC. This Agreement is entered into between the County of Santa Clara (“County”) and Dominion Voting Systems, Inc. (“Contractor” or “Dominion”) (collectively, the “Parties”).
Section 2.26 "Allows staff to adjust tally based on review of scanned ballot images." Dominion Final.pdf

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Everyone knows what the dirty dems did. Dems are scared to death because they know what they did. Its a shame our FBI and CIA and DOJ are corrupt .

Corrupt, like this....

This is the level of "justice" the Democrat Deep State has permitted in America......

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.


The dominoes may be falling a bit faster than many anticipated in the coming weeks as efforts to expose massive, widespread voter fraud had a huge win today in court. Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ordered a full digital audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, a place that many Trump supporters believe is the epicenter of election fraud that stole the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.

.....GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero may give access to the plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government."

"Auditors have successfully recovered database vote data, but Maricopa still won’t turn over passwords

OAN has a report out today explaining that auditors have successfully recovered the databases full of voting data, but Maricopa County officials and Dominion still won’t turn over the passwords to the Dominion voting machines..."

"Windham New Hampshire Ballot Audit Finds Folded Ballots Generated False Results

The people on the ground in Windham, New Hampshire, are doing an excellent job holding the election officials and auditors accountable to the people during this forensic ballot audit. The audit started because the tabulating machines (Dominion hardware and software) did not accurately count the votes from the physical ballots.

During the first small audit (recount) it was discovered that Republican votes were undercounted and Democrat candidates were overcounted. This anomaly was discovered during a hand recount of the ballots as compared to the electronic tabulation results. After the first set of tabulation results were discovered to be inaccurate the state authorized a full forensic audit. "

Strange that the 'mistake' is always in the same direction.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.

2. This is so much bullshit. The machines were audited twice and there was nothing amiss. These firms are certified to do this work. The password flap is just smoke blown by Trump supporters. Dominion did nothing to alter the election. In Georgia, a hand recount confirmed the machine count except for one error one county made.

No records were deleted. It shows how incompetent Cyber Ninja is. Either they couldn't find it or they deleted it.
Last edited:

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.
The ballots are proof, Einstein.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.

2. This is so much bullshit. The machines were audited twice and there was nothing amiss. These firms are certified to do this work. The password flap is just smoke blown by Trump supporters. Dominion did nothing to alter the election. In Georgia, a hand recount confirmed the machine count except for one error one county made.

No records were deleted. It shows how incompetent Cyber Ninja is. Either they couldn't find it or they deleted it.

No vulgarity, no matter how fearful you are of the theft of the election being revealed.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.
The ballots are proof, Einstein.

So are affidavits.

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law ...

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law Times Journal
Affidavits as an evidence: Affidavit is an admissible evidence, however some courts may need you to testify the affidavit or they may consider it as hearsay evidence. Since hearsay is not admissible as an evidence, the affidavit may not be used for evidence if anyone objects to it unless it is testified.
Everyone knows what the dirty dems did. Dems are scared to death because they know what they did. Its a shame our FBI and CIA and DOJ are corrupt .

Corrupt, like this....

This is the level of "justice" the Democrat Deep State has permitted in America......

1.Obama appointed Inspector General found widespread misconduct in the Justice Department

“The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

Michael Horowitz is an Obama appointee who started this review long ago…. First, Horowitz writes, FBI officials involved in the case sent each other messages on their FBI devices “that created the appearance” of political bias. Here he particularly criticizes FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok for texting his co-worker and lover, Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from winning the election.

… he says he “did not have confidence” that Strzok’s decision in the campaign’s final month to prioritize the Trump campaign/Russia probe over new Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop “was free from bias.” He writes that Strzok and other FBI employees “brought discredit to themselves” and hurt the bureau’s reputation.

Second, Horowitz sharply criticizes then-FBI director James Comey for his public statements about the Clinton email case — …” The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

2. Andrew McCabe lied

3. Peter Strzok lied.

4. Justice Department lawyer Kevin Clinesmith got away with altering documents to lie about Carter Page not being an asset of the United States, working with the CIA, but the very opposite. The altered document allowed the Deep State to surveil Trump and associates.

5. They altered a document on General Flynn.

6. Comey et al lied to the FISA court to get warrants spy on officials.

7. They hid the fact that the dossier was simply Hillary’s attempt to sink Trump, and they used it as though was accurate and verifiable.

8. The paid a foreign agent who was simply a communist who brought the dossier from Putin and the Kremlin to end Trump’s candidacy.

And any who are actually fired for their corruption, they ease into cushy gigs at CNN and MSNBC, because they have already been proven to be adept liars…..just what state media is looking for.

9. And now John Durham and the investigation….cut off at the knees. The long-awaited inspector general report on the FBI, Comey, Clinton, and 2016, explained

10. So, there are two levels of justice….one for Americans, the other one for the in-crowd, the Establishment, the Deep State, the Bureaucracy…..the Democrats and their stooges.

There is nothing wrong with criticizing Trump. Horowitz says the opening of the investigation was justified. The appearance of bias is not bias. Strzok could have tried to damage Trump's campaign by leaking it was under investigation. He also supported re-opening the Clinton investigation after new e-mails were discovered.

In terms of Comey's statement, Horowitz is full of BS. Normally the AG or DOJ makes the decision on whether to prosecute. However AG Loretta Lynch had agreed to abide by Comey's recommendation. That means that Comey was making the decision on whether there would be a prosecution. Horowitz also found that Comey's decision was justifiable.

2. The Trump DOJ investigated McAbe and found no evidence to support a prosecution. McCabe did not lie. That is a opinion.

3. Peter Strozk did not lie. A opinion is not a fact.

4. There is no deep state and there was no surveillance on the Trump campaign.

5. This was a clerical error. No documents were altered. The FBI admitted they did the same thing on documents pertaining to McCabe and Strozk. Flynn was and is a corrupt little Nazi.

6. The IG made no such claim. He says there were inaccuracies.

7. The trouble with that accusation is that the Clinton campaign never used it. It was essentially a raw intelligence report and several parts of it were verified.

8. The information did not come from Putin. Steele was a former British Intelligence agent who used his contacts to create the dossier. Putin was supporting Trump not Clinton. That is why they hacked the DNC servers and Podesta's e-mails.

9. The Durham investigation is still going on. He was removed as a US Attorney.

10. There certainly are 2 levels of justice. One for ordinary people and one for Trump supporters. Trump took care of the people who refused to spill the beans.

View attachment 492034

The dominoes may be falling a bit faster than many anticipated in the coming weeks as efforts to expose massive, widespread voter fraud had a huge win today in court. Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ordered a full digital audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, a place that many Trump supporters believe is the epicenter of election fraud that stole the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.

.....GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero may give access to the plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government."

Nothing will come of it except to alienate black and suburban voters. Typical Republicans. Call blacks crooked. It just shows racist Republicans at it again. If they can't find anything then they will make it up.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.
The ballots are proof, Einstein.

So are affidavits.

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law ...

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law Times Journal
Affidavits as an evidence: Affidavit is an admissible evidence, however some courts may need you to testify the affidavit or they may consider it as hearsay evidence. Since hearsay is not admissible as an evidence, the affidavit may not be used for evidence if anyone objects to it unless it is testified.

Affadavits mean nothing unless they are backed up by evidence. None of these affadavitts were backed up by evidence.

View attachment 492034

The dominoes may be falling a bit faster than many anticipated in the coming weeks as efforts to expose massive, widespread voter fraud had a huge win today in court. Henry County Superior Court Judge Brian Amero ordered a full digital audit of absentee ballots in Fulton County, Georgia, a place that many Trump supporters believe is the epicenter of election fraud that stole the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.

.....GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero may give access to the plaintiffs (, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government."

Nothing will come of it except to alienate black and suburban voters. Typical Republicans. Call blacks crooked. It just shows racist Republicans at it again. If they can't find anything then they will make it up.
Does that mean the suburbs will be burning like the cities? Alienation seems to bring that out in some people.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.
The ballots are proof, Einstein.

So are affidavits.

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law ...

What is an affidavit? Is affidavit an evidence? - Law Times Journal
Affidavits as an evidence: Affidavit is an admissible evidence, however some courts may need you to testify the affidavit or they may consider it as hearsay evidence. Since hearsay is not admissible as an evidence, the affidavit may not be used for evidence if anyone objects to it unless it is testified.

Affadavits mean nothing unless they are backed up by evidence. None of these affadavitts were backed up by evidence.
unless it is testified.

No comprehension in sight here. The testimony is the evidence.

"BREAKING: Veteran Election Officials Say 30,000 Fake Ballots Found In Georgia Audit, ‘They’re Not Real’

"Six affidavits now, we had four, now it's six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake," said John Fredericks.​

...Georgia election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of the ballots are fraudulent.​

“Six affidavits now, we had four, now it’s six. Six affidavits of veteran election officials are alleging that up to 30,000 of these 147 [thousand] ballots are fake,” said Fredericks. “Somebody printed them up on a machine and ran them through the vote counting machines. They’re not real. They’re not attached to anybody.” Another revelation was that the ballots were unfolded and printed on a different paper than the regular absentee ballots, according to Fredericks.

“Number one, they’re on different paper. What kind of paper are they on? Why isn’t it the same paper that everything else is on? Number two, they’re not folded. Well, what do you mean they’re not folded? In order to get an absentee ballot, you have to get it in the mail,” said Fredericks. “Which means that the Department of Elections in Georgia machine folded the ballot, you can’t have a ballot in an envelope that you mail back, or dropbox back, that’s not folded. You either got it folded, or you send it back folded, or both with an envelope. So why aren’t they folded?”

...the affidavits suggest that the bubble marks were made by a machine instead of a pencil, explained Fredericks. “The fourth thing is the affidavits say that these bubble marks are not made by an ink pen or a pencil, that they’re made by a machine.”

“Now, they did an analysis batch of 950 military ballots, 950. I want you to grasp what the findings are. This is a matter of public record, nobody made this up. Out of a batch of 950 military mail-in ballots, Joe Biden got 950 votes, Trump zero. That’s 100%. That’s virtually impossible to have happen. Not only that, they were in sequential order, that’s also public,” said Fredericks."

Anothere crazy Trump supporter is not proof of anything. The only people that believe this bullshit is Trump supporters who suffer from TDS. If you had extra ballots slipp[ed in then the number of voters and number of votes would be substantially off.

2. This is so much bullshit. The machines were audited twice and there was nothing amiss. These firms are certified to do this work. The password flap is just smoke blown by Trump supporters. Dominion did nothing to alter the election. In Georgia, a hand recount confirmed the machine count except for one error one county made.

No records were deleted. It shows how incompetent Cyber Ninja is. Either they couldn't find it or they deleted it.

No vulgarity, no matter how fearful you are of the theft of the election being revealed.

Actually you are the ones destroting yourselves. I suspect Maricopa will become more Democrat while Republicans will lose even more support in suburban counties in Georgia.

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