This is why the Liberal Media sucks balls.

Read the title of this story. Our useless deceptive Media blames President Trump for the crisis at the border. There are thousands of illegals waiting on the Mexico side of the border which makes sense since our border resources have long been overwhelmed. Mexico allowed this to happen and they are doing nothing to help. NBC (Nothing But Communists) blames our President. Fuck NBC.
Advocates: Trump policies are causing surge in illegal border crossing
Thought for sure your title meant a thread about CNNs Andy Cooper.

My sentiments exactly re NBC, and ditto its minor league affiliate, MSNBC.
Those in power are always going to get blamed for things. Especially if they treat the media badly.

In essence you’re saying, kiss the Liberal Main Stream Media’s ass so you can have biased coverage...

That’s the message President Trump has made clear and here you state he’s treating them badly, God I hope you didn’t raise any children...

Right, at least don't go out of your way to be a jerk and expect fair treatment.

Now Trump played a game, successfully where he called himself an outsider and ridiculed the media as a calculated part of his campaign. The cost / benefit is probably there. Just if you invade Luxemburg to get to France, don't expect the Lux's to be thrilled with you ;)

You have obviously missed the point, it worked...

It's safe to say most of mainstream America knows the medias biased, they just accept the BS when it suits them. Fortunately for our future enough saw through the Bull Shit and elected a doer and not another hypocrite...

So you don't subscribe at all to the counter punch idea? The one where if I ridicule you like a talk show host unable to articulate, you give me a harsher reply than you otherwise would?

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