This country has a problem


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.
If defeated, he will leave office on 20 January. Thirty million voters will come to Washington DC to help him pack and move if he indicates he is going to have problems making the deadline.

And 50 million will be there to make the 30 million stand down ;)
No, they won't. Fact check: Clarifying Trump’s 80 million ‘unsolicited’ ballots claim

Mail in voting is legal and safe. The right will not be allowed to steal the election.
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

You've got to be kidding right? What a waste of a thread.
If defeated, he will leave office on 20 January. Thirty million voters will come to Washington DC to help him pack and move if he indicates he is going to have problems making the deadline.

IF , and its a huge "if", President Trump was clearly defeated by Sleepy Joe, he would be long gone before January.

However, that's not the problem in this country- the problem is with the Libs accepting the results of elections not Trump. It was Hillary Clinton who refused to concede until after election night in 2016. It was John Fucking Kerry who refused to concede to Dubya in 2004 on election night. Ditto with Al Gore in 2000.

If this country selects a man locked in his basement for months who doesn't know what state he is in as President , we are in deep doo doo.
Excellent description of Trump. If he is elected, however, the great majority no matter how unwilling will accept it.

But if he has clearly lost and won't leave, then he will be helped to do so by public and private means.
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

The nation, I think, will be fine whomever emerges. It will take several administrations to repair the damage Trump is doing to America's place on the world stage. Whether recovery begins in January 2021 or January 2025 means little in the big picture.
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

We as a country have a problem. We have traitors who are engaged in a civil war to end the Republic and subvert it to a Marxist form of dictatorship, and worse, as far as the future of this country is concerned, there is no future if the Maoist democrats seize control. Already the democrat Brown Shirts roam our cities, raping and looting. I've brought this up to democrats and the either say that violence is mostly peaceful. The problem is that violence is only peaceful if you are one of the democrat terrorists committing the violence. The second response is that riots are only violent for 7% of the time, sort of like a beheading is only violent for 1% of the time.

There has never been a bigger threat to this country. The election is a plebiscite on whether America continues. A vote for Trump is a vote for the Constitution and the continuation of the the Republic, a vote for Harris/Xi is a vote to end the nation and become slaves to a global dictatorship ruled by China.
Excellent description of Trump. If he is elected, however, the great majority no matter how unwilling will accept it.

But if he has clearly lost and won't leave, then he will be helped to do so by public and private means.

The Libs still haven't accepted Trump's triumph in 2016 yet, attributing it an unproven Russian conspiracy..

Why do you think they will accept it in 2020
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

The nation, I think, will be fine whomever emerges. It will take several administrations to repair the damage Trump is doing to America's place on the world stage. Whether recovery begins in January 2021 or January 2025 means little in the big picture.

But you clearly omit the fact that a Trump loss would result in grave damage to the Republic.

The left is promising massive gun control. That is NOT Constitutional whether you like it or not.
Biden has promised to significantly raise taxes. That may be good for government but NOT good for the people.
A win by the Left will result in massive regulations stifling the economy.

Not sure how you consider "all will be fine" when one side clearly will go after Constitutional Rights ??
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

You've got to be kidding right? What a waste of a thread.

He is desperately attempting to make treason appear reasonable.
If defeated, he will leave office on 20 January. Thirty million voters will come to Washington DC to help him pack and move if he indicates he is going to have problems making the deadline.

And 50 million will be there to make the 30 million stand down ;)
Can't get enough huge deficits? Giant bailouts? Recession? Riots? Increased crime? Pandemic deaths?
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

The nation, I think, will be fine whomever emerges. It will take several administrations to repair the damage Trump is doing to America's place on the world stage. Whether recovery begins in January 2021 or January 2025 means little in the big picture.

But you clearly omit the fact that a Trump loss would result in grave damage to the Republic.

The left is promising massive gun control. That is NOT Constitutional whether you like it or not.
Biden has promised to significantly raise taxes. That may be good for government but NOT good for the people.
A win by the Left will result in massive regulations stifling the economy.

Not sure how you consider "all will be fine" when one side clearly will go after Constitutional Rights ??

The people don't want gun confiscation and higher taxes
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

We as a country have a problem. We have traitors who are engaged in a civil war to end the Republic and subvert it to a Marxist form of dictatorship, and worse, as far as the future of this country is concerned, there is no future if the Maoist democrats seize control. Already the democrat Brown Shirts roam our cities, raping and looting. I've brought this up to democrats and the either say that violence is mostly peaceful. The problem is that violence is only peaceful if you are one of the democrat terrorists committing the violence. The second response is that riots are only violent for 7% of the time, sort of like a beheading is only violent for 1% of the time.

There has never been a bigger threat to this country. The election is a plebiscite on whether America continues. A vote for Trump is a vote for the Constitution and the continuation of the the Republic, a vote for Harris/Xi is a vote to end the nation and become slaves to a global dictatorship ruled by China.

We KNOW this to be true, yet collectively we do nothing.
We are going to pay a severe price down the road for kicking the can of freedom like that.
If defeated, he will leave office on 20 January. Thirty million voters will come to Washington DC to help him pack and move if he indicates he is going to have problems making the deadline.

And 50 million will be there to make the 30 million stand down ;)
Can't get enough huge deficits? Giant bailouts? Recession? Riots? Increased crime? Pandemic deaths?

Tell me, you are not a Christian are you?
(So far, everyone who hates America and wants Biden has no God in their lives. Interesting)
We as a country have a problem, we have a president who won’t leave office when he loses the election, and worse as far as the future of this country is concerned , are the people who support this president . It shows a willingness to sell out our democracy to stay in power. . I’ve brought this up to multiple Republican and they either say he only will leave office if the election is not corrupt and as we have seen throughout history , the problem will be that the dictator will be deciding whether it is corrupt or not. Or their second response is that he is just joking. You don’t get to spit on our flag and constitution and pass it off as a joke. There is no joke in this threat and there has never been a bigger threat to this country. We are picking our future in this election.

The nation, I think, will be fine whomever emerges. It will take several administrations to repair the damage Trump is doing to America's place on the world stage. Whether recovery begins in January 2021 or January 2025 means little in the big picture.

But you clearly omit the fact that a Trump loss would result in grave damage to the Republic.

The left is promising massive gun control. That is NOT Constitutional whether you like it or not.
Biden has promised to significantly raise taxes. That may be good for government but NOT good for the people.
A win by the Left will result in massive regulations stifling the economy.

Not sure how you consider "all will be fine" when one side clearly will go after Constitutional Rights ??

The people don't want gun confiscation and higher taxes

"The People" don't, but Democrat leadership certainly does

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