Not Q&A things!!!!
1. What is your favorite television show?
2. What is the dorkiest thing about you (the thing that you don't like other people knowing about you)?
3. Which is funnier: a fart in church or a fart in a library?
4. What is one silly thing that you're scared of?
5. If all the regulars of this board (meaning those of us who carried over from the XP Tweaks board) were trapped in the woods and you were forced to kill and eat one, who would it be and why?
6. What is the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten, or tried to eat (keep it clean, kids!)?
7. What is your weirdest childhood memory?
8. What is the funniest movie you've ever seen?
9. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? (have I used those two before?)
10. If you could beat any celebrity within an inch of their life, who would it be?
11. Tell me a joke. A funny one.
Um, this seems like a good place to stop, so I'll do just that.
1. What is your favorite television show?
2. What is the dorkiest thing about you (the thing that you don't like other people knowing about you)?
3. Which is funnier: a fart in church or a fart in a library?
4. What is one silly thing that you're scared of?
5. If all the regulars of this board (meaning those of us who carried over from the XP Tweaks board) were trapped in the woods and you were forced to kill and eat one, who would it be and why?
6. What is the most disgusting thing you've ever eaten, or tried to eat (keep it clean, kids!)?
7. What is your weirdest childhood memory?
8. What is the funniest movie you've ever seen?
9. What is the scariest movie you've ever seen? (have I used those two before?)
10. If you could beat any celebrity within an inch of their life, who would it be?
11. Tell me a joke. A funny one.
Um, this seems like a good place to stop, so I'll do just that.