There are no more moderates now


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
A moderate cannot:

1. Oppose abortion or they are anti-woman, but they can be abortion light.

2. They cannot disagree in the political propaganda about global warming and the political fix offered to fix it, but they can say the carbon taxes may be a little too high

3. They cannot disagree with CRT being taught in the schools, or they are a right wing racist hating voter Period. end of sentence.

4. They cannot disagree with gender confusion being taught in the schools or they are trans or gay phobic, etc., but they can say maybe do it a little more quieter

5. They cannot disagree with the endlessly reckless spending, cuz which party does not do that?

In short, there are no moderates. All there is are 3 camps,

1. Insane radical Leftists who want nothing but power as they declare social justice but are just under the cover Nazis

2. Those that believe the Left cares about social justice and are really truth telling respectable people who are not Nazis and deserve their trust and support.

3. And the rest who the media proclaims are just insurrectionists and wild radical extremists that even the Taliban fear who use QAonon as their Bible.
Moderates always seem to be libs, not the other way around. There are no moderate libs. Moderates are part of the cult that calls themselves democrats.
Moderates are historically the most dangerous threat to the cause of Individual liberty in the American electorate today.

Historically speaking, moderates are just okay with all of the bad, anti-liberty legislation coming from both theoretical sides of the party-of-one in Washington.

I'm collectively speaking, of course. As always, there are exceptions.
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I'm a proud moderate. Sat out the last election. No ody worth my vote.
Well I'm no Trump fan either. I mean, he cheated those poor kids out of a decent education at Trump U, then used his charity to pay off the judge who heard their case to dismiss it.

But everything Trump did, it seemed like the establishment did far worse. Hillary was using her charity to launder money all over the world.

And when it came to Stormy Daniels (Yuck) he paid her off to be quiet over their consensual sexual conduct. However, Biden has his own personal staff claim he sexually assaulted her and Congress was caught using tax payer money to pay off women Congressmen sexually assaulted to the tune of some $17 million. And we were never told all their names.

So you see, corruption flows upward. It seems the money corrupts and you have to have money to win. That is the system, and unfortunately the system has been subverted over the years so that a few at the Federal level run everything. That kind of power and only lead to mass corruption, but that is what collectivism, or Progressivism, is all about

It matters little what personalities or parties you move in and out of it. The power that is there will corrupt anyone.

It's kind of like Lord of the Rings. Put on the ring and it changes you, and not for the better.

Therefore, I support the Article V movement for states to amend the Constitution and reduce the power of the Federal government. Do much needed things like forcing those in Congress to have term limits. Can you imagine a day when these cartoon characters like Maxine Waters and Romney are forced to leave? LOL. Also, an amendment for a balanced budget of some sort. The ability to spend as much as you want whenever you want with money that is not really yours is perhaps the most corrupting of all, and something Progressives added to the Constitution with the Federal Income tax amendment as well as later creating their own bank and creating a fiat currency.

BTW, about 80% of Americans support a term limit amendment and a balanced budget amendment, but the last thing the establishment in either party is interested in is true democracy.

So the likelihood is that this will never happen. Once power is surrendered it is never given back without a fight, and how do you fight all that wealth and power? But I still think it worthy to try.

Unfortunately, most will go back to slinging poo over who is most corrupt and inept, but no one person was ever meant to run a country. That is the job of the states to run their own affairs, or at least was.

Even at that though, I have to hand it to Trump. He was the first not to start a war abroad and got the wheels moving getting out of wars abroad. He strengthened the economy and did the best to secure the border.

See, the bar was so low it was not hard to be better than decades of Presidents before him
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I'm a proud moderate. Sat out the last election. No ody worth my vote.
moderate is difficult and a lot of people are. But a moderated from a few decades ago is not the same as being a moderate today. The so called goal posts keep moving leftward.
A moderate cannot:

1. Oppose abortion or they are anti-woman, but they can be abortion light.

2. They cannot disagree in the political propaganda about global warming and the political fix offered to fix it, but they can say the carbon taxes may be a little too high

3. They cannot disagree with CRT being taught in the schools, or they are a right wing racist hating voter Period. end of sentence.

4. They cannot disagree with gender confusion being taught in the schools or they are trans or gay phobic, etc., but they can say maybe do it a little more quieter

5. They cannot disagree with the endlessly reckless spending, cuz which party does not do that?

In short, there are no moderates. All there is are 3 camps,

1. Insane radical Leftists who want nothing but power as they declare social justice but are just under the cover Nazis

2. Those that believe the Left cares about social justice and are really truth telling respectable people who are not Nazis and deserve their trust and support.

3. And the rest who the media proclaims are just insurrectionists and wild radical extremists that even the Taliban fear who use QAonon as their Bible.
Us liberals believe government can solve problems with unregulated free market capitalism. What we have today is because of deregulations.
A moderate cannot:

1. Oppose abortion or they are anti-woman, but they can be abortion light.

2. They cannot disagree in the political propaganda about global warming and the political fix offered to fix it, but they can say the carbon taxes may be a little too high

3. They cannot disagree with CRT being taught in the schools, or they are a right wing racist hating voter Period. end of sentence.

4. They cannot disagree with gender confusion being taught in the schools or they are trans or gay phobic, etc., but they can say maybe do it a little more quieter

5. They cannot disagree with the endlessly reckless spending, cuz which party does not do that?

In short, there are no moderates. All there is are 3 camps,

1. Insane radical Leftists who want nothing but power as they declare social justice but are just under the cover Nazis

2. Those that believe the Left cares about social justice and are really truth telling respectable people who are not Nazis and deserve their trust and support.

3. And the rest who the media proclaims are just insurrectionists and wild radical extremists that even the Taliban fear who use QAonon as their Bible.

A moderate cannot:

1. Oppose abortion or they are anti-woman, but they can be abortion light.

2. They cannot disagree in the political propaganda about global warming and the political fix offered to fix it, but they can say the carbon taxes may be a little too high

3. They cannot disagree with CRT being taught in the schools, or they are a right wing racist hating voter Period. end of sentence.

4. They cannot disagree with gender confusion being taught in the schools or they are trans or gay phobic, etc., but they can say maybe do it a little more quieter

5. They cannot disagree with the endlessly reckless spending, cuz which party does not do that?

In short, there are no moderates. All there is are 3 camps,

1. Insane radical Leftists who want nothing but power as they declare social justice but are just under the cover Nazis

2. Those that believe the Left cares about social justice and are really truth telling respectable people who are not Nazis and deserve their trust and support.

3. And the rest who the media proclaims are just insurrectionists and wild radical extremists that even the Taliban fear who use QAonon as their Bible.

Feel better now?
Everyone should have a rant at the democrats daily. It's good for the soul
Like have a great big fart. Smells the same also.

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