Thems Fightin' Words.

While I truly wish RSR added more of his pov, plagarism isn't a problem, since he always links back to the stuff he's posting.

Not every time, or did RSR avoid mentioning this?

No links needed

Superlative and MM constantly reinforce their radical liberal attitudes with their unstable anger for anyone to the right of

Somehow, they (intentionally?) miss the point of "there or here". The idea is that as long as we maintain the policy to kill them where they are, they will understand that the same applies here in the US, and we can do it quicker over there. If we dont provide them opportunity to settle here, they must fight their way in, or sneak in.
If we maintain a "antagonistic" rather than a "appeasement" public perspective, we are much less likely to suffer the problems currently in Europe and elsewhere, where an appeasement rules.

In other words, if you liberal wizards gain full control, your "magical" and compassionate acceptance of responsibility for their anger will calm them and they will stop their militancy and express their love for their new "friends"?

You didnt provide a link for who said this, Its more than 5 lines, Am I to think you wrote this yourself?

Dont think I wont Google the whole paragraph and find it.

Never mind, I found it.

I knew you were incapable of rubbing two words together to create a sentance. Let alone something remotely coherent.

Here are your words, coming from another person.

Or was it another persons words coming from you?

Comment from: SamSam8639


Post #266.
Not every time, or did RSR avoid mentioning this?

You didnt provide a link for who said this, Its more than 5 lines, Am I to think you wrote this yourself?

Dont think I wont Google the whole paragraph and find it.

Never mind, I found it.

I knew you were incapable of rubbing two words together to create a sentance. Let alone something remotely coherent.

Here are your words, coming from another person.

Or was it another persons words coming from you?

Comment from: SamSam8639


Post #266.

Well that does seem to qualify, yep. That would be an 'F.'
Talking to Psychoblues is like ramming your head through the wall. It does nothing and hurts like hell.
can we leave the cock out of it. Personally I love pussy more :lol:

Good point, rsr, and I'm glad you made it. The points mean less than Zero. As a self described liberal I can give pos reps and they mean very little if anything at all on this particular board. The ones here that really deserve the neg reps can clean my reputation (points wise) in one swoop.

I think you would suck a cock for less than a nickle's worth of cocaine, rsr, so your points are less than Zero pos or neg to me.

Does this satisfy the argument?
There are people who talk to and agree with rsr. I am one of them.

However, If i hear you or anyone on this board make a good point, i will give them positive rep points, whether your a liberal or a conservative. I make it a point not to be completely partisan lol, and its sad when i say my friends fighting with each other, rsr, with superlative, or anyone.

If you look at my rep points - alot of people talk to me and agree with me

I understand what appeasement means - just look at what the left is saying and demanding
rsr, I wish you would use less op eds, and just stick to honest debate, but I think he brings up good points in those op eds. He is passionate just like everyone else on this board. Cut him a bit of slack...
rsr. Please tone it down with the generalities. I want you to speak more from your heart, instead of just liberal bashing.

This board could use a little more specifics instead of just liberals bad, conservatives bad.

Rsr, try and be nicer, I want you to stop trying to piss people off. I love ya, like a bro, your a good friend of mine. But it doesnt help, when you enjoy pissing people off, even if you think they deserve it. Provocation is not the answer.
Give your heart to rsr and your hat to me.

rsr. Please tone it down with the generalities. I want you to speak more from your heart, instead of just liberal bashing.

This board could use a little more specifics instead of just liberals bad, conservatives bad.

Rsr, try and be nicer, I want you to stop trying to piss people off. I love ya, like a bro, your a good friend of mine. But it doesnt help, when you enjoy pissing people off, even if you think they deserve it. Provocation is not the answer.

I'll be wearing your hat tomorrow and rsr will have already gobbled up your heart.
Can't think of a thing, can you, cannibal?

Translation - being an angry lib I can't counter your facts - so it is back to the personal attacks

When I attack you personally, and that is not likely, you will know it for sure. My comments reflect only what I know of you and your twisted thoughts as expressed on this board.
Can't think of a thing, can you, cannibal?

When I attack you personally, and that is not likely, you will know it for sure. My comments reflect only what I know of you and your twisted thoughts as expressed on this board.

Libs do a problem dealing with facts

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