The white supremacist version of Islamic Jihad


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Well you could figure that was going to happen sooner or later...


The white supremacist version of Islamic Jihad.
June 26, 2017

Dawn Perlmutter

White Jihad is the white supremacist version of Islamic Jihad. The concept of White Jihad seems to have originated with the British Neo-Nazi group National Action. In February 2016 they released a recruitment video titled ‘Inside The White Jihad’ and their website had called on British youth to launch a 'White Jihad' instead of wallowing "in their own nihilism". National Action, a designated terrorist organization by the British government, reportedly has its own internal internet forum, regularly uses the Dark Web and operated up to eight Twitter accounts calling for white jihad.

For Islamic terrorists Jihad means holy war. It specifically refers to the continuation of the Muslim conquests, Islamic military invasions beginning in 632, to subjugate the world under the rule of Islam. On social media white Jihad appears to refer to a continuation of the Crusades, a series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims that began in 1095, in response to Pope Urban II’s plea to recover the Holy Land from Islamic rule. Islamic Jihadists continue to identify themselves as Mujahideen, Holy Warriors and Soldiers of Allah. White supremacists have adopted the symbolism, language and the just war doctrine of the crusades.

Both white jihadists and Islamic jihadists characterize the increasing widespread incidents of Islamic terrorism as the final crusade in the long history of the crusades. Their battle cries reflect this. Allahu Akbar, Arabic for ‘Allah is Greater’, also known as the Takbir, signifies the supremacy of Islam over other religions, political ideologies and governments. The first use of the Takbir as a war cry is attributed to the Prophet Muhammad in the Battle of Badr on March 13th, 624 A.D. For centuries, it has been the traditional battle cry of Muslim jihadists as a method to strike fear in the hearts of non-believers and the enemies of Allah. It is often heard before or during Islamic terrorist attacks.


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