The Us President - Pull Out Of Pakistan


May 7, 2008
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Mr. Derek Sowrirajan
The US President
White House
Washington DC


The US Army

SUB: kindly pull out of Pakistan,

Dear US Army

It was not a good information for me, that US Army infringed Pakistan with out The Presidents approval. Previously I had given permission to any inland deployment with procedure for obtaining security keys from person whom I’ve appointed, but I told you I am holding key for any more foreign deployment. That is you need my permission for Pakistani deployment, which I am denying so please pull out of Pakistan immediately.

So for we had good relation with Pakistan, even they gave US Soldiers chicken briyani as treat after bio weapon unplugging operation (Joint Indo – US –Pakistan Operation). Fight against terror in my meaning I see it “DEFENDING US” rather than running behind talibans tail, if we hit them in Pakistan what is the surety they would not hit us in US. if Pakistan feels it can handle Taliban infringement let it continue, we can render helpful hands if one asks for it. France according to intelligence has got terrorist head quarters but they never got a single terrorist attack. so I want to handle things like france. Due to my operational constraint I believe the next US president will appoint NATO forces in rebuilding afghan and iraq, and pull out US troops.



Derek Sowrirajan

The US President
Yeah, heard that the US is sending in clandestine operatives to ferret out Al Qada in Pakistan.

Sad that we have to do these OPS clandestinely, isn't it?

Still one can't exactly blame the President of Pakistan for demanding that we cease either.

Can you imagine if some foreign forces were clandestinely send onto American soil to track down terrorists without our nation's permission?

What do you think the American people would think of our POTUS if he didn't demand such operations ceased?

Do you think perhaps his popularity might plummet somewhat?

How about if during these clandestine OPS by foreign forces, American civilians were killed by accident?
Yeah, heard that the US is sending in clandestine operatives to ferret out Al Qada in Pakistan.

Sad that we have to do these OPS clandestinely, isn't it?

Still one can't exactly blame the President of Pakistan for demanding that we cease either.

Can you imagine if some foreign forces were clandestinely send onto American soil to track down terrorists without our nation's permission?

What do you think the American people would think of our POTUS if he didn't demand such operations ceased?

Do you think perhaps his popularity might plummet somewhat?

How about if during these clandestine OPS by foreign forces, American civilians were killed by accident?

Get back to me when we have large areas of the Country under Terrorist Control where US Forces neither go nor the Government has any control. Ohh and when those areas launch attacks into other countries and flee back into the US for protection. Then we can have this discussion.

But hey Thanks for playing.
Yeah, heard that the US is sending in clandestine operatives to ferret out Al Qada in Pakistan.

Sad that we have to do these OPS clandestinely, isn't it?

Still one can't exactly blame the President of Pakistan for demanding that we cease either.

Can you imagine if some foreign forces were clandestinely send onto American soil to track down terrorists without our nation's permission?

What do you think the American people would think of our POTUS if he didn't demand such operations ceased?

Do you think perhaps his popularity might plummet somewhat?

How about if during these clandestine OPS by foreign forces, American civilians were killed by accident?

Oh you must mean like the Mexican paramilitary crossing our border helping the cartels and running back across the border...............or maybe it was that group of Mexican soilders that at gunpoint held Border Patrol agents on US soil.

No maybe it's the cartels coming into American cities on the border and kidnapping quite a few people and running back across the border.

Mr. Derek Sowrirajan
The US President
White House
Washington DC


The US Army

SUB: kindly pull out of Pakistan,

Dear US Army

It was not a good information for me, that US Army infringed Pakistan with out The Presidents approval. Previously I had given permission to any inland deployment with procedure for obtaining security keys from person whom I’ve appointed, but I told you I am holding key for any more foreign deployment. That is you need my permission for Pakistani deployment, which I am denying so please pull out of Pakistan immediately.

So for we had good relation with Pakistan, even they gave US Soldiers chicken briyani as treat after bio weapon unplugging operation (Joint Indo – US –Pakistan Operation). Fight against terror in my meaning I see it “DEFENDING US” rather than running behind talibans tail, if we hit them in Pakistan what is the surety they would not hit us in US. if Pakistan feels it can handle Taliban infringement let it continue, we can render helpful hands if one asks for it. France according to intelligence has got terrorist head quarters but they never got a single terrorist attack. so I want to handle things like france. Due to my operational constraint I believe the next US president will appoint NATO forces in rebuilding afghan and iraq, and pull out US troops.



Derek Sowrirajan

The US President

Uh, why are you refering to yourself as the US President.
France according to intelligence has got terrorist head quarters but they never got a single terrorist attack. so I want to handle things like france. Due to my operational constraint I believe the next US president will appoint NATO forces in rebuilding afghan and iraq, and pull out US troops.

Yeah, the French have handled such matters so well in the past. Also, who do you think would make up the bulk of this "NATO" force taht you speak of?
Yeah, the French have handled such matters so well in the past. Also, who do you think would make up the bulk of this "NATO" force taht you speak of?

Is France even a member of NATO still (I mean an actual member)?

Well if they put in a NATO or a UN force, we all know that there is no way in hell that the US would make up the majority of the forces. After all the US is hated by the world for being America.............yep as usual the US would make up the bulk of any mutinational force.

Oh and to DEREK....................Iraq had International support also. Just like it does today. Same with Afghanistan. Frankly I give a damn what the rest of the world thinks about America. We have always been an Independent country and we always will be.
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