‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’ – China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’
China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil
'The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength' - China's Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden's Team on American Soil (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
19 Mar 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Biden’s team was humiliated by China’s envoy on the world stage – on American soil.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security adviser Jake Sullivan met with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi in Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday.
Blinken’s meeting with China’s top diplomat quickly went south on Thursday evening.
Each delegation had two minutes for opening statements by each principal.
Blinken opened the conversation with a public rebuke of China’s cyberattacks and aggression in the region.
“We will … discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies,” Blinken said in a public rebuke, according to Reuters.

“Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability,” Blinken said.
China’s delegation violated the two-minute protocol and went on a 20-minute tirade, lecturing Blinken and Sullivan.
In talking points that mirror the Democrat party, the Chinese diplomat blasted the US for ‘poor treatment of blacks’ and told Blinken the US should handle its own affairs and China its own.
Then Yang dropped this gem:
“The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Yang said right to Blinken’s face.
Blinken and Sullivan sat there like a couple of stunned amateurs and took the lashing.

The leadership of China know full well that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left stole the election. Our current illegitimate government also knows that the Chicom's have a boatload of dirt on Chyba Joey Xi and are using their power to deride and kow Blinken and Sullivan.
Even North Korea's Kim Jung Un told Joey Xi they refuse to talk and said if you like to sleep at night leave us alone but they would not say that to trump they know Biden is a joke at best and very stupid and a puppet so let’s stop his madness in 2022 by taking the house make him a lame duck for 2years
‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’
China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil
'The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength' - China's Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden's Team on American Soil (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
19 Mar 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Biden’s team was humiliated by China’s envoy on the world stage – on American soil.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security adviser Jake Sullivan met with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi in Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday.
Blinken’s meeting with China’s top diplomat quickly went south on Thursday evening.
Each delegation had two minutes for opening statements by each principal.
Blinken opened the conversation with a public rebuke of China’s cyberattacks and aggression in the region.
“We will … discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies,” Blinken said in a public rebuke, according to Reuters.

“Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability,” Blinken said.
China’s delegation violated the two-minute protocol and went on a 20-minute tirade, lecturing Blinken and Sullivan.
In talking points that mirror the Democrat party, the Chinese diplomat blasted the US for ‘poor treatment of blacks’ and told Blinken the US should handle its own affairs and China its own.
Then Yang dropped this gem:
“The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Yang said right to Blinken’s face.
Blinken and Sullivan sat there like a couple of stunned amateurs and took the lashing.

The leadership of China know full well that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left stole the election. Our current illegitimate government also knows that the Chicom's have a boatload of dirt on Chyba Joey Xi and are using their power to deride and kow Blinken and Sullivan.
Even North Korea's Kim Jung Un told Joey Xi they refuse to talk and said if you like to sleep at night leave us alone but they would not say that to trump they know Biden is a joke at best and very stupid and a puppet so let’s stop his madness in 2022 by taking the house make him a lame duck for 2years

I agree with you as far as this weak administration goes. They are no match for communist China, but Trump was, even though they have big economic advantages. So as long as we are playing the scrubs, we should expect to get our asses kicked by Red China.
‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’
China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil
'The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength' - China's Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden's Team on American Soil (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
19 Mar 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Biden’s team was humiliated by China’s envoy on the world stage – on American soil.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security adviser Jake Sullivan met with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi in Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday.
Blinken’s meeting with China’s top diplomat quickly went south on Thursday evening.
Each delegation had two minutes for opening statements by each principal.
Blinken opened the conversation with a public rebuke of China’s cyberattacks and aggression in the region.
“We will … discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies,” Blinken said in a public rebuke, according to Reuters.

“Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability,” Blinken said.
China’s delegation violated the two-minute protocol and went on a 20-minute tirade, lecturing Blinken and Sullivan.
In talking points that mirror the Democrat party, the Chinese diplomat blasted the US for ‘poor treatment of blacks’ and told Blinken the US should handle its own affairs and China its own.
Then Yang dropped this gem:
“The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Yang said right to Blinken’s face.
Blinken and Sullivan sat there like a couple of stunned amateurs and took the lashing.

The leadership of China know full well that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left stole the election. Our current illegitimate government also knows that the Chicom's have a boatload of dirt on Chyba Joey Xi and are using their power to deride and kow Blinken and Sullivan.
Even North Korea's Kim Jung Un told Joey Xi they refuse to talk and said if you like to sleep at night leave us alone but they would not say that to trump they know Biden is a joke at best and very stupid and a puppet so let’s stop his madness in 2022 by taking the house make him a lame duck for 2years

The Chinese government lies as much as American conservatives – which makes sense given how dishonest both are, and how like China American conservatives are authoritarian, totalitarian, and anti-democratic.
We have been China's bitch far longer than Biden has been president. Despite all of Trump's antics he did not change the trajectory of US China relations even a little bit. The last chance we ever had to dictate terms to them is long gone. At least the "job creators" got something out of all that wonderful "free trade" republicans are inexplicably blaming on democrats these days. The God of "free trade" was Ronald Reagan, take it up with him.
Blinken and his team have to keep on the pressure, call them out more publicly, directly and with confidence. I heard some of this 20 min. tirade from China (he is supposed to use 2 min.) and he suggested that "China would support peace in our own way". Yeah, F off pal.

A politician can say: "We have stood up for liberty and democracy everywhere. The rights of men and women, not just demand eternal obedience to a Party. Exactly what has China done to contribute to world peace? You are a pariah on the world, looking to exploit for personal benefit".

He might soften the last sentence. However, the idea should be similar. It is far better to deal with China using words than having a direct global conflict. That conflict is in Chinas plans, now that they are powerful and driven.

It's so clear that they are even trying to prevent citizens from sending U.S currency outside the nation. They need this currency for many reasons, including bribing and buying foreign governments. Often through "loans and assistance".
‘The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength’
China’s Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden’s Team on American Soil
'The US Does Not Have the Qualification to Speak to China From a Position of Strength' - China's Top Diplomat Humiliates Biden's Team on American Soil (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
19 Mar 2021 ~~ By Cristina Laila

Biden’s team was humiliated by China’s envoy on the world stage – on American soil.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security adviser Jake Sullivan met with China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi and State Councilor Wang Yi in Anchorage, Alaska on Thursday.
Blinken’s meeting with China’s top diplomat quickly went south on Thursday evening.
Each delegation had two minutes for opening statements by each principal.
Blinken opened the conversation with a public rebuke of China’s cyberattacks and aggression in the region.
“We will … discuss our deep concerns with actions by China, including in Xinjiang, Hong Kong, Taiwan, cyber attacks on the United States, economic coercion of our allies,” Blinken said in a public rebuke, according to Reuters.

“Each of these actions threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability,” Blinken said.
China’s delegation violated the two-minute protocol and went on a 20-minute tirade, lecturing Blinken and Sullivan.
In talking points that mirror the Democrat party, the Chinese diplomat blasted the US for ‘poor treatment of blacks’ and told Blinken the US should handle its own affairs and China its own.
Then Yang dropped this gem:
“The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” Yang said right to Blinken’s face.
Blinken and Sullivan sat there like a couple of stunned amateurs and took the lashing.

The leadership of China know full well that Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left stole the election. Our current illegitimate government also knows that the Chicom's have a boatload of dirt on Chyba Joey Xi and are using their power to deride and kow Blinken and Sullivan.
Even North Korea's Kim Jung Un told Joey Xi they refuse to talk and said if you like to sleep at night leave us alone but they would not say that to trump they know Biden is a joke at best and very stupid and a puppet so let’s stop his madness in 2022 by taking the house make him a lame duck for 2years

You pro-Chinese would bitch about Biden because well, you're pro-Chinese.
Blinken is getting slapped around
Only in the minds of treasonous trumpkins

I wish you'd add topic for once

Blinken and Biden are in waaaay over their heads. No respect and China is telling them to fck off
You and your treasonous trumpkins don’t state any facts. Nothing I say will educate you.

what you wish is that the garbage you spread were true
Trump tried to bring manufacturing back here And to do it will require some pain. American do not like pain. The fact is with our trade with China, we are funding our own demise. So we are like a dope addict. A junkie addicted to cheap products that mask our real deficiencies and real costs. China and Russia and some other nations are not the middle east nations we go to war with. They are more advanced and more well rounded in their militaries. We also are weakening our military with the feminization of it. This is not anti women in the military. It is the lowering of standards to the point that many parts of ground forces can get their asses handed to them in ground battles just to start. I believe that men in the military will try to get with companies and battalions that have good reputations in the future for improved survival chances. Consequently even weakening others more so.
The Chinese government lies as much as American conservatives – which makes sense given how dishonest both are, and how like China American conservatives are authoritarian, totalitarian, and anti-democratic.
You... Don't see the current ruling party as "authoritarian, totalitarian, and anti-democratic?

We can argue about the anti-democratic... I really wouldn't want to if I was absolutely honest. But the other two???

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