The Trump Presidency: An Autopsy (an Op-ed)


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
(**This thread is intended for Trump supporters. Trump bashers and haters are wasting their time here.)

(Edit: I wrote this so . . . no link.)

I began the Trump presidency skeptical, even humored, at the meteoric political rise of a television reality show personality notorious for its over-the-top garishness. I despised Trump's TV character and its behavior, truth be told. Very quickly, however, I came to see the direction Trump was headed in. He overnight became the champion of the average working class American. Somehow, despite his silver spoon birth, Trump seemed to meld with the plight of the little man. In many respects he reminded me of Reagan, with a few shades of U.S. Grant mixed in there somewhere, all wrapped up in a John Wayne-esque swagger. Crowds of Americans either fell in love with his brashness or instantly hated him for it. If nothing else, Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.

Donald Trump further won me over me, one might call it, with his overt verbal support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement. What ended up cementing my faith in the man were his courageous meetings with reclusive, dangerous dictators in the name of peace and his efforts to prevent new American wars and perhaps most of all, his personal war on child trafficking and child pornography. The man seemed to actually care about the American nuclear family and children.

For some time, much like many of my fellow Americans, I was riding high on the Trump presidency, and the man's hits just seemed to keep on coming. He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever. He continued to promote the basic individual rights and freedoms of American citizens. He stood with Christians and the pro-life movement, and he pushed harder than any other President in my lifetime to make peace in many historically war torn regions around the globe.

A second Trump term seemed like a no-brainer.

However, the more I think about the lone four year time period of Donald Trump's presidency, the more I realize that even though this supposedly greatest POTUS in history was reigning over our America, many, many new forms of evil arose and spread across every facet of American life.

During Donald Trump's presidency Critical Race Theory invaded almost every level of America's professional workplaces and public education services. From private corporate America to all branches of the military and in most all American universities, hard working, serving and learning Americans were force-fed brainwashed with the weaponized ideologies of Critical Race Theory, religious level tenets of Political Correctness, and Derrida's finest strain of postmodernist radical leftist philosophies straight out of the Frankfurt School and 1970's Paris university campuses. On Donald Trump's watch millions of American minds were reprogrammed to despise the color of their skin and the history of their nation. How was this possible?

Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government. Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers who pretended to identify as biologically unique. A full frontal assault was launched against Christianity in all forms, United States patriotism and history; the nuclear family and Caucasian pride and culture in every form. Indeed, the majority of American people, who are "white", were by and large led to believe they were somehow inferior or guilty of historical genocide, simply for being proud to be American.

Perhaps most heinous of all of Trump's "mistakes" was his months and months of inaction against violent mobs of domestic terrorists who night after night for hundreds of nights burned, looted, pillaged, murdered and assaulted their way through American cities coast to coast. For much of that time Trump seemed more concerned about a single federal courthouse than the lives or well being of a single innocent bystander American Citizen. In the end, BLM and Antifa and NFAC, terrorists all, were permitted to have their way with the American people and their property. A final bloody insult? Most of these terrorists were set free, their crimes against American Citizens never to be avenged.

And lastly, Donald Trump empowered all United States governors with endless federal funds, receivable only if they agreed to enact draconian and authoritarian lockdowns from sea to shining sea, all in the name of a virus with a 99% survival rate. Trump himself supposedly came down with the China Flu and miraculously, ridiculously was over it in just a few days. Because of Trump's promise of federal money in return for implementation of drastic lockdown measures and mask mandates more than 100,000 American small businesses died in silence. Millions of Americans forever lost their jobs. Countless American families found themselves unable to put food on the table or pay rent/their mortgage or both.

All of the above went down on Donald Trump's four year watch.

Imagine that.

You know, end of the day, I sorta-kind of "get" the almost religious adoration of Donald Trump, which persists even to this moment, post his presidency. We all thought he was THE ONE. But here's the thing I don't get, can't stomach. Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right". Tens of millions of his supporters, including myself, also believed the election was stolen and our voices silenced. Makes no sense then that even after Trump walked away from the White House, without a real fight, and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history, that even after all of that, so many of you, of my fellow Americans, still bloody worship him.

Donald Trump had to have known, again—beyond any doubt—what his so-called beloved American People would be in for IF Biden's theft of the 2020 election was allowed to STAND. And yet, my fellow Trump supporters, he walked away anyway, bragging all the while about his endless "great" achievements. So where does that leave us, now that our orange "savior" has pissed off into that oh so heroic southern sunset?

Right fucked, I'd say.

So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?
(**This thread is posted in an open, general forum that all members are at liberty to subscribe to.)

“He overnight became the champion of the average working class American.”

Actually not.

He became the champion of white voters with an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion – the bane that is white grievance politics.

“Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.”

Trump worked to divide the American people.

“…support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement.”

‘American sovereignty’ was never at issue.

And Trump’s opponents – the great majority of whom are Christian – were just as patriotic, just as supportive of the American nation, and just as pro-life; the wrongheaded notion that Trump and his supporters were somehow ‘better’ Americans than his opponents is further proof of Trump’s desire to divide the American people.

“He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever.”

No, he implemented a hateful, bigoted policy intended to wrongfully disadvantage immigrants for no other reason than being Muslim.

“Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government.”


There’s nothing ‘radical’ about following the Constitution; there’s nothing ‘sadistic’ about protecting and defending the privacy rights of women and the due process rights of gay and transgender Americans.

“Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers…”

This is a lie, nothing but hateful bigotry.

‘Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right".’

A misguided faith in a man who boldly, publicly, and on national media proclaimed, without a shred of evidence, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically ‘fraudulent,’ and that he would never stop fighting to overturn a fair and lawful election in utter contempt for the will of the American people.

“…and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history…”

This is a lie – as ridiculous as it is untrue.

The American people elected the incoming Administration, reflecting the will of the people.

“So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?”

Trump’s supporters are the true representatives of what Trump was – their fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate as expressed in the OP are likewise the characteristics of Trump.

Trump supporters’ contempt for facts and the truth, their eagerness to lie, mislead, and spread baseless conspiracy theories is the epitome of Trumpism.

One’s final impression of the failed Trump presidency is that not only was Trump unfit to be president, but he was comprehensively wrong on the issues; he had no understanding of, or regard for, the law, the Constitution, our democratic institutions, sound governance, responsible public policy, or the will of the people.

Trump was a dreadful mistake; a mistake the American people must never again make.
(**This thread is intended for Trump supporters. Trump bashers and haters are wasting their time here.)

(Edit: I wrote this so . . . no link.)

I began the Trump presidency skeptical, even humored, at the meteoric political rise of a television reality show personality notorious for its over-the-top garishness. I despised Trump's TV character and its behavior, truth be told. Very quickly, however, I came to see the direction Trump was headed in. He overnight became the champion of the average working class American. Somehow, despite his silver spoon birth, Trump seemed to meld with the plight of the little man. In many respects he reminded me of Reagan, with a few shades of U.S. Grant mixed in there somewhere, all wrapped up in a John Wayne-esque swagger. Crowds of Americans either fell in love with his brashness or instantly hated him for it. If nothing else, Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.

Donald Trump further won me over me, one might call it, with his overt verbal support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement. What ended up cementing my faith in the man were his courageous meetings with reclusive, dangerous dictators in the name of peace and his efforts to prevent new American wars and perhaps most of all, his personal war on child trafficking and child pornography. The man seemed to actually care about the American nuclear family and children.

For some time, much like many of my fellow Americans, I was riding high on the Trump presidency, and the man's hits just seemed to keep on coming. He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever. He continued to promote the basic individual rights and freedoms of American citizens. He stood with Christians and the pro-life movement, and he pushed harder than any other President in my lifetime to make peace in many historically war torn regions around the globe.

A second Trump term seemed like a no-brainer.

However, the more I think about the lone four year time period of Donald Trump's presidency, the more I realize that even though this supposedly greatest POTUS in history was reigning over our America, many, many new forms of evil arose and spread across every facet of American life.

During Donald Trump's presidency Critical Race Theory invaded almost every level of America's professional workplaces and public education services. From private corporate America to all branches of the military and in most all American universities, hard working, serving and learning Americans were force-fed brainwashed with the weaponized ideologies of Critical Race Theory, religious level tenets of Political Correctness, and Derrida's finest strain of postmodernist radical leftist philosophies straight out of the Frankfurt School and 1970's Paris university campuses. On Donald Trump's watch millions of American minds were reprogrammed to despise the color of their skin and the history of their nation. How was this possible?

Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government. Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers who pretended to identify as biologically unique. A full frontal assault was launched against Christianity in all forms, United States patriotism and history; the nuclear family and Caucasian pride and culture in every form. Indeed, the majority of American people, who are "white", were by and large led to believe they were somehow inferior or guilty of historical genocide, simply for being proud to be American.

Perhaps most heinous of all of Trump's "mistakes" was his months and months of inaction against violent mobs of domestic terrorists who night after night for hundreds of nights burned, looted, pillaged, murdered and assaulted their way through American cities coast to coast. For much of that time Trump seemed more concerned about a single federal courthouse than the lives or well being of a single innocent bystander American Citizen. In the end, BLM and Antifa and NFAC, terrorists all, were permitted to have their way with the American people and their property. A final bloody insult? Most of these terrorists were set free, their crimes against American Citizens never to be avenged.

And lastly, Donald Trump empowered all United States governors with endless federal funds, receivable only if they agreed to enact draconian and authoritarian lockdowns from sea to shining sea, all in the name of a virus with a 99% survival rate. Trump himself supposedly came down with the China Flu and miraculously, ridiculously was over it in just a few days. Because of Trump's promise of federal money in return for implementation of drastic lockdown measures and mask mandates more than 100,000 American small businesses died in silence. Millions of Americans forever lost their jobs. Countless American families found themselves unable to put food on the table or pay rent/their mortgage or both.

All of the above went down on Donald Trump's four year watch.

Imagine that.

You know, end of the day, I sorta-kind of "get" the almost religious adoration of Donald Trump, which persists even to this moment, post his presidency. We all thought he was THE ONE. But here's the thing I don't get, can't stomach. Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right". Tens of millions of his supporters, including myself, also believed the election was stolen and our voices silenced. Makes no sense then that even after Trump walked away from the White House, without a real fight, and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history, that even after all of that, so many of you, of my fellow Americans, still bloody worship him.

Donald Trump had to have known, again—beyond any doubt—what his so-called beloved American People would be in for IF Biden's theft of the 2020 election was allowed to STAND. And yet, my fellow Trump supporters, he walked away anyway, bragging all the while about his endless "great" achievements. So where does that leave us, now that our orange "savior" has pissed off into that oh so heroic southern sunset?

Right fucked, I'd say.

So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?


"Too long, didn't read -- I'm going with post 2 which says all that needs to be said"
(**This thread is intended for Trump supporters. Trump bashers and haters are wasting their time here.)

(Edit: I wrote this so . . . no link.)

I began the Trump presidency skeptical, even humored, at the meteoric political rise of a television reality show personality notorious for its over-the-top garishness. I despised Trump's TV character and its behavior, truth be told. Very quickly, however, I came to see the direction Trump was headed in. He overnight became the champion of the average working class American. Somehow, despite his silver spoon birth, Trump seemed to meld with the plight of the little man. In many respects he reminded me of Reagan, with a few shades of U.S. Grant mixed in there somewhere, all wrapped up in a John Wayne-esque swagger. Crowds of Americans either fell in love with his brashness or instantly hated him for it. If nothing else, Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.

Donald Trump further won me over me, one might call it, with his overt verbal support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement. What ended up cementing my faith in the man were his courageous meetings with reclusive, dangerous dictators in the name of peace and his efforts to prevent new American wars and perhaps most of all, his personal war on child trafficking and child pornography. The man seemed to actually care about the American nuclear family and children.

For some time, much like many of my fellow Americans, I was riding high on the Trump presidency, and the man's hits just seemed to keep on coming. He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever. He continued to promote the basic individual rights and freedoms of American citizens. He stood with Christians and the pro-life movement, and he pushed harder than any other President in my lifetime to make peace in many historically war torn regions around the globe.

A second Trump term seemed like a no-brainer.

However, the more I think about the lone four year time period of Donald Trump's presidency, the more I realize that even though this supposedly greatest POTUS in history was reigning over our America, many, many new forms of evil arose and spread across every facet of American life.

During Donald Trump's presidency Critical Race Theory invaded almost every level of America's professional workplaces and public education services. From private corporate America to all branches of the military and in most all American universities, hard working, serving and learning Americans were force-fed brainwashed with the weaponized ideologies of Critical Race Theory, religious level tenets of Political Correctness, and Derrida's finest strain of postmodernist radical leftist philosophies straight out of the Frankfurt School and 1970's Paris university campuses. On Donald Trump's watch millions of American minds were reprogrammed to despise the color of their skin and the history of their nation. How was this possible?

Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government. Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers who pretended to identify as biologically unique. A full frontal assault was launched against Christianity in all forms, United States patriotism and history; the nuclear family and Caucasian pride and culture in every form. Indeed, the majority of American people, who are "white", were by and large led to believe they were somehow inferior or guilty of historical genocide, simply for being proud to be American.

Perhaps most heinous of all of Trump's "mistakes" was his months and months of inaction against violent mobs of domestic terrorists who night after night for hundreds of nights burned, looted, pillaged, murdered and assaulted their way through American cities coast to coast. For much of that time Trump seemed more concerned about a single federal courthouse than the lives or well being of a single innocent bystander American Citizen. In the end, BLM and Antifa and NFAC, terrorists all, were permitted to have their way with the American people and their property. A final bloody insult? Most of these terrorists were set free, their crimes against American Citizens never to be avenged.

And lastly, Donald Trump empowered all United States governors with endless federal funds, receivable only if they agreed to enact draconian and authoritarian lockdowns from sea to shining sea, all in the name of a virus with a 99% survival rate. Trump himself supposedly came down with the China Flu and miraculously, ridiculously was over it in just a few days. Because of Trump's promise of federal money in return for implementation of drastic lockdown measures and mask mandates more than 100,000 American small businesses died in silence. Millions of Americans forever lost their jobs. Countless American families found themselves unable to put food on the table or pay rent/their mortgage or both.

All of the above went down on Donald Trump's four year watch.

Imagine that.

You know, end of the day, I sorta-kind of "get" the almost religious adoration of Donald Trump, which persists even to this moment, post his presidency. We all thought he was THE ONE. But here's the thing I don't get, can't stomach. Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right". Tens of millions of his supporters, including myself, also believed the election was stolen and our voices silenced. Makes no sense then that even after Trump walked away from the White House, without a real fight, and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history, that even after all of that, so many of you, of my fellow Americans, still bloody worship him.

Donald Trump had to have known, again—beyond any doubt—what his so-called beloved American People would be in for IF Biden's theft of the 2020 election was allowed to STAND. And yet, my fellow Trump supporters, he walked away anyway, bragging all the while about his endless "great" achievements. So where does that leave us, now that our orange "savior" has pissed off into that oh so heroic southern sunset?

Right fucked, I'd say.

So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?

He put America first.... something left turds despised.

He was brash, annoyed me at times but cared about America.

Now we have a senile pedo.... God help us
In many respects he reminded me of Reagan, with a few shades of U.S. Grant mixed in there somewhere

Ah, you mean the corruption.
More than "shades". He made Grant, Harding and Nixon combined, look like a Boy Scout.

all wrapped up in a John Wayne-esque swagger

This is supposed to be a GOOD thing? :wtf:

If nothing else, Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.

Doesn't THAT speaks volumes. Your goal is "to piss people off". How constructive.

Donald Trump had to have known, again—beyond any doubt—what his so-called beloved American People would be in for IF Biden's theft of the 2020 election was allowed to STAND.

No such "theft" was "allowed to stand", for no such "theft" EVER EXISTED.

Prove it does.

Didn't think so.
Yea get ready folks

We're going to be assaulted with the

"Well I never liked really him" Republicans.

Trump was besieged by the Yellow Press, the Hollywood Hate Machine, Left Wing Corporate Cronies and the Corrupt Democrat Party's dirty tactics.
Obama illegally spied on the Trump campaign, and has gotten away with it.
Hillary paid for the fraudulent Steele Dossier and destroyed evidence and has got away with it.
Schiff had two moles inside the Trump administration that he used to spread fake news to the Press, and has gotten away with it.
Then they used the fraudulent Russian Collusion Conspiracy to smear him and tear our country apart.
Then they impeached him for just asking a question about Joe Biden's blackmailing the Ukrainians to stop their investigation into Hunter's crimes.
Then they used mass voter fraud to steal the election.
Then they started censoring people for their political opinions.
Now they are trying to impeach him for a faux insurrection.
Now they are branding the GOP as dangerous extremist.
The Democrat Party is dirtier than the bottom of the sewer.
They are a threat to our democracy and freedoms.
The Dems are the real problem, not Trump.
Trump had very effective policies that benefited Americans.
When hate wins, everyone is going to suffer.
(**This thread is posted in an open, general forum that all members are at liberty to subscribe to.)

“He overnight became the champion of the average working class American.”

Actually not.

He became the champion of white voters with an unwarranted fear of change, diversity, and inclusion – the bane that is white grievance politics.

“Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.”

Trump worked to divide the American people.

“…support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement.”

‘American sovereignty’ was never at issue.

And Trump’s opponents – the great majority of whom are Christian – were just as patriotic, just as supportive of the American nation, and just as pro-life; the wrongheaded notion that Trump and his supporters were somehow ‘better’ Americans than his opponents is further proof of Trump’s desire to divide the American people.

“He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever.”

No, he implemented a hateful, bigoted policy intended to wrongfully disadvantage immigrants for no other reason than being Muslim.

“Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government.”


There’s nothing ‘radical’ about following the Constitution; there’s nothing ‘sadistic’ about protecting and defending the privacy rights of women and the due process rights of gay and transgender Americans.

“Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers…”

This is a lie, nothing but hateful bigotry.

‘Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right".’

A misguided faith in a man who boldly, publicly, and on national media proclaimed, without a shred of evidence, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically ‘fraudulent,’ and that he would never stop fighting to overturn a fair and lawful election in utter contempt for the will of the American people.

“…and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history…”

This is a lie – as ridiculous as it is untrue.

The American people elected the incoming Administration, reflecting the will of the people.

“So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?”

Trump’s supporters are the true representatives of what Trump was – their fear, ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate as expressed in the OP are likewise the characteristics of Trump.

Trump supporters’ contempt for facts and the truth, their eagerness to lie, mislead, and spread baseless conspiracy theories is the epitome of Trumpism.

One’s final impression of the failed Trump presidency is that not only was Trump unfit to be president, but he was comprehensively wrong on the issues; he had no understanding of, or regard for, the law, the Constitution, our democratic institutions, sound governance, responsible public policy, or the will of the people.

Trump was a dreadful mistake; a mistake the American people must never again make.
Only you could equate freedom from government overreach as racism. Congrats.
(**This thread is intended for Trump supporters. Trump bashers and haters are wasting their time here.)

(Edit: I wrote this so . . . no link.)

I began the Trump presidency skeptical, even humored, at the meteoric political rise of a television reality show personality notorious for its over-the-top garishness. I despised Trump's TV character and its behavior, truth be told. Very quickly, however, I came to see the direction Trump was headed in. He overnight became the champion of the average working class American. Somehow, despite his silver spoon birth, Trump seemed to meld with the plight of the little man. In many respects he reminded me of Reagan, with a few shades of U.S. Grant mixed in there somewhere, all wrapped up in a John Wayne-esque swagger. Crowds of Americans either fell in love with his brashness or instantly hated him for it. If nothing else, Trump pissed off all the right people—which is what began to win me over.

Donald Trump further won me over me, one might call it, with his overt verbal support of American sovereignty, Nationalism, Deep patriotism, Christianity and the pro-life movement. What ended up cementing my faith in the man were his courageous meetings with reclusive, dangerous dictators in the name of peace and his efforts to prevent new American wars and perhaps most of all, his personal war on child trafficking and child pornography. The man seemed to actually care about the American nuclear family and children.

For some time, much like many of my fellow Americans, I was riding high on the Trump presidency, and the man's hits just seemed to keep on coming. He turned back the black tides of weaponized human wave immigration that had already changed most European nations forever. He continued to promote the basic individual rights and freedoms of American citizens. He stood with Christians and the pro-life movement, and he pushed harder than any other President in my lifetime to make peace in many historically war torn regions around the globe.

A second Trump term seemed like a no-brainer.

However, the more I think about the lone four year time period of Donald Trump's presidency, the more I realize that even though this supposedly greatest POTUS in history was reigning over our America, many, many new forms of evil arose and spread across every facet of American life.

During Donald Trump's presidency Critical Race Theory invaded almost every level of America's professional workplaces and public education services. From private corporate America to all branches of the military and in most all American universities, hard working, serving and learning Americans were force-fed brainwashed with the weaponized ideologies of Critical Race Theory, religious level tenets of Political Correctness, and Derrida's finest strain of postmodernist radical leftist philosophies straight out of the Frankfurt School and 1970's Paris university campuses. On Donald Trump's watch millions of American minds were reprogrammed to despise the color of their skin and the history of their nation. How was this possible?

Also during Trump's four years in office radical, sadistic new pro-abortion and pro-transgender laws and policies were passed and or/ratified at every level of American government. Our children were forced to share restrooms with opposite sex peers who pretended to identify as biologically unique. A full frontal assault was launched against Christianity in all forms, United States patriotism and history; the nuclear family and Caucasian pride and culture in every form. Indeed, the majority of American people, who are "white", were by and large led to believe they were somehow inferior or guilty of historical genocide, simply for being proud to be American.

Perhaps most heinous of all of Trump's "mistakes" was his months and months of inaction against violent mobs of domestic terrorists who night after night for hundreds of nights burned, looted, pillaged, murdered and assaulted their way through American cities coast to coast. For much of that time Trump seemed more concerned about a single federal courthouse than the lives or well being of a single innocent bystander American Citizen. In the end, BLM and Antifa and NFAC, terrorists all, were permitted to have their way with the American people and their property. A final bloody insult? Most of these terrorists were set free, their crimes against American Citizens never to be avenged.

And lastly, Donald Trump empowered all United States governors with endless federal funds, receivable only if they agreed to enact draconian and authoritarian lockdowns from sea to shining sea, all in the name of a virus with a 99% survival rate. Trump himself supposedly came down with the China Flu and miraculously, ridiculously was over it in just a few days. Because of Trump's promise of federal money in return for implementation of drastic lockdown measures and mask mandates more than 100,000 American small businesses died in silence. Millions of Americans forever lost their jobs. Countless American families found themselves unable to put food on the table or pay rent/their mortgage or both.

All of the above went down on Donald Trump's four year watch.

Imagine that.

You know, end of the day, I sorta-kind of "get" the almost religious adoration of Donald Trump, which persists even to this moment, post his presidency. We all thought he was THE ONE. But here's the thing I don't get, can't stomach. Continued faith in a man who boldly, publicly and on national media proclaimed, without any shadow of doubt, that the 2020 presidential election had been systemically fraudulent, and that he would never stop fighting to make it "right". Tens of millions of his supporters, including myself, also believed the election was stolen and our voices silenced. Makes no sense then that even after Trump walked away from the White House, without a real fight, and turned us all over to the most evil incoming presidential administration in our nation's history, that even after all of that, so many of you, of my fellow Americans, still bloody worship him.

Donald Trump had to have known, again—beyond any doubt—what his so-called beloved American People would be in for IF Biden's theft of the 2020 election was allowed to STAND. And yet, my fellow Trump supporters, he walked away anyway, bragging all the while about his endless "great" achievements. So where does that leave us, now that our orange "savior" has pissed off into that oh so heroic southern sunset?

Right fucked, I'd say.

So what is your overall FINAL impression of the Trump presidency?

The worst President in American history, a conman and a grifter, who killed half a million Americans, and bankrupted the country.

You're an utter idiot if you think otherwise.
Relative peace and economic prosperity. That used to be all we expected from an administration. We didn't get it with most of the political icons of the democrat party in the 20th century but it didn't matter since the media could be depended on to be the propaganda arm of the administration. FDR could read a menu and make it sound profound. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself" is perhaps the most inane comment in U.S. history at a time of crisis but FDR got away with it because he was a great orator. We had peace and prosperity under Trump but the left didn't like his style so they decided that a democrat with two brain embolisms under his belt was a better choice.
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