The Trump Effect Is Now Starting To Take Hold.

Vivek and Musk spent the weekend slapping the MAGA base around to protect their cheap foreign indenture servant pipeline. It was ugly. Trump needs to fix the H-1B visa abuse because it is being used to steal tech jobs from Americans.

Simple question. Why are they hiring H-1Bs? They don’t pay them less, in general.
Somebody’s picking the crops. That’s what’s going to cause inflation, when they go.

As mentioned above, able bodied folks on welfare can pick the crops. What is wrong with that? They obviously need a job, but sadly many don’t really want one. They would prefer to make the same money sitting on the coach all day. Who’d have thunk it.
Yep, it looks like it's going to be "Adventures In The Ole HUMILIATION BOOTH" for the fed bureaucrats from what Vivek Ramswamy is telling the news anchor in the vid below. I seen Elon Musk a week or so ago in a crowd of folks in a hallway/corridor & he appeared confident both in attitude & speech. Pres. Trump has really got to come out of his corner after his inauguration like he's been shot out of a cannon, like no screwing the ole poochie! Pres. Trump looked promising @ the START of his first term but appeared to me to quickly end up defending himself against the establishment instead of carrying the fight.

This time around pres. Trump has got to hold the center of the ring like avoid getting trapped on the ropes again. With quality choices like Vivek & Elon not to mention VP Vance, pres. Trump has the crew to take the initiative. While Ramswamy & Musk keep the bureaucrats dancing to their tune pres. Trump SHOULD be wide open to initiate his "Operation Deport" while @ the same time finally securing our borders. Of course the jack in the box are the RINOS which are known to have a reputation of slowing down the parade if not outright shutting down the show. With only a few weeks left until the presidential inauguration we will soon find out if we got a Terminator for a POTUS or a rope a doped Pee Wee Herman.

/----/ As of 10 am this morning, 12/31/2024, there are 482 hours left until America is rescued from the Leftards.
No, it's working perfectly for what it was designed to do.
Guy did analysis and came up with decent findings. Many Indian companies here using the program to fill their jobs at less than market rates, with their own people, most return to India, with another group rotating through.

Program out of control and being abused..........Americans have a tough time gaining employment with the deck stacked.

To start with, this program is MASSIVELY popular with employers. The program has a statutory limit of 85,000 visas per year, but employers routinely receive approval for more than 800k applications per year (868k, or 10x the limit, in 2024).

All the while replacing American workers............ala DEI.

“American businesses rely on the H-1B visa program for the recruitment of highly-skilled talent, benefitting communities across the country,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said.

“These improvements to the program provide employers with greater flexibility to hire global talent, boost our economic competitiveness, and allow highly skilled workers to continue to advance American innovation.”

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What about H2A & B? Those are the ones Trump uses for non-tech jobs on his golf courses.
Agree that Trump needs to honor his word's when it comes to promoting and creating an American 1st Agenda.
Ayup. Markets slumping, consumer confidence plummeting, companies considering layoffs, the tRump effect is here for sure.
If it is found that this so called negative Trump affect is actually being caused intentionally by insiders attempting to undermine the people's will and directives after they elected a leader to put forth the American 1st Agenda, then those Americans should be arrested for planning and implementing a coup against said representative elected who is known or goes by the legal name of Donald J. Trump.

The DOJ should have special instructions concerning investigations into those who seek to defraud and undermine the United States for personal gain or in anguish of over a loss to an American political party that was voted in by a majority.
If it is found that this so called negative Trump affect is actually being caused intentionally by insiders attempting to undermine the people's will and directives after they elected a leader to put forth the American 1st Agenda, then those Americans should be arrested for planning and implementing a coup against said representative elected who is known or goes by the legal name of Donald J. Trump.

The DOJ should have special instructions concerning investigations into those who seek to defraud and undermine the United States for personal gain or in anguish of over a loss to an American political party that was voted in by a majority.

It can't be tRump's fault!

All he's doing is telling people he's gonna crash the economy and the labor markets.

That couldn't possibly have a negative effect on anything.

But while I have your attention let me tell you a little bit about this bridge I have for sale....
I have been involved with government (city to fed) as a soldier, a vendor, a client, etc. for many years.

I think Musk and Vivek are in for a surprise. It will be no walk in the park for the reformers.

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