The Treachery of Gazan Day Laborers


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Treachery of Gazan Day Laborers
The repayment of evil for good.

28 Nov 2023 ~~ By Hugh Fitzgerald

In order to help people in Gaza, where unemployment is high, the Israeli government has in recent years allowed thousands of Gazans to work in Israel as day laborers, where they earn salaries that are three to five times what they can earn in Gaza itself. This past year, the number of Gazans receiving Israeli work permits rose to 20,000; in Judea and Samaria, the number of permits for Palestinians increased to 100,000. What Israel has now discovered is that many of those Gazan workers collected intelligence on Israel and provided it to Hamas. More on this repayment of evil for good can be found here: ā€œThe Gaza laborersā€™ role in the October 7 massacre,ā€ by Rafael Medoff, Israel National News, November 19, 2023.
Now it turns out that the security risk was much greater than anybody imagined.
The Washington Post reported November 12 that the reason the Hamas terrorists were so well versed in the access points, layout, and other aspects of the Israeli towns they invaded is because they had ā€œcompiled information from Gazan day laborers, who were allowed to enter Israel every day to work.ā€ The Post cited as its sources for this fact ā€œintelligence officials from multiple countries.ā€
It was the State Department that urged Israel to free murderers such as Abu-Moussa Atiya as a ā€œconfidence-buildingā€ measure. But whose ā€œconfidenceā€ was being built? Certainly not that of Israel, whose trust in the Gazans had been shaken by the many murders of its own citizens, including that of Isaac Rotenberg. And not the ā€œconfidenceā€ of Gazans, who are always delighted to get back some of their own murderers, but have no more ā€˜confidenceā€ in Israel than they had before, and even if they did, so what? Their ā€œconfidenceā€ would only be in their ability to hornswoggle the Americans into pressuring Israel to free murderers, as they did with Abu Moussa Atiya. The relations between Jihadis and their intended victims have nothing to do with ā€œbuilding confidence.ā€ Neither Hamas, nor any other terrorist group, will be in the least bit more favorably-inclined toward ā€œthe Jews,ā€ no matter how many Arab prisoners the Israelis set free.

Neither Jordan nor Egypt want the Gazans in their countries. In the past , the Palestinians have attempted to overthrow their governments. The Arabs have a very clear understanding of the culture, and mindset, and donā€™t have any desire to allow it in. Very wise of them.
No one seems to look at the deeper reasons for this and any other war. Why is Gaza poor? Why are the poorest nations of the world Muslim? Their social structure attacks fundamental human rights and consequently sets family members at odds with each other. A husband who views his wife as a slave instead of a partner sets her and often his children against him. He looks for companionship outside of the family. How do they hold it together? By hating others more. Envy and hate.
Similarly, In the US, increased crime, rape, prostitution and DUI deaths are among the hidden costs of cheap illegal laborers.
If these workers are allowed back in then the politicians who make that happen need to be held liable for the deaths it will eventually lead to. Every damned one of those workers need to be swept up, interrogated, and if there is evidence that they aided Hamas, they need life long prison sentences.
Give us your erquivalent views of Russians tomorrow.

Love a comedy serial .
Will dress appropriately so that buttons do not pop whilst heaving .

BTW Is your theory based on the Gods having injected different DNA to certain ethnicities ?
The Treachery of Gazan Day Laborers
The repayment of evil for good.

28 Nov 2023 ~~ By Hugh Fitzgerald

In order to help people in Gaza, where unemployment is high, the Israeli government has in recent years allowed thousands of Gazans to work in Israel as day laborers, where they earn salaries that are three to five times what they can earn in Gaza itself. This past year, the number of Gazans receiving Israeli work permits rose to 20,000; in Judea and Samaria, the number of permits for Palestinians increased to 100,000. What Israel has now discovered is that many of those Gazan workers collected intelligence on Israel and provided it to Hamas. More on this repayment of evil for good can be found here: ā€œThe Gaza laborersā€™ role in the October 7 massacre,ā€ by Rafael Medoff, Israel National News, November 19, 2023.
Now it turns out that the security risk was much greater than anybody imagined.
The Washington Post reported November 12 that the reason the Hamas terrorists were so well versed in the access points, layout, and other aspects of the Israeli towns they invaded is because they had ā€œcompiled information from Gazan day laborers, who were allowed to enter Israel every day to work.ā€ The Post cited as its sources for this fact ā€œintelligence officials from multiple countries.ā€
It was the State Department that urged Israel to free murderers such as Abu-Moussa Atiya as a ā€œconfidence-buildingā€ measure. But whose ā€œconfidenceā€ was being built? Certainly not that of Israel, whose trust in the Gazans had been shaken by the many murders of its own citizens, including that of Isaac Rotenberg. And not the ā€œconfidenceā€ of Gazans, who are always delighted to get back some of their own murderers, but have no more ā€˜confidenceā€ in Israel than they had before, and even if they did, so what? Their ā€œconfidenceā€ would only be in their ability to hornswoggle the Americans into pressuring Israel to free murderers, as they did with Abu Moussa Atiya. The relations between Jihadis and their intended victims have nothing to do with ā€œbuilding confidence.ā€ Neither Hamas, nor any other terrorist group, will be in the least bit more favorably-inclined toward ā€œthe Jews,ā€ no matter how many Arab prisoners the Israelis set free.

Neither Jordan nor Egypt want the Gazans in their countries. In the past , the Palestinians have attempted to overthrow their governments. The Arabs have a very clear understanding of the culture, and mindset, and donā€™t have any desire to allow it in. Very wise of them.
No one seems to look at the deeper reasons for this and any other war. Why is Gaza poor? Why are the poorest nations of the world Muslim? Their social structure attacks fundamental human rights and consequently sets family members at odds with each other. A husband who views his wife as a slave instead of a partner sets her and often his children against him. He looks for companionship outside of the family. How do they hold it together? By hating others more. Envy and hate.
Similarly, In the US, increased crime, rape, prostitution and DUI deaths are among the hidden costs of cheap illegal laborers.
Biting the hands that feed them.

You do not have to blindly support the Isaraeli Child Killers , Pasta Jelly .
Mass Assassination Israeli AI programme targets all Freedom Fighters and families , friends and random bystanders .
You do not have to blindly support the Isaraeli Child Killers , Pasta Jelly .
How would you Racists best describe them ?
Absolute bounders ?
Or just , Rotters ?

What will they think of next ?
Old posters will be telling us ,
"it was not like this when we were growing up ."
In the case of Texas or any border state being invaded by foreigners that is true

The migrant crises began recently
You do not have to blindly support the Isaraeli Child Killers , Pasta Jelly .
Mass Assassination Israeli AI programme targets all Freedom Fighters and families , friends and random bystanders .
You do not have to blindly support the Isaraeli Child Killers , Pasta Jelly .

The mullah provided a new talking point for the week?

And still you can't string a coherent sentence.
Neither Jordan nor Egypt want the Gazans in their countries. In the past , the Palestinians have attempted to overthrow their governments. The Arabs have a very clear understanding of the culture, and mindset, and donā€™t have any desire to allow it in. Very wise of them.
No one seems to look at the deeper reasons for this and any other war. Why is Gaza poor? Why are the poorest nations of the world Muslim? Their social structure attacks fundamental human rights and consequently sets family members at odds with each other. A husband who views his wife as a slave instead of a partner sets her and often his children against him. He looks for companionship outside of the family. How do they hold it together? By hating others more. Envy and hate.
Similarly, In the US, increased crime, rape, prostitution and DUI deaths are among the hidden costs of cheap illegal laborers.


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