The Totalitarian American Left


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Totalitarian American Left

The Totalitarian American Left
9 hours ago · The left is becoming more unapologetically totalitarian every day. Every freedom-loving American should be alarmed. From hounding conservatives out of restaurants to spitting on Trump supporters at rallies, from firing employees for politically incorrect statements to fining people for “misgendering” a person, the left is on a path toward absolutism. Even some former and current leftists have recognized this intolerant trend and broken from their colleagues, lamenting their intolerance of opposing ideas and disturbing mission to suppress dissenting opinion.
America was founded on the idea of claiming and preserving our God-given liberties. The illiberal left, which believes our rights and freedoms come from government, is hell-bent on destroying our liberties and forcibly imposing its thoughts and ideas on all of us.

Communism works best when those wanting change can't see what the hardcore Commies have in store for them. The useful idiots get taken out first. Communism works best when those wanting change can't see what the hardcore Commies have in store for them. The useful idiots get taken out first. Reeducation anyone? The latest Communist failure is Venezuela by Hugo Chavez followed by Maduro that put the cherry on that Red cake with massive unemployment and starvation
Is anyone surprised about the new threat out of New York where they plan to jail and bankrupt anyone who calls an illegal alien, an illegal alien. You are right, the Bolshevik Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Party is marching right out of the nineteen thirties, planning to crush "Our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor". The only question remaining, is there a sufficient number of real Americans to stop them, as our Founders once did?
There is nothing more dangerous to a progressive than a reformed progressive because they know EXACTLY where the their soft underbelly lies. PMS/DSA Commies find conservative minorities even more frightening. A good example is David Horowitz who was a "Red Diaper Baby" Commie, until he woke up when a radical Leftist group murdered a friend of his who worked for that radical group.
If anyone actually points out just how deranged the lefties are, how insane their views are, how completely out of touch with any form of reality they are, then that person is "dangerous" because he potentially has the power to destroy their entire nonsensical house of cards. Sooner or later, someone with large bully pulpit to be shouted down by the lefty furries, abortionists, and neo-fascists will start pointing out basic facts, and at that point the entire left wing will be so completely humiliated that they are laughed out of the world. Self-righteous and humorless scolds can never withstand humor or logic -- that's why both things are completely verboten under the new Nazis of the left. There's no doubt that if that person cannot be shouted down and humiliated then they will physically remove s/he with a bullet.
Leftists have always been totalitarian thugs. The difference today is that they think it is safe to be honest about it.
You wrote this yourself? I was wondering because there is nothing Communistic about the Democratic Party yous guys just like to call out dat boogeyman you scare poor little Republicans with....and by the vie totalitarianism is prevalent in any form of govt.even ours and a good example of it is the Drug War...
Read hundreds of these things and all they ever said is that your phantom fears are all true and your unfocused rage is justified.
Read hundreds of these things and all they ever said is that your phantom fears are all true and your unfocused rage is justified.

Beto says he'll take our guns and remove physical barriers along the border. I'd say that's a legitimate "fear".
Beto will never be president so I'd say you are pissing your diaper over nothing.
Beto will never be president so I'd say you are pissing your diaper over nothing.

Every other Democrat shares his views, even if they lack the courage to say so publicly.

The left wants America to be a welfare state. You want working Americans to subsidize the lives of both Americans and foreigners that don't want to work.
Beto will never be president so I'd say you are pissing your diaper over nothing.

Every other Democrat shares his views, even if they lack the courage to say so publicly.

The left wants America to be a welfare state. You want working Americans to subsidize the lives of both Americans and foreigners that don't want to work.
Remember what I said about phantom fears? What am I supposed to say to someone who's argument is just more of the same?
Remember what I said about phantom fears? What am I supposed to say to someone who's argument is just more of the same?

So Democrats support strong border enforcement and the right of Americans to own and carry guns? I suspect you're too dishonest to engage further.
Remember what I said about phantom fears? What am I supposed to say to someone who's argument is just more of the same?

So Democrats support strong border enforcement and the right of Americans to own and carry guns? I suspect you're too dishonest to engage further.
Many do, they are not like you guys who simply believe whatever you are told to believe.
Many do, they are not like you guys who simply believe whatever you are told to believe.

Which Democratic candidate for potus believes in those things?
I take it you didn't watch the debates. It's not my job to keep you informed at this late date. Guns and immigration are not settled issues on the left by any stretch of the imagination.
Many do, they are not like you guys who simply believe whatever you are told to believe.

Which Democratic candidate for potus believes in those things?
I take it you didn't watch the debates. It's not my job to keep you informed at this late date. Guns and immigration are not settled issues on the left by any stretch of the imagination.

You're a dishonest twat. Time for ignore.
You wrote this yourself? I was wondering because there is nothing Communistic about the Democratic Party yous guys just like to call out dat boogeyman you scare poor little Republicans with....and by the vie totalitarianism is prevalent in any form of govt.even ours and a good example of it is the Drug War...
People need to keep their weapons to attack people who mess with them. Whether in employment, a public place, a private place, a place of business or by cultural differences. Only a small fraction have attained justice. Even if they have died in the glorious freedom attained from removing the same from others. People do not learn. They continue to screw with others even when warned. A slap on the wrist may sway some, but not all. People and families have been destroyed by the arrogant. The ones who fight back the only way they knowhow bring hope. The fiefdoms of power in which there are many, are part of the controlling fascism. You see the political one in D.C. and deny it. Localized police/corrections/judicial destroy employees and civilians with regularity. But can not withstand violence against them in numbers that they have. Freedom or tyranny! Take away their salaries, benefits and pensions. That is the start to a happier people.

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