The Sun does not set in the EAST and WEST


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I am on rare rare intelligent boost so here goes

In most of the World, the sun only sets and rises due east and due west only twice per year. That is March and September. Think Europe and USA

The rest of the year its half the time NORTH of due EAST and half the time South of Due east.

As you approach the Spring and Summer the Sun appears more and more NORTH in the sky. This causes the Sun to be at a bigger arch and angle in the sky. It means more sunlight and longer days.

AS you approach Xmas the Sun goes more and more South and the arch is much smaller and the days more night.
Dec 21 is the most extreme day of this. In early times, people thought the Sun would disappear but it came back on DEC 25th. This was the biggest pagan holiday
IF you live on the EQUATOR. then guess what??? Everyday it rises exactly in the EAST and sets in the WEST.
Everyday is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of DARK

Finally if you live in ARTIC. guess what??
You may have never see the SUN EVER rise or SET. AS you get many months of zero sun rises and sets.
I am on rare rare intelligent boost so here goes

In most of the World, the sun only sets and rises due east and due west only twice per year. That is March and September. Think Europe and USA

The rest of the year its half the time NORTH of due EAST and half the time South of Due east.

As you approach the Spring and Summer the Sun appears more and more NORTH in the sky. This causes the Sun to be at a bigger arch and angle in the sky. It means more sunlight and longer days.

AS you approach Xmas the Sun goes more and more South and the arch is much smaller and the days more night.
Dec 21 is the most extreme day of this. In early times, people thought the Sun would disappear but it came back on DEC 25th. This was the biggest pagan holiday
This has been going on for a long time.
In most of the World, the sun only sets and rises due east and due west only twice per year. That is March and September.

It's called the Equinoxes, Honey. That is when the Sun crosses the Celestial Equator.


The rest of the time, it still rises EAST of the Meridian, and sets WEST of the Meridian, whether a bit above or below the equator, so still east and west.
The sun doesn't move, except for it's surface rotation around its core.

The Earth rotates around the sun. Therefore the sun doesn't set or rise..........the earth rotates into darkness or light.

That is not my point. My point is your reference from EARTH to the SUN
Finally, from the Equator the Sun stays overhead all day
From the ARtic the sun stays low on the horizon

From your city in America . the sun dips and arcs behind you to the south more
I know where the sun doesn't shine out of

Does that help the discussion?
Finally, from the Equator the Sun stays overhead all day
Even at the equator, the Sun is STILL only due east and west on the equinoxes!

From the ARtic the sun stays low on the horizon
Only because the celestial equator has likewise moved 90° to the south. Which is why the sun is above the horizon in summer and BELOW the horizon in winter. It is all the same. Only difference is relative perspective from your changing viewing positions.

"The sun doesn't move, except for it's surface rotation around its core."

On the contrary the sun moves very rapidly as it orbits Sag A star or the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It also moves even more rapidly as the whole Milky Way rushes toward the Great Attractor.
IF you live on the EQUATOR. then guess what??? Everyday it rises exactly in the EAST and sets in the WEST.
Everyday is 12 hours of light and 12 hours of DARK
Um, no. Only 2 days per year, just like everywhere else. On the equinoxes.

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