The State of California is one step closer to bending over and grabbing their ankles to pay reparations

So you want the citizens of a state that never had slavery, to pay people who were never slaves for things their great, great grandparents had done to them by people who never lived in California. A state that, by the way, paid a large percentage of the Union's expenses of the ACW. That makes a whole lot of sense (NOT).
Sorry you can't understand it. I understand it perfectly. :)
There's going to be a lot of resentment.
There has been resentment, hatred and animosity toward Black folks ever since we were bought here as SLAVES. Why did they hate us when we were slaves and had no rights, no money, no freedom---nothing. Why did they hate us then? They hated us because they wanted to hate us.
That will be the same reason they hate us when we get reparations. So be it.
Whether California observed slavery or not isn't the issue. The issue is whether there are African-Americans here who had ANCESTORS who were enslaved.
Got it .. so California, which outlawed slavery, will be using California tax payer dollars to fund reparations for blacks who had enslaved ancestors from other states? That makes no sense whatsoever.
There has been resentment, hatred and animosity toward Black folks ever since we were bought here as SLAVES. Why did they hate us when we were slaves and had no rights, no money, no freedom---nothing. Why did they hate us then? They hated us because they wanted to hate us.
That will be the same reason they hate us when we get reparations. So be it.

You were never a slave, nor was I ever an owner of slaves. There are however over 9 million slaves alive today in Africa. Maybe you should direct your concern towards them.
I should be able to get reparations, I identify as black.

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