The solution to the left's endless criminal activities


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
The left has a history of appalling criminal activity. From waging war on their own country in attempt to keep slavery, to FDR's highly unconstitutional "Raw Deal", to Bill Clinton committing perjury, to ANTIFA assaulting people in the streets to prevent citizens from exercising their 1st Amendment rights, the left has been committed to total power through any means necessary.

Their latest tactic is to support an invasion of the United States by hostile foreigners in hopes of getting those foreigners to vote for them in future elections (since the left cannot win clean elections). I have a simple solution to all of this. Grant (dual) citizenship to all of Israel. Then identify conservatives around the world and do the same.

Fight fire with fire. Only, unlike the left, this wouldn't be illegal. These conservatives wouldn't be invading the U.S. They would be receiving citizenship legally and properly. And they could vote. Divide up the millions of them among the states that need them most (such as California and New York), win all offices at all levels of government, and ensure total defeat of the anti-American left.

Finally, leverage the authority to ensure perpetual defeat of the anti-American left. Replace their ridiculous propaganda curriculum (such as teaching children that chromosomes don’t exist and instead how a person feels magically alters their gender instantaneously) with a curriculum filled with accurate history, the U.S. Constitution, and actual science.
The left has a history of appalling criminal activity. From waging war on their own country in attempt to keep slavery, to FDR's highly unconstitutional "Raw Deal", to Bill Clinton committing perjury, to ANTIFA assaulting people in the streets to prevent citizens from exercising their 1st Amendment rights, the left has been committed to total power through any means necessary.

Their latest tactic is to support an invasion of the United States by hostile foreigners in hopes of getting those foreigners to vote for them in future elections (since the left cannot win clean elections). I have a simple solution to all of this. Grant (dual) citizenship to all of Israel. Then identify conservatives around the world and do the same.

Fight fire with fire. Only, unlike the left, this wouldn't be illegal. These conservatives wouldn't be invading the U.S. They would be receiving citizenship legally and properly. And they could vote. Divide up the millions of them among the states that need them most (such as California and New York), win all offices at all levels of government, and ensure total defeat of the anti-American left.

Finally, leverage the authority to ensure perpetual defeat of the anti-American left. Replace their ridiculous propaganda curriculum (such as teaching children that chromosomes don’t exist and instead how a person feels magically alters their gender instantaneously) with a curriculum filled with accurate history, the U.S. Constitution, and actual science.

Thank laugh I've had in days!
Rotwiller, you've reverted to your former idiot state with that ridiculous & disjointed rant! Why don't you stick to reposting your 2-6 year old tired threads as P@triot for the attention you crave??
Even their legal behavior is abhorrent.

Under cover of darkness and with construction crews wearing masks, they drove Old Dixie down in New Orleans.
A statue of Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis was removed from its podium early Thursday morning, one of four Confederate memorials Democratic Mayor Mitch Landrieu has vowed to banish from the city in the name of “diversity, inclusion and tolerance” in the crime-ridden Louisiana city.
Though the removal of the statue was greeted with a cheer, The Lost Cause was not without its supporters, many of whom waved Confederate battle flags and called for the mayor to be imprisoned.>>
Democrats erasing history in American South - WND - WND
Even their legal behavior is abhorrent.

Under cover of darkness and with construction crews wearing masks, they drove Old Dixie down in New Orleans.
A statue of Confederate States of America President Jefferson Davis was removed from its podium early Thursday morning, one of four Confederate memorials Democratic Mayor Mitch Landrieu has vowed to banish from the city in the name of “diversity, inclusion and tolerance” in the crime-ridden Louisiana city.
Though the removal of the statue was greeted with a cheer, The Lost Cause was not without its supporters, many of whom waved Confederate battle flags and called for the mayor to be imprisoned.>>
Democrats erasing history in American South - WND - WND
Really?? May of 2017? Who gives a shyte about some statue of a loser relic of a defeated rebellion?
Flyover country can simply cut off their food supply :muahaha:
Oh..i get it..this is a fantasy bad!

You mad bro? :auiqs.jpg:
HUH? Heck no..wildly amused......bro. Watching you guys masturbate yourselves to erroneous 'factoids' is pretty funny!

LOL we control the Senate, the White House, and the SCOTUS. President Trump has destroyed decades of Dem narrative and propaganda. Trump has proven Republicans do not have to fear the liberal media. Your side is totally defensive Trump doesn't give you room to regroup and attack. In summary your side is in shambles heading into the 2020 election. Good times :eusa_dance:
Flyover country can simply cut off their food supply :muahaha:
Oh..i get it..this is a fantasy bad!

You mad bro? :auiqs.jpg:
HUH? Heck no..wildly amused......bro. Watching you guys masturbate yourselves to erroneous 'factoids' is pretty funny!

LOL we control the Senate, the White House, and the SCOTUS. President Trump has destroyed decades of Dem narrative and propaganda. Trump has proven Republicans do not have to fear the liberal media. Your side is totally defensive Trump doesn't give you room to regroup and attack. In summary your side is in shambles heading into the 2020 election. Good times :eusa_dance:
And this is why I'm amused..not 'my side' at all. Trump also amuses..although differently. I would point out that Trump has also destroyed decades of Republican narrative as well..notably in the area of fiscal conservatism--which he destroyed better than he managed with Obamacare.
The Progressives are usually good to laugh, as well.
I'm issue-driven..cults of personality leave me cold. Party politics are for sheep..being led to the pens..usually for a good shearing..unless the boss feels like a lamb chop or two.
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