The Second American Revolution - We The People


VIP Member
Feb 13, 2009
Wilmington, DE
The gentlemen who made this video is Dr. Bob Basso. Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his video and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone. Dr. Basso was suppose to make a second appearance on the Jerry Doyle talk radio show, but had to back out because of The White House request. I know this because I was listening to the radio show as this developed. I would be very afraid if I was this guy. Obama's politics uses a thug mentality and I believe they are going to try and destroy him. Look what that did the Joe the Plumber. This guy is calling for a revolution and people are getting fired up. Is our government finally feeling a bit fearful?

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what did they do to "joe" whos not named joe "the plummer" and is not a plummer?
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

what did they do to "joe" whos not named joe "the plummer" and is not a plummer?

First of all, I believe his middle name was Joe. There are plenty of people who don't go by their first name. You are such an idiot. Personally, if a guy can do plumbing, I have no problem calling him a plumber. With your mentality you would put many people out of work. Guess you wouldn't hire a skilled handyman?
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.

It is never patriotic to blindly follow our so-called leaders. It is patriotic to defend our great nation from our corrupt self-serving government.........
Obama has seen this video and contacted Mr. Basso and said he was very disturbed by his and invited him to the White House. He told him not to discuss the invitation with anyone.

Sounds like a perfect thread for conspiracy theories.

Hello ... there's been a LOT of talk about revolution lately. Think you can make it go away by trying to marginalize and hide it?

But you wouldn't know anything about it, would you? YOU are the type person the revolution would be against.

Is our loyalty to this Nation and the ideals that embody it? Or to a government that does not embody either one? Simple question.
Are you threatening me, Gunny? Still with the rightwingnut claim that anyone that doesn't agree with your view is a traitor?

I was commenting on his claim that Obama called this guy and told him not to tell anyone.

what did they do to "joe" whos not named joe "the plummer" and is not a plummer?

First of all, I believe his middle name was Joe. There are plenty of people who don't go by their first name. You are such an idiot. Personally, if a guy can do plumbing, I have no problem calling him a plumber. With your mentality you would put many people out of work. Guess you wouldn't hire a skilled handyman?

I know this much; when I first saw this video a week ago on Glenn Beck it stirred some strong emotions in me. Just as in a thread yesterday about the John Birch Society (never mind slamming their flaws please) and their Saturday morning radio message which was very effective, this stirs things up in the here-and-now, like that of the JBS in the 60s. It reflects the true mood of the broader America. This is not going to be put down by ridicule, and hopefully not by pressure. The Obama administration will want to hammer this guy, and the fear they have of him shows if they really do want to talk to him personally.

There's a strong message right here on this board that says G.B. is an idiot and shouldn't be paid attention to. However people who really do want to get some view of what's going down should take a few moments out of their 'oh-so-busy' days, rouse up their highly touted curiosity, and pay attention to the GB show if only for the novelty of seeing what about half the US population is curious about.
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Jerry Doyle stated on his show yesterday that Mr. Basso will give him the first exclusive interview resulting from his meeting with Obama. So this tells me Jerry may have been the first to get Mr. Basso's message out via talk radio. Jerry also said (I am paraphrasing) he isn't looking to take credit for this movement, but more interested in getting the message out and will share and spread the word to whatever media outlet is willing to listen. Jerry played the entire youtube video audio on his radio program. He said this was against his radio programming rules, whereby he isn't suppose to exceed 3 minutes. I assume a break is required. But Jerry didn't care and let it roll. I just hope he isn't going to be out of a job soon.
The proscriptions for what needs to be done are pretty much right on.

What this man appearss to be lacking is any REAL WAY to get to that happy state of affiars which most real liberals and conservative American patriots want.

A tea-letter to our representatives will scare them?

Please, do not make me laugh.

When millions of Americans went to the streets to protest the illegal and immoral war in Viet Nam, they gassed the American people, and they beat them, and the imprisoned them without charges or constitutional protections.

And many of you on this board who THINK you're patriotic Americans probably STILL applaude your government for doing that, too, don't you?

Apparently the right is just now beginning to understand what the left has ALWAYS understood about the people in POWER in AMERICA.

They are NOT conseervatives, they are NOT liberals, they are neither left nor right, they are not CAPITALISTS neither are they socialists.

They are an insiders party arrogant with power that a LOT of Americans not only give them, but continue to give them.

Take a look around you.

This nation now has more ARMED GUARDS working for corporations (the insiders' corporations, not every corporation) than the rest of the nation COMBINED. The SERVANT CLASS PROTECT THE MASTER CLASS, folks.

No TYRANT ever had any difficulty finding men willing to kill for his tyranny, and America is NO EXCEPTION to that rule of political nature.

And, while I admire our military, I do NOT think that the military BRASS (who are after all well paid members of the insiders party) are about to stand up against the criminal class which control them, either.

You say you revolution?
Well, you know, we'd all love to see your plan.
But if you talking about destruction?
Well, don't you know that you can count me out.​

The solution, the ONLY solution that will bring us the America we ALL THINK is what we want is POLTICAL REVOLUTION.

And how does that POLITICAL MOVEMENT really take hold?

Well it has to start by convincing one hell of a LOT of Americans that this is not now, nor has it EVER been a problem of liberals V conservatives.

That confusion most of you people on this board have is the result of DECADES AND DECADES of propaganda.

Some of you folks are SO ANGRY that you want to shoot you NEIGHBORS!!!

As though, the poor schmuck living next door to you is RESPONSIBLE for what EITHER PARTY's MASTERS did?!

Until you folks are ready to admit that YOU were PLAYED FOR FOOLS, until you understand that what we are living with is -- not capitalism, it's not socialism, it's not democracy, it's not communism, it's a long standing ongoing RAPE of our society by the INSIDER PARTY -- you will continue to be SLAVES to these people.

Now which of you SERVANTS who are well PAID FUNCTIONARIES to the system is willing to give up YOUR RICE BOWL?

Not a single fucking one of you will do that would be MY guess.

And that is why they will continue to win the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans until this nation is bankrupted and most of us are living like third world refugees.

This obscene ripoff by our bankers SHOULD have been all you need to understand who the bastards are.

But STILL the idiots on this board (and every one like it) think the problem is liberalism or conservatism.

You fucking idiots don't know what EITHER poltical philosophy stands for because you have been lied to, and most of you are too god damned lazy (and many of you too filled with smug conceit, too) to READ what those things actually mean.

WAke up and smell the CHAINS you folks are mostly WILLINGLY wearing.
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Some of you folks are SO ANGRY that you want to shoot you NEIGHBORS!!!

No. Take aim at the government. Are we going to start seeing our tax dollars going towards bodyguards? AIG executive, Liddy, spoke of death threats to his employees. Next up will be an increase in threats directed at high profile Senators and White House officials. Obama speaks of a civilian security force. What, ACORN type folks? Well if they came knocking at my door, I wouldn't be greeting them with a smile. I don't trust Obama or his agenda.
The proscriptions for what needs to be done are pretty much right on.

What this man appearss to be lacking is any REAL WAY to get to that happy state of affiars which most real liberals and conservative American patriots want.

A tea-letter to our representatives will scare them?

Please, do not make me laugh.

When millions of Americans went to the streets to protest the illegal and immoral war in Viet Nam, they gassed the American people, and they beat them, and the imprisoned them without charges or constitutional protections.

And many of you on this board who THINK you're patriotic Americans probably STILL applaude your government for doing that, too, don't you?

Apparently the right is just now beginning to understand what the left has ALWAYS understood about the people in POWER in AMERICA.

They are NOT conseervatives, they are NOT liberals, they are neither left nor right, they are not CAPITALISTS neither are they socialists.

They are an insiders party arrogant with power that a LOT of Americans not only give them, but continue to give them.

Take a look around you.

This nation now has more ARMED GUARDS working for corporations (the insiders' corporations, not every corporation) than the rest of the nation COMBINED. The SERVANT CLASS PROTECT THE MASTER CLASS, folks.

No TYRANT ever had any difficulty finding men willing to kill for his tyranny, and America is NO EXCEPTION to that rule of political nature.

And, while I admire our military, I do NOT think that the military BRASS (who are after all well paid members of the insiders party) are about to stand up against the criminal class which control them, either.

You say you revolution?
Well, you know, we'd all love to see your plan.
But if you talking about destruction?
Well, don't you know that you can count me out.​

The solution, the ONLY solution that will bring us the America we ALL THINK is what we want is POLTICAL REVOLUTION.

And how does that POLITICAL MOVEMENT really take hold?

Well it has to start by convincing one hell of a LOT of Americans that this is not now, nor has it EVER been a problem of liberals V conservatives.

That confusion most of you people on this board have is the result of DECADES AND DECADES of propaganda.

Some of you folks are SO ANGRY that you want to shoot you NEIGHBORS!!!

As though, the poor schmuck living next door to you is RESPONSIBLE for what EITHER PARTY's MASTERS did?!

Until you folks are ready to admit that YOU were PLAYED FOR FOOLS, until you understand that what we are living with is -- not capitalism, it's not socialism, it's not democracy, it's not communism, it's a long standing ongoing RAPE of our society by the INSIDER PARTY -- you will continue to be SLAVES to these people.

Now which of you SERVANTS who are well PAID FUNCTIONARIES to the system is willing to give up YOUR RICE BOWL?

Not a single fucking one of you will do that would be MY guess.

And that is why they will continue to win the battle for the hearts and minds of Americans until this nation is bankrupted and most of us are living like third world refugees.

This obscene ripoff by our bankers SHOULD have been all you need to understand who the bastards are.

But STILL the idiots on this board (and every one like it) think the problem is liberalism or conservatism.

You fucking idiots don't know what EITHER poltical philosophy stands for because you have been lied to, and most of you are too god damned lazy (and many of you too filled with smug conceit, too) to READ what those things actually mean.

WAke up and smell the CHAINS you folks are mostly WILLINGLY wearing.

In a lot of ways, I don't think you are far off the mark, especially if I view the world from your particular vantage point. I think actually you and Mark Levin have identified pretty much the same culprits. He calls them "statists" you call the the "Insider Party" but the roster is pretty much the same.

The last 8 years were an abject lesson in the fact that statists exist in both political parties. I would add to your list of things people need to get real about that people need to understand the government should almost never "provide" you with anything ever. The government teat is not in the social contract embodied in Constitution. To the extent it exists now, it acts a lever of control. The more people suckling at it, the fewer people who will want to do without it.

As to whether any revolt is actually coming from our far too content populace, I would have to see voter registration and voting shoot up to record numbers before I'll believe we're on the verge of doing anything remotely like either a political or actual revolution. That would be the precursor -- political activation. People know what's going on and are activated to do something about it.
A few things he said we could all agree on but the tone and rip van winkle aspects of it amaze me. Where were these people the past eight years? Are they all far right republicans or have they all just woken from a deep sleep. Reagan/Gingrich/Bush made this nation a debtor nation, where were they then? Did we see them in the streets then or were they too busy watching Fox pretend news and cheering Jack on 24? TV reflects our dreams and Fox reflects some paranoid dreams.

On the web, in wingnut writing, wingnut radio, wingnut Fox, you see this anti-government stuff, but I never see it in real life. There are nut cases out there but hardly in the numbers one sees on the web etc. And I have seen the local cranks in center city Philly and Washington, but people walk by them and do things that normal people do. They even enjoy the sites and sounds of their government, after all it is theirs.

When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went after him and Hillary from day one. The hatred and propaganda directed at them was at a level similar to now. Clinton was elected in 93, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in 95. The government then as now was the culprit. It would take a Don DeLillo to do justice to these strange rantings from the right, their bizarre echo chamber, and their affect on some citizens.
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Personally, as a libertarian, not a member of the libertarian party, but a true liberal, not what passes for a liberal these days, I find nothing with which to disagree in this video.
A few things he said we could all agree on but the tone and rip van winkle aspects of it amaze me. Where were these people the past eight years? Are they all far right republicans or have they all just woken from a deep sleep. Reagan/Gingrich/Bush made this nation a debtor nation, where were they then? Did we see them in the streets then or were they too busy watching Fox pretend news and cheering Jack on 24? TV reflects our dreams and Fox reflects some paranoid dreams.

On the web, in wingnut writing, wingnut radio, wingnut Fox, you see this anti-government stuff, but I never see it in real life. There are nut cases out there but hardly in the numbers one sees on the web etc. And I have seen the local cranks in center city Philly and Washington, but people walk by them and do things that normal people do. They even enjoy the sites and sounds of their government, after all it is theirs.

When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went after him and Hillary from day one. The hatred and propaganda directed at them was at a level similar to now. Clinton was elected in 95, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in 95. The government then as now was the culprit. It would take a Don DeLillo to do justice to these strange rantings from the right, their bizarre echo chamber, and their affect on some citizens.

You got some major shit wrong in your post. Just factually. Either you're practicing selective memory or you are too young to remember so let me refresh you.

I watched to debates in 1980. If you go back and watch them too, you will be treated to Gov. Reagan taking Pres. Carter to task for creating a national debt that was so large that if it were stacked up would reach all the way to the moon. So Reagan had a head start.

Reagan also had a Democrat house. Reagan's plan was to cut taxes and cut spending. Tip O'Neil made him pick one. When you don't have both houses there is only so much you can do.

Clinton was elected in 1992. I'm not sure where you got 1995.
A few things he said we could all agree on but the tone and rip van winkle aspects of it amaze me. Where were these people the past eight years? Are they all far right republicans or have they all just woken from a deep sleep. Reagan/Gingrich/Bush made this nation a debtor nation, where were they then? Did we see them in the streets then or were they too busy watching Fox pretend news and cheering Jack on 24? TV reflects our dreams and Fox reflects some paranoid dreams.

On the web, in wingnut writing, wingnut radio, wingnut Fox, you see this anti-government stuff, but I never see it in real life. There are nut cases out there but hardly in the numbers one sees on the web etc. And I have seen the local cranks in center city Philly and Washington, but people walk by them and do things that normal people do. They even enjoy the sites and sounds of their government, after all it is theirs.

When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went after him and Hillary from day one. The hatred and propaganda directed at them was at a level similar to now. Clinton was elected in 95, the Oklahoma City bombing occurred in 95. The government then as now was the culprit. It would take a Don DeLillo to do justice to these strange rantings from the right, their bizarre echo chamber, and their affect on some citizens.

Alex Jones has been around for a long time, saying the same stuff, and he's not a republican, you ignorant dillhole.

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