The Science is Over.. Buy Flannel...


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Report: Scientists predict a century of global cooling | The Daily Caller

German scientists found that two naturally occurring cycles will combine to lower global
temperatures during the 21st century, eventually dropping to levels corresponding with the “little ice age” of 1870.

“Due to the de Vries cycle, the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the ‘little ice age’ of 1870,” write German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.

Researchers used historical temperature data and data from cave stalagmites to show a 200-year solar cycle, called the de Vries cycle.

They also factored into their work a well-established 65-year Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
oscillation cycle. Global warming that has occurred since 1870 can be attributed almost entirely to both these factors, the scientists argue.

According to the scientists, the oft-cited “stagnation” in rising global temperatures over the
last 15 years is due to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean oscillation cycle, which lasts about 65
years. Ocean oscillation is past its “maximum,” leading to small decreases in global temperature.

The de Vries solar cycle is currently at its “maximum,” explaining why temperatures have risen since 1870, but leveled off after 1998. However, this means that as solar activity starts to decrease, global temperatures will follow.

Scientists, however, have been increasingly turning against the global warming consensus and arguing that the world is actually in line for a colder century.

Professor Mike Lockwood of Reading University argues that the world is set for global cooling due to rapidly falling solar activity.

“By looking back at certain isotopes in ice cores, [Professor Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years,” the BBC reports. “Following analysis of the data, Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years.”

................. And --- a new generation of DENIERS are born....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Solar Influences on Global Change

Wigley and Kelly (1990) have attempted to assess limits on the role that solar forcing of climate change may play, relative to that of greenhouse gases, during the next 200 years. Analogous to their approach, and consistent with their results, the predictions shown in Figure 2.5 indicate that were the Sun to experience a period of inactivity such as the Maunder Minimum, commencing in the year 2000, and accompanied by reduction in its radiative output of 0.25 percent, the resultant climate forcing would indeed modulate, but not counter, the predicted anthropogenic climate forcing. As noted previously, determining the actual climate impact of the forcings shown in Figure 2.5 (and Figure 2.2) is difficult because of the specific nature expected for the climate system's response to each of the individual forcings
Show me one who believes that humankind is capable of saving the planet and I'll snow you an arrogant SOB whose ego rivals that of Obama at the height of his most vivid delusion of grandeur.

Us humans ain't got shit when it comes to saving OR destroying the planet. Only TIME can do that and what we think of as "destruction" may well just be evolution. Even that won't be terminal - just another stage.
Report: Scientists predict a century of global cooling | The Daily Caller

German scientists found that two naturally occurring cycles will combine to lower global
temperatures during the 21st century, eventually dropping to levels corresponding with the “little ice age” of 1870.

“Due to the de Vries cycle, the global temperature will drop until 2100 to a value corresponding to the ‘little ice age’ of 1870,” write German scientists Horst-Joachim Luedecke and Carl-Otto Weiss of the European Institute for Climate and Energy.

Researchers used historical temperature data and data from cave stalagmites to show a 200-year solar cycle, called the de Vries cycle.

They also factored into their work a well-established 65-year Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
oscillation cycle. Global warming that has occurred since 1870 can be attributed almost entirely to both these factors, the scientists argue.

According to the scientists, the oft-cited “stagnation” in rising global temperatures over the
last 15 years is due to the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean oscillation cycle, which lasts about 65
years. Ocean oscillation is past its “maximum,” leading to small decreases in global temperature.

The de Vries solar cycle is currently at its “maximum,” explaining why temperatures have risen since 1870, but leveled off after 1998. However, this means that as solar activity starts to decrease, global temperatures will follow.

Scientists, however, have been increasingly turning against the global warming consensus and arguing that the world is actually in line for a colder century.

Professor Mike Lockwood of Reading University argues that the world is set for global cooling due to rapidly falling solar activity.

“By looking back at certain isotopes in ice cores, [Professor Lockwood] has been able to determine how active the sun has been over thousands of years,” the BBC reports. “Following analysis of the data, Professor Lockwood believes solar activity is now falling more rapidly than at any time in the last 10,000 years.”

................. And --- a new generation of DENIERS are born....

:lol: :lol: :lol: of the top stories on DRUDGE today. It is exactly why the huge majority does not concur with the views of the AGW OCD's.
In are the stories at the top of the page on DRUDGE right now >>>

Worst Ice Storms in Years Unfolding...

Four Dead of Hypothermia...



Chill Temps Live...

And Im laughing.........people dying of hypothermia and these bozo's want to go to solar power where if it had been done last year in Europe, millions of European citizens would have perished due to the extreme cold!!! For the first time in 82 years, the Thames froze over rock solid for weeks.

The response of the k00ks?

"See.....its global warming!!"


Solar Influences on Global Change

Wigley and Kelly (1990) have attempted to assess limits on the role that solar forcing of climate change may play, relative to that of greenhouse gases, during the next 200 years. Analogous to their approach, and consistent with their results, the predictions shown in Figure 2.5 indicate that were the Sun to experience a period of inactivity such as the Maunder Minimum, commencing in the year 2000, and accompanied by reduction in its radiative output of 0.25 percent, the resultant climate forcing would indeed modulate, but not counter, the predicted anthropogenic climate forcing. As noted previously, determining the actual climate impact of the forcings shown in Figure 2.5 (and Figure 2.2) is difficult because of the specific nature expected for the climate system's response to each of the individual forcings

That's good, warmer is better than colder.

Solar Influences on Global Change

Wigley and Kelly (1990) have attempted to assess limits on the role that solar forcing of climate change may play, relative to that of greenhouse gases, during the next 200 years. Analogous to their approach, and consistent with their results, the predictions shown in Figure 2.5 indicate that were the Sun to experience a period of inactivity such as the Maunder Minimum, commencing in the year 2000, and accompanied by reduction in its radiative output of 0.25 percent, the resultant climate forcing would indeed modulate, but not counter, the predicted anthropogenic climate forcing. As noted previously, determining the actual climate impact of the forcings shown in Figure 2.5 (and Figure 2.2) is difficult because of the specific nature expected for the climate system's response to each of the individual forcings

That's good, warmer is better than colder.

Not many estates feature ice rooms, but a large percentage feature saunas..

As for GoldiRocks' heroes with their "guesses" --- A change of solar output of 0.25% would be TWICE the forcing function of CO2 that SHOULD HAVE happened over the past 50 years. And the important point is --- it never really realized that amount..

AND --- the OP paper doesn't count JUST the solar forcing change --- but INCLUDES concurrent minimums in OTHER NATURAL cyclical events. The "perfect storm" -- if you will for a long cold period..

Common sense tells you that if the CURRENT warming rate is near zero --- this "modulate but not counter" BullShit is not worth the price of the study... But then --- this study that GoldiRocks holds dear was written in 1994 ---- LONG BEFORE these clowns would know what it takes to "counter" the AGW temp rate..
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Solar Influences on Global Change

Wigley and Kelly (1990) have attempted to assess limits on the role that solar forcing of climate change may play, relative to that of greenhouse gases, during the next 200 years. Analogous to their approach, and consistent with their results, the predictions shown in Figure 2.5 indicate that were the Sun to experience a period of inactivity such as the Maunder Minimum, commencing in the year 2000, and accompanied by reduction in its radiative output of 0.25 percent, the resultant climate forcing would indeed modulate, but not counter, the predicted anthropogenic climate forcing. As noted previously, determining the actual climate impact of the forcings shown in Figure 2.5 (and Figure 2.2) is difficult because of the specific nature expected for the climate system's response to each of the individual forcings

Oops OP :redface:
The old global cooling scam. LOL

Laugh at your peril Matthew.. MANY papers and studies in the past couple years agree..

SHOULD they be right --- the consequences WOULD make your AGW doomsday effects seem like a picnic...

Since you think the GOVERNMENT drives all research and innovation thats important in this country.. ---- we ought to spending at least $800,000,000 this year to look into it...

Dontchathink??? <<sarcasm off>>
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Buy fur. It's the only way to stay warm in an Ice Age.
I like the hybrid system that we have been using the past 80 years ;) The private and public sector both pays for science in this country.

IF they find that we're heading towards another ice age...You damn straight I'd support the funding for the research.

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