CDZ The Scam of Black America


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
There's no question that the ludicrous DOJ "report" accusing the Ferguson, MO Police Dept of racism, is part of an overall political SCAM. And the scammers are Mr. Community Organizer-Scammer himself Barrack Obama, and his lap dog Erratic Eric Holder. And those being scammed ? Primarily Black people in America, with a few mindless whites mixed in.

The idea is to get Blacks upset, aroused, disturbed, pissed-off, and most of all, to VOTE DEMOCRATIC, in the next election. If just 1000 votes could be generated in each state, from this manipulation campaign, that could be enough to swing an election from one side to the other. It should be noted that elections, in recent years, have been very close contests.

So all you Blacks out there, and lost-in-the-woods Whites, how do you feel about being the object of the Obama-Holder SCAM campaign, where Obama and Holder pretend that the Ferguson Police dept (and other police depts) are racist ? And when are you going to get your heads out of your butts, and join the intelligent world around you ?

PS - Notice I didn't title this OP "American Blacks". That's because the Obama-Holder VOTE MACHINE appeals to ALL Blacks of any nationality, including illegal aliens, who are not legally entitled to vote. Obama and Holder don't care about that. They are Equal Opportunity scammers.
Benson Arizona has similar type of legislation like Ferguson where the Cops bring in Revenue thru Tickets.
The Majority of the City is White 74% and 22% Hispanic so they are the ones getting the most tickets.
It's the reverse in Ferguson. Where 67% are Black and 29% are White.
Do you think that the Feds would look into this as racist for Whites and Hispanics here in our city who get the most tickets?
No they won't.
Benson Arizona has similar type of legislation like Ferguson where the Cops bring in Revenue thru Tickets.
The Majority of the City is White 74% and 22% Hispanic so they are the ones getting the most tickets.
It's the reverse in Ferguson. Where 67% are Black and 29% are White.
Do you think that the Feds would look into this as racist for Whites and Hispanics here in our city who get the most tickets?
No they won't.

Dear peach174
the Democrats won't look at discrimination that has destroyed an entire national historic district of Freed Slave history.
Because the corporate developer interests play the piper that decides who gets to stay in office.

the really saddest and most disturbing conflict of interest:
the legal lobby. the legal and judicial monopoly that decides what side or direction to take.

that is just plain scary.

it is sad to see so many people yelling about religious abuses, and they don't see the political
abuses that decide mandatory policies we are all forced to comply with.

What I will ask is for all the Tea Party, Green and Libertarian groups caught in the middle of left/right politics
to organize a Constitutional Ethics system to address political beliefs and political conflicts of interest that fall into grey areas.

I believe we can address these issues locally and globally
using the Consensus model of the Greens.

We'd need to get the legal backing behind it or information cannot be shared if it means legal liability.
some cases may require plea bargains or immunity if we are going to get to the truth and settle those.

so it becomes a matter of reforming how we redress grievances if we are going to get to the truth
which the current legal system covers up, buys and sells to the highest bidder tied to campaigns and elections.

America is criticized for being in denial about our corruption. We claim to have the best legal and democratic
system in the world. so we need to live up to our own standards, and use our Constitutional principles
and due process to check our own govt and clean up our own abuses and govt waste.

I believe we can do this, but we may need to agree to suspend judgment and work on a Restorative Justice
basis of correcting problems together. it can't be about political backlash or the same battles will go in circles,
playing attack and defense and avoiding resolving the real conflicts.
I do not consider this policy to be a clever policy more like too clever by half. What Obama and Holder are doing is creating a self segregation system far stronger that what has gone before. Currently there are 30 states with little or no D bench. Electing much less reelecting a D president will push that number to 32-4 states at which point the moderate old guard of the Democratic party will be gone and the Ds will not be able to find anyone outside of the blue wall to run a national campaign.

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