the rate of climate-related disaster deaths has fallen by 98 percent over the last 80 years


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
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according 2 the int'l disaster database, climate-related deaths are down 98 percent over the past 80 years

according 2 the int'l disaster database, climate-related deaths are down 98 percent over the past 80 years

Clearly we are winning the global warming battle. Take that mother nature. In your face.
We're finding other ways to kill ourselves. :(
I imagine they're dying like flies in China, with all those coal-fired power plants. And of course starvation is a climate-based problem in many third world countries.
I imagine they're dying like flies in China, with all those coal-fired power plants. And of course starvation is a climate-based problem in many third world countries.

They can grow a lot more food without fossil fuel machinery or fossil fuel derived fertilizers, right?
They can grow a lot more food without fossil fuel machinery or fossil fuel derived fertilizers, right?
Machinery and those fertilizers are largely responsible for the overpopulation that is destroying the earth. Add AI and robotics and we have a recipe for disaster.
Machinery and those fertilizers are largely responsible for the overpopulation that is destroying the earth. Add AI and robotics and we have a recipe for disaster.


Ban the fuel, get rid of those excess undesirables.
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