The Plague: UN Failure


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a capitalism-crusade opus inspired by World War Z and Syriana.

Signing off,



"The gods from the heavens were arrayed along with the philosophers, poets, princes, and warriors of Earth (humans!) as the modern world was afflicted with a capitalism-related 'avarice-plague' known as the Greed Cycle (GC). The United Nations (UN) didn't know what to do, so a team of heroic humans called the 'League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' (LEG) was assembles as a sort of knight-circle. The heavenly gods and the LEG started dealing with GC, and U.S. President Donald Trump could only sit back and watch (and pray)."


"The gods afforded all the members of LEG robotic-shells (or mechanical armor) enabling the team to withstand the fire and hell of all kinds of GC-related mayhem/anarchy! Lord Shiva (god of destruction) himself took the form of a giant rocket-ship robot named Omega-Supreme. The members of LEG became 'head-masters' with the gods, and Ryu (a member of LEG) became the head-master liaison to Shiva/Omega-Supreme. Now, all the gods and members of LEG were head-master robots (bodies of gods with heads of humans all robots and all capable of transforming and dissattaching and fighting on their own). This was the response to GC since the UN failed to deal with capitalism-disarray. President Trump was in awe..."


"Even the women of the heavens and LEG were given robot-bodies and head-master capabilities. The AntiChrist despised this 'crusade' against GC and decided to take the form of a monumentally giant mechanical anaconda snake which spanned the length of half the Pacific Ocean! The women of the heavens and LEG referred to themselves as the 'nightingales' (since they believed they could disarm the Anaconda-AntiChrist with precise dissection-prayers designed to re-orient and re-shape global capitalism and hence commercial harmony!). Trump loved the nightingales and talked to First Lady Melania Trump about them. Melania felt less hysterically-frightened about the ugly Anaconda-Antichrist!"


"The men of the heavens and LEG were busy practicing head-master transformation maneuvers and moves so they could encircle the Anaconda-AntiChrist and create confusion about the terrible snake's prioritization schemas. The men of the heavens and LEG were very efficient and idealistic and believed that with precise military coordination, the Anaconda-AntiChrist could be completely subdued, enabling the UN to deal with GC through normal channels such as the World Bank and the World Health Organization. Lord Shiva wanted also to work with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)."


"The Anaconda-AntiChrist (AA) finally surrendered, but before he was banished to Hades by Shiva/Omega-Supreme and Ryu, AA morphed into a giant construction-vehicle assembled robot called Devastaor. Devastator then debated with Shiva and Ryu, realizing they were the unofficial 'captains' of the heavens and LEG.

DEVASTATOR: Capitalism is very fragile...
SHIVA: We were honoured to engage you in battle!
RYU: We're relieved you're returning to Hades.

DEVASTATOR: I imagine the World Bank will take over now...
SHIVA: Indeed; humanity will reel from this tribulation and govern.
RYU: So what are your plans in Hades, Devastator?

DEVASTATOR: I think I will make giant fortresses as Devastator.
SHIVA: Intriguing; since you're composed of construction-vehicles, that should be fun!
RYU: Yeah, it sounds as intriguing as modern capitalism on Earth!

DEVASTATOR: Modern capitalism on Earth is a system of gambling, no?
SHIVA: No, Ryu and I disagree; there is much room for idealism.
RYU: Indeed. Just look at the European Union and Wal-Mart.

DEVASTATOR: I trust you two will deliberate authority and deal with GC.
SHIVA: Yes, the Greed Plague will vanish, and our allies will take up their duties.
RYU: I can't wait to begin managing Third World debt, Devastator...

DEVASTATOR: I bid you farewell, then; refrain from junk-food and pornography.
SHIVA: We will democratically market entertainment and also avoid censorship!
RYU: Yes, free-speech and teamwork will be our core values; farewell..."


"After AA/Devastator descended back into Hades (the underworld), Shiva and Ryu were elected as the official Chancellors of Humanity (on Earth), and all the gods of the heavens and members of LEG (including American super-celebrity Tom Cruise!) took back their human forms and returned to their normal daily lives and began working with the Trump Administration to properly govern modern capitalism (just as Shiva and Ryu had promised Devastator). As the New World took shape, Hollywood (USA) film-makers began making capitalism-allegorical films about the metaphysical impact of capitalism-mismanagement and vice. These films were endorsed by the 'nightingales' as well as the UN and presented ideas regarding urban crime, poverty, eco-pollution, and of course, cannibalism..."


"Science-fiction film-maker Ridley Scott began coordinating his sequel to Alien: Covenant, which would present a story about humans and gods exchanging heads and dealing with snake-like parasites representing the shadowing and haunting memory of the AntiChrist. Shiva and Ryu were relieved that Anaconda-Antichrist (aka, 'Devastator') was permanently in Hades, so Shiva appointed Ryu to study pro-capitalism creativity (e.g., films like Oliver Stone's Wall Street). Ryu began making savagery-omen stick-figure art to symbolize a youthful perspective on friendship and kindness and distributed them on the Internet. President Trump loved Ryu's home-made capitalism-idealistic art. It seemed capitalism would flourish."


GOD: Shiva and Ryu really saved the day!
SATAN: Everyone contributed --- the nightingales, LEG, journalists, everyone.
GOD: The Anaconda-AntiChrist was a real venomous force.
SATAN: Fortunately, Shiva and Ryu successfully debated with it.
GOD: Yes, they convinced 'it' to descend back into Hades.
SATAN: They reminded Shiva/Ryu to refrain from low-brow entertainment.
GOD: Well, Ryu is making idealistic capitalism-art.
SATAN: Hopefully 'Devastator' will smile upon such art.
GOD: Why shouldn't he? The UN will take over and GC will vanish.
SATAN: Let's hope biochemical warfare does not raise its ugly head now!
GOD: Capitalism is a true 'drama.'
SATAN: Let's go watch Gordon Gekko on Netflix.
GOD: That's smart-thinking. Maybe Tom Cruise should portray Gekko!
SATAN: I hope no one tempts humans to gamble excessively.
GOD: Yes, victories always promote arrogance...
SATAN: Lord Shiva reminds me of Indiana Jones.




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