The New Black American: Conservative


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

I think they prefer using the ghettos as their models in order to keep playing the racist card. I have a grand that is half Latino but he'd fall under their narrative as being white. Many of us also have Native American heritage and we are also considered as being those terrible racist white people when we don't go along with their narratives. Its a bad game they are playing and it needs to be stopped. People need to wake up and smell how nasty their crap really is.
NBC's numbers are deceptive. In August of 2018, a Rasmussen poll found that President Trump had a 36% approval rating among black voters. That was up from 19% the previous year. Also consider this:

The highest approval rating among blacks for any previous GOP candidate was 12% in 1996 for believe it or not, Bob Dole.

Between Trump's approval by Hispanic voters and the increasing approval by black voters, I'd say the Democrats have a very serious problem.
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I think they prefer using the ghettos as their models in order to keep playing the racist card. I have a grand that is half Latino but he'd fall under their narrative as being white. Many of us also have Native American heritage and we are also considered as being those terrible racist white people when we don't go along with their narratives. Its a bad game they are playing and it needs to be stopped. People need to wake up and smell how nasty their crap really is.

I agree with every word.

NBC's numbers are deceptive. In August of 2018, a Rasmussen poll found that President Trump had a 36% approval rating among black voters. That was up from 19% the previous year. Also consider this:
The highest approval rating among blacks for any previous GOP candidate was 12% in 1996 for believe it or not, Bob Dole.
Between Trump's approval by Hispanic voters and the increasing approval by black voters, I'd say the Democrats have a very serious problem.

I am sure the video has errors.It is from NBC after all. But I did like the interviews.
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Young, black, and conservative
A vocal group of young African Americans wants to change the face of conservatism
Young, black, and conservative - WORLD

Olivia Rondeau is used to facing tough opponents. The biracial Maryland native started wrestling as a freshman in high school, and in 2017 she made history by becoming the first female wrestler to win gold at the AAU Junior Olympic Games. But her toughest battles have come in a very different arena—the online wild west of social media, where users navigate political correctness, angry mobs, and “cancel culture.”

Around nine months ago, Rondeau posted a video to her YouTube channel—previously used just for her wrestling videos—titled “Why I Am Blexiting.” The term Blexit refers to a movement founded by conservative commentator Candace Owens that encourages the “black exit” of African Americans from the Democratic Party. In the video, Rondeau described why she rejected Democratic values and policies, such as the welfare state.

Owens shared the video, and a star-struck Rondeau found herself ushered into an energetic group of like-minded young adults and teens, many of them sporting outsized online followings.

These kids log on to Twitter every day and challenge all the stereotypes of their generation by being young, black, and some of President Donald Trump’s most outspoken supporters. And sometimes, they pay a price for it.

Lol! Here we have a bunch of white people trying to convince themselves that blacks are agreeing with what they believe.


Hello. When writing or speaking about black American citizens, I really wish people would distinguish responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens, from illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing #ProBlack American citizens!

_HATE EMBRACING Denounce Mechee X, Vicki Dillard, Shonne Etienne.png

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Hello. When writing or speaking about black American citizens, I really wish people would distinguish responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens, from illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing #ProBlack American citizens!

Well, I am posting about "responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens", and our forum buddy here IM2 who you quoted is the "illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing" sort of Leftist you speak of.

The reaction of an uneducated fool, wallowing in ignorance, who does not know how to deal with the FACT that his own race is moving on, doing well, embracing conservatism, and letting the hate go, while he is stuck in the victimhood mentality that the Democrat Slavemasters have told him he must have. So sad.

.......a bunch of white people......

Actually, my posts and videos are a bunch of black people, not white people. There are no white people speaking in the videos, just black people. Your hate has blinded you.
Allen West: Why Must Black Conservative Republicans Explain Themselves?
Allen West: Why Must Black Conservative Republicans Explain Themselves?

EXCERPT: "..........I welcome the open debate, as I do not believe any black conservative Republican has to explain anything. For me, and my wife Angela, the facts speak for themselves. We embrace a political ideology that supports faith, family, individual sovereignty/freedom, promotes individual responsibility, quality education, and service to our nation. Now, why would anyone believe those principles need to be defended or explained?

The Republican Party was established, founded, in 1854 for a singular purpose, to end slavery. The 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments enshrined in our Constitution, our rule of law, are due to U.S. Republican legislatures. The Civil Rights movement and the ensuing legislation was not opposed by Republicans. And just to correct the record, Senator Barry Goldwater, Sr. voted against the Civil Rights Act because he strictly leaned towards states’ rights. Funny, it appears to me that these progressive socialist states making themselves “sanctuaries” for criminal illegal immigrants serve to do more harm than good. Yet, we do not hear the leftist media challenging them.

Yes, I am a proud black conservative, in the model of my philosophical hero, mentor, Booker T. Washington who believed in education, entrepreneurship, and self-reliance. My mom and dad were registered Democrats, but they raised a son, me, with conservative principles and values. And I am seeking to do the same with my two daughters, Aubrey and Austen. I want them to be victors in life, not victims, and certainly not embrace the mentality of victimhood. I believe in the equality of opportunity that has enabled me to be all that I sought to be, and I reject the philosophy of equality of outcomes.

Seems pretty simple to me. Now, all you black, progressive socialists, you explain yourselves
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Alan Wests own relatives don't like him. I know some of them.
Well, I am posting about "responsible, reasonably well-adjusted, FREE-THINKING black American citizens", and our forum buddy here IM2 who you quoted is the "illogical, INTRA-RACIAL HATE & DISCRIMINATION practicing" sort of Leftist you speak of.

These are not free thinking people. They are people you illustrate who think the way you want blacks to think.

The reaction of an uneducated fool, wallowing in ignorance, who does not know how to deal with the FACT that his own race is moving on, doing well, embracing conservatism, and letting the hate go, while he is stuck in the victimhood mentality that the Democrat Slavemasters have told him he must have. So sad.

I'm better educated than you and every one of these black conservatives you post. There are no democrat slave masters. That is a name made up by republicans and black conservatives mad because they are rightfully called sellouts. All these blacks are doing is validating white hate of blacks. They and you are stuck in victimhood.

Actually, my posts and videos are a bunch of black people, not white people. There are no white people speaking in the videos, just black people. Your hate has blinded you.

And this thread is a bunch of white people trying to convince themselves that blacks are agreeing with what they believe.
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Candace Owens is a joke.

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