The muslim who attacked the Pulse Night Club was not gay, and other myths from the left...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
Thanks for a truthful reminder. I think there needs to be a lot more legal cases followed after the media-frenzy dust has settled to show just how dishonest leftist media really is in trying to control a narrative. More please!
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
What about the record holder from Nevada. Heard he was a white Republican, like Dylann Roof.
You heard wrong, as usual. Didn’t learn much here, huh?
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
What about the record holder from Nevada. Heard he was a white Republican, like Dylann Roof.
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
What about the record holder from Nevada. Heard he was a white Republican, like Dylann Roof.
None of which is part of this discussion. Yours is a glaring example of what the sickness in the left is.
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
What about the record holder from Nevada. Heard he was a white Republican, like Dylann Roof.
None of which is part of this discussion. Yours is a glaring example of what the sickness in the left is.

True, but he is just following the lead set by usmessageboard, itself, which springs into action any time the subject is Islam by changing the subject away from Islam, demanding people attack a different target and then censoring those who do not share this extremely zealous support of all things Islamic.
The left lies...they lie about muslim terrorists and they lie about mass shootings and guns....

When Omar Mateen Said He Killed 49 People for ISIS, He Meant It

It only took 21 months, but now the Huffington Post is finally catching up with the rest of us who actually took Mateen at his word. In a piece titled "Everyone Got The Pulse Massacre Story Completely Wrong" -- which isn't true, because plenty of us got it completely right -- Melissa Jeltsen writes:

[Mateen's wife Noor] Salman’s trial cast doubt on everything we thought we knew about Mateen. There was no evidence he was a closeted gay man, no evidence that he was ever on Grindr. He looked at porn involving older women, but investigators who scoured Mateen’s electronic devices couldn’t find any internet history related to homosexuality. (There were daily, obsessive searches about ISIS, however.) Mateen had extramarital affairs with women, two of whom testified during the trial about his duplicitous ways.

Mateen may very well have been homophobic. He supported ISIS, after all, and his father, an FBI informant currently under criminal investigation, told NBC that his son once got angry after seeing two men kissing. But whatever his personal feelings, the overwhelming evidence suggests his attack was not motivated by it.

I encourage you to read the whole thing. But if you don't have time, here's the short version: As usual, the media ignored all the glaring evidence that contradicted their driving narrative. Once they decided on their angle, nothing that the rest of us did or said made a difference. Their minds were made up. That was it. End of story.

Forty-nine people were butchered that night because an Islamic terrorist thought Allah wanted it. It's a disrespect to their memory to deny that. If you really want to mourn those people, stop lying about why they were murdered.
What about the record holder from Nevada. Heard he was a white Republican, like Dylann Roof.
You "heard" wrong. Republicans don't shoot up gospel music shows.

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