The most profound positive impact to America


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
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United States
Through out all of these threads I hear the tired and played out liberal talking point about how much liberals "care". They simply "care". They want to help. And yet, despite the hundreds of times I've asked if any of them ever skipped a meal to ensure their fellow hungry man ate, or paid for the health insurance policy of someone who was uninsured, not one of them has ever come forward and claimed that they have. And while their honesty is admirable (it would of course be very easy to lie about that), it does show that they don't really care. It's more about power and control over others than helping others. is a monumental opportunity for my liberal friends to once again put their money where their mouth is. This sanctuary is incredible. It will save children from abortion and give both the children and their mothers a home to stay in, food on the table, and free education. It is everything that liberal claim they support. So who among my liberal pals here will step forward and make sure this is well funded so that everybody in need can receive the full assistance they require? All of their needs met, including education to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken and that these mom's and children have all of the tools and opportunities to be successful. How many of you liberals are going to step up here? How many are going to give until it hurts to ensure these women and children receive the assistance they so desperately need? Or will it be the same old? Hoarding wealth for yourself while demanding that government places a gun to the head of other people and forcing them to "help" because you won't? If those of us here on USMB are not hypocrites, we should easily be able to raise several million dollars just from this forum alone.

John Hagee Ministries | Sanctuary of Hope
Through out all of these threads I hear the tired and played out liberal talking point about how much liberals "care". They simply "care". They want to help. And yet, despite the hundreds of times I've asked if any of them ever skipped a meal to ensure their fellow hungry man ate, or paid for the health insurance policy of someone who was uninsured, not one of them has ever come forward and claimed that they have. And while their honesty is admirable (it would of course be very easy to lie about that), it does show that they don't really care. It's more about power and control over others than helping others. is a monumental opportunity for my liberal friends to once again put their money where their mouth is. This sanctuary is incredible. It will save children from abortion and give both the children and their mothers a home to stay in, food on the table, and free education. It is everything that liberal claim they support. So who among my liberal pals here will step forward and make sure this is well funded so that everybody in need can receive the full assistance they require? All of their needs met, including education to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken and that these mom's and children have all of the tools and opportunities to be successful. How many of you liberals are going to step up here? How many are going to give until it hurts to ensure these women and children receive the assistance they so desperately need? Or will it be the same old? Hoarding wealth for yourself while demanding that government places a gun to the head of other people and forcing them to "help" because you won't? If those of us here on USMB are not hypocrites, we should easily be able to raise several million dollars just from this forum alone.

John Hagee Ministries | Sanctuary of Hope

A sanctuary? That's a much better strategy than constant demonization of single mothers and condemnation of programs intended to help poor children after they are born.

Progress :thup:
Through out all of these threads I hear the tired and played out liberal talking point about how much liberals "care". They simply "care". They want to help. And yet, despite the hundreds of times I've asked if any of them ever skipped a meal to ensure their fellow hungry man ate, or paid for the health insurance policy of someone who was uninsured, not one of them has ever come forward and claimed that they have. And while their honesty is admirable (it would of course be very easy to lie about that), it does show that they don't really care. It's more about power and control over others than helping others. is a monumental opportunity for my liberal friends to once again put their money where their mouth is. This sanctuary is incredible. It will save children from abortion and give both the children and their mothers a home to stay in, food on the table, and free education. It is everything that liberal claim they support. So who among my liberal pals here will step forward and make sure this is well funded so that everybody in need can receive the full assistance they require? All of their needs met, including education to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken and that these mom's and children have all of the tools and opportunities to be successful. How many of you liberals are going to step up here? How many are going to give until it hurts to ensure these women and children receive the assistance they so desperately need? Or will it be the same old? Hoarding wealth for yourself while demanding that government places a gun to the head of other people and forcing them to "help" because you won't? If those of us here on USMB are not hypocrites, we should easily be able to raise several million dollars just from this forum alone.

John Hagee Ministries | Sanctuary of Hope

A sanctuary? That's a much better strategy than constant demonization of single mothers and condemnation of programs intended to help poor children after they are born.

Progress :thup:

As a matter of fact - that is exactly what Pastor Hagee said. That we cannot condemn people for abortions and other "bad" choices if we don't provide alternatives to them. He's right. Now it's up to America to help him give these people in need the alternative.
Through out all of these threads I hear the tired and played out liberal talking point about how much liberals "care". They simply "care". They want to help. And yet, despite the hundreds of times I've asked if any of them ever skipped a meal to ensure their fellow hungry man ate, or paid for the health insurance policy of someone who was uninsured, not one of them has ever come forward and claimed that they have. And while their honesty is admirable (it would of course be very easy to lie about that), it does show that they don't really care. It's more about power and control over others than helping others. is a monumental opportunity for my liberal friends to once again put their money where their mouth is. This sanctuary is incredible. It will save children from abortion and give both the children and their mothers a home to stay in, food on the table, and free education. It is everything that liberal claim they support. So who among my liberal pals here will step forward and make sure this is well funded so that everybody in need can receive the full assistance they require? All of their needs met, including education to ensure that the cycle of poverty is broken and that these mom's and children have all of the tools and opportunities to be successful. How many of you liberals are going to step up here? How many are going to give until it hurts to ensure these women and children receive the assistance they so desperately need? Or will it be the same old? Hoarding wealth for yourself while demanding that government places a gun to the head of other people and forcing them to "help" because you won't? If those of us here on USMB are not hypocrites, we should easily be able to raise several million dollars just from this forum alone.

John Hagee Ministries | Sanctuary of Hope

A sanctuary? That's a much better strategy than constant demonization of single mothers and condemnation of programs intended to help poor children after they are born.

Progress :thup:

As a matter of fact - that is exactly what Pastor Hagee said. That we cannot condemn people for abortions and other "bad" choices if we don't provide alternatives to them. He's right. Now it's up to America to help him give these people in need the alternative.

I may send them a check. I've been advocating for this kind of thing for years.
The most profound positive impact to America

Oh that's easy. Liberalism. Which invented this country. But that's stating the obvious.
While I applaud this effort... seriously, how much does a condom cost?
Who's having a gun out to their head? Oh the fucking dramatics from conservatives .
The most profound positive impact to America

Oh that's easy. Liberalism. Which invented this country. But that's stating the obvious.

Oh indeed, classic liberalism. Unfortunately, progressivism is destroying it.
While I applaud this effort... seriously, how much does a condom cost?
No arguments here. However....the left is just going to make you pay for the condoms anyway (can you say Sandra Fluke?) and most of the time they won't use them anyway. So we might as well have another free-market alternative. Especially when we're the side telling people not to get abortions. We need to provide an alternative if that is going to be our message.
The most profound positive impact to America

Oh that's easy. Liberalism. Which invented this country. But that's stating the obvious.

Oh indeed, classic liberalism. Unfortunately, progressivism is destroying it.

Oh indeed "progressivism" blew its load a century ago, and there's no such thing as "Classic" Liberalism. Liberalism is Liberalism is Liberalism.

I'm just mocking the OP who doesn't begin to understand the term. Even here he's imagining it's got something to do with what one personally does by way of Charity---- which he apparently thinks is something you can blackmail.
It's estimated that about a thousand citizens in Chicago will be murder victims this year and the major liberal agenda seems to be punishing states like North Carolina for passing a law that prevents pervert men from entering the ladies room.
It's estimated that about a thousand citizens in Chicago will be murder victims this year and the major liberal agenda seems to be punishing states like North Carolina for passing a law that prevents pervert men from entering the ladies room.
Can't even begin to disagree with you there. But what does that have to do with the premise of this thread?
It's estimated that about a thousand citizens in Chicago will be murder victims this year and the major liberal agenda seems to be punishing states like North Carolina for passing a law that prevents pervert men from entering the ladies room.

That's the free market talking. Got nothing to do with "Liberalism" or any other political philosophy. That's merchants putting their money where their mouth is, or taking it away.

You got something against the free market, pinko?
So I've seen only one or two decent liberals step forward so far and support this (and God Bless them - they are even considering supporting with their wallet - not just their thoughts and words). With that in mind, I think it's safe to say at this point that the majority of liberals don't really support "helping people" like they claim. What they support is government coercion at the barrel of a gun. They love the idea of having people forced again their will by something they pushed for.
So I've seen only one or two decent liberals step forward so far and support this (and God Bless them - they are even considering supporting with their wallet - not just their thoughts and words). With that in mind, I think it's safe to say at this point that the majority of liberals don't really support "helping people" like they claim. What they support is government coercion at the barrel of a gun. They love the idea of having people forced again their will by something they pushed for.

What in the wide world of Fuck gives you the idea you can blackmail people to get your message board jollies?

It's none of your god damned business how other people exercise charity. Go deal with your own pathetic life.
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