CDZ The Medical Marijuana Hoax

Which is the 'phony science' in your view? The argument that weed should be illegal? Or the argument that it should be legal?

The argument that it has widespread medical benefits.

Ahh. OK. Yeah, I don't know how much of that is legit. Never really mattered to me. It should be legal regardless. A free society doesn't tell people what they can eat or breath.
"Here are a few reasons I feel pot must be terribly addictive"
have you ever smoked pot?....

Pot is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents, yet you want to make it widely available as cookies and candy?

Alcohol is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents- they actually die from alcohol poisoning- yet you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children?

That is essentially the 'argument' you made.

Do you even know how to make an argument without dragging out a strawman?

Does Marijuana have any known medical benefits- yes. It can help in several areas:
a) Appetite- especially for those undergoing cancer treatment and also AIDs sufferers
b) Nausea- the lovely 'alternative' are suppositories- would you prefer to smoke a joint- or shove a suppository up your ass to get rid of extreme nausea- please tell us what your preference would be.
c) Migraine pain- it doesn't eliminate migraine pain but dulls it. Migraine medicine has advanced amazingly in the last 2 decades- and when it works it works fantastically. But when the normal migraine medicines don't work the only true alternative for pain- are oppiod pain killers- and we know people are dying from oppiod over doses. But no one has ever died from a pot overdose.

Probably the majority of people using medical marijuana are abusing the system- because the system was set up poorly- and frankly because most people don't care if the system is abused so recreational users can scam the system. But there legitimate uses for medicinal pot- and I know people who get- or have gotten relief from medical pot.
"Here are a few reasons I feel pot must be terribly addictive"
have you ever smoked pot?....

Pot is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents, yet you want to make it widely available as cookies and candy?

Alcohol is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents- they actually die from alcohol poisoning- yet you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children?

That is essentially the 'argument' you made.

Do you even know how to make an argument without dragging out a strawman?

Does Marijuana have any known medical benefits- yes. It can help in several areas:
a) Appetite- especially for those undergoing cancer treatment and also AIDs sufferers
b) Nausea- the lovely 'alternative' are suppositories- would you prefer to smoke a joint- or shove a suppository up your ass to get rid of extreme nausea- please tell us what your preference would be.
c) Migraine pain- it doesn't eliminate migraine pain but dulls it. Migraine medicine has advanced amazingly in the last 2 decades- and when it works it works fantastically. But when the normal migraine medicines don't work the only true alternative for pain- are oppiod pain killers- and we know people are dying from oppiod over doses. But no one has ever died from a pot overdose.

Probably the majority of people using medical marijuana are abusing the system- because the system was set up poorly- and frankly because most people don't care if the system is abused so recreational users can scam the system. But there legitimate uses for medicinal pot- and I know people who get- or have gotten relief from medical pot.
when he said that he was out of ammo....because that was not what the discussion was about....
Ahh. OK. Yeah, I don't know how much of that is legit. Never really mattered to me. It should be legal regardless. A free society doesn't tell people what they can eat or breath.

I am all for people eating or smoking what they please, but only if they can take financial responsibility for the damage that they do to their bodies. Smoking dope or cigarettes leads to health problems and heart disease that cost America more than 300 billion each year, and SOMEBODY pays this. Dope heads are more likely to be on welfare, which means that they are less likely the ones who are paying for the vandalism that they are doing to their bodies. As long as it is MY money that pays for their vandalism to their own bodies, my vote will obstruct legalized dope. We already have legalized Big Gulp sodas at 7/11 stores, and the fat ass lefties who are sucking these things down can't take responsibility the type 2 diabetes and all the other health problems that go along with an unhealthy diet.

I have no problem with fat ass lefties sucking down giant sodas and smoking dope or cigarettes, just as long as they can assume the full financial burden for it. Not just a few bucks to help out subsidized health care that I fund, but the full burden of the vandalism. That, and don't do this shit in front of me or my family.
I am all for people eating or smoking what they please, but only if they can take financial responsibility for the damage that they do to their bodies. Smoking dope or cigarettes leads to health problems and heart disease that cost America more than 300 billion each year, and SOMEBODY pays this. Dope heads are more likely to be on welfare, which means that they are less likely the ones who are paying for the vandalism that they are doing to their bodies. As long as it is MY money that pays for their vandalism to their own bodies, my vote will obstruct legalized dope. We already have legalized Big Gulp sodas at 7/11 stores, and the fat ass lefties who are sucking these things down can't take responsibility the type 2 diabetes and all the other health problems that go along with an unhealthy diet.

I have no problem with fat ass lefties sucking down giant sodas and smoking dope or cigarettes, just as long as they can assume the full financial burden for it. Not just a few bucks to help out subsidized health care that I fund, but the full burden of the vandalism. That, and don't do this shit in front of me or my family.

Hope you feel the same way about alcohol. That aside, your stats suck donkey nuts. For a start, the govt collects over $25 billion in tax from cigarettes a year. Also, cigarette users pay income and many other taxes. A lot would have health insurance. And you have NO numbers to support your assertion as to whether they are on welfare or not. I know a few dope smokers. Every one of them earns way above the average wage.
Alcohol is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents- they actually die from alcohol poisoning- yet you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children?

That is essentially the 'argument' you made.

Do you even know how to make an argument without dragging out a strawman?

Do you even know what a "strawman" is? Let me help you:

A Straw Man is an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. (Oxford Dictionary)

Here is an example:
you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children

Anyone of normal intelligence can see that your statement is an intentional misrepresentation of my argument, which has to do with the exposure of THC to children. I do not condone providing alcohol to children, either, but pot poses the additional dangers of of passive inhalation and being a hidden ingredient in attractive foods.
Alcohol is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents- they actually die from alcohol poisoning- yet you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children?

That is essentially the 'argument' you made.

Do you even know how to make an argument without dragging out a strawman?

Do you even know what a "strawman" is? Let me help you:

A Straw Man is an intentionally misrepresented proposition that is set up because it is easier to defeat than an opponent's real argument. Here is an example:

you want alcohol as available as cookies and candy to children

Anyone of normal intelligence can see that your statement is an intentional misrepresentation of my argument, which has to do with the exposure of THC to children. I do not condone providing alcohol to children, either, but pot poses the additional dangers of of passive inhalation and being a hidden ingredients in attractive foods.

And here was your strawman- which of course was not related to the post you replied to:
Pot is terribly addictive and harmful to children and adolescents, yet you want to make it widely available as cookies and candy?

Instead of answering the posters question:
have you ever smoked pot?....

I responded exactly the same way to your post- substituting alcohol for pot.
Alcohol is more addictive- and more harmful to children and adolescents- it kills children and adolescents every year from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol is often- much more often than pot- concealed in sweet drinks- every bit as attractive as a pot brownie to a teenager.

No one suggested- except you- making pot as available as cookies and candy- why are you just unable to have an honest debate? Are you just trolling?

So tell me- why do you think that pot should be treated differently than alcohol?

Alcohol is both more dangerous- it actually is poisonous and causes deaths every year- and more addictive- we have all known alcoholics.
Ahh. OK. Yeah, I don't know how much of that is legit. Never really mattered to me. It should be legal regardless. A free society doesn't tell people what they can eat or breath.

I am all for people eating or smoking what they please, but only if they can take financial responsibility for the damage that they do to their bodies. Smoking dope or cigarettes leads to health problems and heart disease that cost America more than 300 billion each year, and SOMEBODY pays this. Dope heads are more likely to be on welfare, which means that they are less likely the ones who are paying for the vandalism that they are doing to their bodies. As long as it is MY money that pays for their vandalism to their own bodies, my vote will obstruct legalized dope. We already have legalized Big Gulp sodas at 7/11 stores, and the fat ass lefties who are sucking these things down can't take responsibility the type 2 diabetes and all the other health problems that go along with an unhealthy diet.

I have no problem with fat ass lefties sucking down giant sodas and smoking dope or cigarettes, just as long as they can assume the full financial burden for it. Not just a few bucks to help out subsidized health care that I fund, but the full burden of the vandalism. That, and don't do this shit in front of me or my family.

So only left fat ass welfare sucking you deem the majority of dope smoker's? You either have lived a very sheltered life or you don't know any attorney's, doctor's, judges, congressman or CEO's. All these people yes smoke pot and some don't. Some are left, some are right and some are in the middle. Don't you ever bitch about someone taking your rights away in the future.
No one suggested- except you- making pot as available as cookies and candy-

Are you deliberately disingenuous or just stupid? I never referred to "making pot as available as cookies and candy." Instead I pointed out that pot can be put into cookies and candy that might entice children to eat them. Shame on you, if you are capable of it.

Then as a responsible adult that keeps alcohol away from kids you should keep your cookies and candies away from the kids. Whoops we all know though that most so called responsible adults have a readily open liquor cabinet or beer in the fridge, not to mention their prescription drugs laying on a counter easy to get at.
Actually there is compelling evidence of Cannabis extract blocking the growth of cancer cells. It is unfortunate that it is being used to promote getting high, as the extract does not make the person high as it does not contain a significant amount of the THC complex. It is also proposed to be easily home processed, and therefore of little use to the pharm industry. That makes it a large target on the hit-list huh?
So only left fat ass welfare sucking you deem the majority of dope smoker's? You either have lived a very sheltered life or you don't know any attorney's, doctor's, judges, congressman or CEO's. All these people yes smoke pot and some don't. Some are left, some are right and some are in the middle. Don't you ever bitch about someone taking your rights away in the future.
Please quote where I said that the majority of dope heads are sucking up welfare. This very well may be the case, but I don't recall saying this. While you are at it, please show me where I stated that doping was limited to certain professions or incomes, and where I stated that people who can take financial responsibility for vandalizing themselves should not have the right to dope.
The FDA would never allow alcohol or tobacco to be sold if they were new products, so their comparison to pot is inherently flawed. Just because they are widely purchased is no reason to allow pot to be sold at your local 7-Eleven.

I agree and disagree on some points.

Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. Both are terribly addictive.

Both get you high and as a function both can kill some mental and physical pain.

Far as using pot for pain relief.....we have a problem with many pain pills in this country. I'm not going to tell someone with a ruptured disc not to pop some Vicodin though and heck, now that I'm a bit older and know almost as many Vicodin gals as stoner chicks I'm not sure I wouldn't rather them smoke pot to kill pain.

I'll give you that pot is a fun, hip pain killer though......perhaps we need an unaffiliated doctor to check up on prescribing doctors? Perhaps each doctor can only give a patient soo many refills?

Neither alcohol nor marijuana are physically addictive.


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I am not going to argue physically vs mentally addictive. All I know is habitual users go through some trouble to get high for something they are not "addicted" to.

I agree and disagree on some points.

Pot is no more dangerous than alcohol. Both are terribly addictive.

Both get you high and as a function both can kill some mental and physical pain.

Far as using pot for pain relief.....we have a problem with many pain pills in this country. I'm not going to tell someone with a ruptured disc not to pop some Vicodin though and heck, now that I'm a bit older and know almost as many Vicodin gals as stoner chicks I'm not sure I wouldn't rather them smoke pot to kill pain.

I'll give you that pot is a fun, hip pain killer though......perhaps we need an unaffiliated doctor to check up on prescribing doctors? Perhaps each doctor can only give a patient soo many refills?

Neither alcohol nor marijuana are physically addictive.


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I am not going to argue physically vs mentally addictive. All I know is habitual users go through some trouble to get high for something they are not "addicted" to.
rational addiction; i would rather be euphoric when about my chores than not. my chores tend to get done more often, when I am more euphoric about it.

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