The Left's Rudeness proves two things....


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
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When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
I think you should ask your doctor if you fit the diagnosis for autism
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio.
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio.

Leftard celebs started attacking Trump from the day he was elected INCLUDING death threats with nary a whimper from their worshiping minions because it was "justified" in their little pea-sized brains. I despise the Barrypuppet, the Clintons and the Bush crime family and the mere sound of their voices are like fingernails on a chalkboard but I certainly never wished for them to die or that their children be raped. Leftards have no shame, they suffer from emotional issues and immaturity that I chalk up to arrested development.
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When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio.

Leftard celebs started attacking Trump from the day he was elected INCLUDING death threats with nary a whimper from their worshiping minions because it was "justified" in their little pea-sized brains. I despise the Barrypuppet, the Clintons and the Bush crime family and the mere sound of their voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard but I certainly never wished for them to die or that their children be raped. Leftards have no shame, they suffer from emotional issues and immaturity that I chalk up to arrested development.
Sounds like another batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much AM radio.
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio.

Leftard celebs started attacking Trump from the day he was elected INCLUDING death threats with nary a whimper from their worshiping minions because it was "justified" in their little pea-sized brains. I despise the Barrypuppet, the Clintons and the Bush crime family and the mere sound of their voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard but I certainly never wished for them to die or that their children be raped. Leftards have no shame, they suffer from emotional issues and immaturity that I chalk up to arrested development.
Sounds like another batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much AM radio.

As usual, you are wrong....but that is what's so consistent about you. I certainly know and understand more than you by a factor of a thousand.

Hope this helps!
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.

I certainly hope it hasn't come to that or will in the near future. If you look at serious upheavals to American society and culture from a citizen's point of view over the last thirty years or so, immigration is a major culprit. I worked as an interviewer some years back for a major food producer in a small coastal town that traditionally had been a retirement community for the somewhat affluent.

While I worked there the town was literally overrun as my company attracted more and more immigrants. Massive Victorian homes lining streets in the historic district were sold and rented to multi-family immigrant tenant groups. As my company grew its workforce it added a clinic to the main building which offered total worker health care, Immigrant workers were literally having their children on the company campus.

A town that was once known for its historical significance and wide shady streets, peaceful retirement communities close to the beach and a small but steady vacationer economy gave way to overpopulation by an entirely different culture. The original, multi-generational citizens of said town had no choice but to deal with it or move.

Can we seriously entertain the idea of an open border? What will be left for the people who already live here?

Another upheaval has been the rise of political correctness which we all used to joke about but has since become deadly serious. I for one did not see coming the gun-to-your-head LGBTQ movement, nor the introduction of Islamic education in our schools' curriculum. I laughed at someone a few years back who was convinced sharia law was coming to a community near you. I had been to a place or two where sharia was the law and I refused to believe Americans could ever embrace such a thing.

Now it seems like everything most Americans believe in from our Constitutional foundations to religion, protecting our children, being a man of real value to raising strong confident boys is under relentless bombardment. The final piece of the agenda being MSM broadcasting of very real and rabid hatred for anything and anyone white.

Resistance is stamped out with cognitive dissonance. Campus life has become a proving ground for rising militant leftist ideology. Some of our young people are experiencing daily hell on earth as a consequence of earning a higher education. Their speech is censored. They must self-edit their speech and thought and behavior or face unimaginable peer punishment and often administrative censuring. It's madness the likes of which I'd thought we'd left behind in the '60s and '70s. But it's back and more radical than ever.

As citizens we possess but one true tool by which to interact with our government: our vote. Now that the left has seen fit to hire a foreign power to spy on and possibly skew elections, what recourse remains for the American people to express their displeasure with the left leading trend? Lashing out on social media? Protests ringed by Antifa? Emails and letters to our representatives?

The left has proven it will not play fair according to our election process. They dominate the media and online news outlets. They seem to respond with hatred to any who resist their ideology. Seems like they're quite good at leading the masses to prejudge and convict any who do not tow their party line. While I don't think it's yet too late to reverse the tide, it does seem like the point of no return is coming up on the left.
Don’t confuse liberals with the left, liberals are like conservatives in that they are principled, their ideals are consistent, so if a person is intolerant of others ideas, they are not liberal, they are a left winger.

Liberals and conservatives get along because even though they don’t agree, they have a respect for each other and know they are both grounded in principles and are not swayed by the emotions of the day. The left and the right are bad for America, Fonda and Arnold are left wing nuts.
Don’t confuse liberals with the left, liberals are like conservatives in that they are principled, their ideals are consistent, so if a person is intolerant of others ideas, they are not liberal, they are a left winger.

Liberals and conservatives get along because even though they don’t agree, they have a respect for each other and know they are both grounded in principles and are not swayed by the emotions of the day. The left and the right are bad for America, Fonda and Arnold are left wing nuts.
The problem is that the regressive left has Shanghaied the word 'Liberal' because a genuine descriptor like 'Communist' or 'Marxist' would not sell.

And so people thijnk that George Soros is a 'liberal' when in fact he is a literal Nazi supporting Marxist.
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio
Ever wonder why there is no leftist talk radio?

The answer is, there is no audience of supporters/listeners.

When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.

I certainly hope it hasn't come to that or will in the near future. If you look at serious upheavals to American society and culture from a citizen's point of view over the last thirty years or so, immigration is a major culprit. I worked as an interviewer some years back for a major food producer in a small coastal town that traditionally had been a retirement community for the somewhat affluent.

While I worked there the town was literally overrun as my company attracted more and more immigrants. Massive Victorian homes lining streets in the historic district were sold and rented to multi-family immigrant tenant groups. As my company grew its workforce it added a clinic to the main building which offered total worker health care, Immigrant workers were literally having their children on the company campus.

A town that was once known for its historical significance and wide shady streets, peaceful retirement communities close to the beach and a small but steady vacationer economy gave way to overpopulation by an entirely different culture. The original, multi-generational citizens of said town had no choice but to deal with it or move.

Can we seriously entertain the idea of an open border? What will be left for the people who already live here?

Another upheaval has been the rise of political correctness which we all used to joke about but has since become deadly serious. I for one did not see coming the gun-to-your-head LGBTQ movement, nor the introduction of Islamic education in our schools' curriculum. I laughed at someone a few years back who was convinced sharia law was coming to a community near you. I had been to a place or two where sharia was the law and I refused to believe Americans could ever embrace such a thing.

Now it seems like everything most Americans believe in from our Constitutional foundations to religion, protecting our children, being a man of real value to raising strong confident boys is under relentless bombardment. The final piece of the agenda being MSM broadcasting of very real and rabid hatred for anything and anyone white.

Resistance is stamped out with cognitive dissonance. Campus life has become a proving ground for rising militant leftist ideology. Some of our young people are experiencing daily hell on earth as a consequence of earning a higher education. Their speech is censored. They must self-edit their speech and thought and behavior or face unimaginable peer punishment and often administrative censuring. It's madness the likes of which I'd thought we'd left behind in the '60s and '70s. But it's back and more radical than ever.

As citizens we possess but one true tool by which to interact with our government: our vote. Now that the left has seen fit to hire a foreign power to spy on and possibly skew elections, what recourse remains for the American people to express their displeasure with the left leading trend? Lashing out on social media? Protests ringed by Antifa? Emails and letters to our representatives?

The left has proven it will not play fair according to our election process. They dominate the media and online news outlets. They seem to respond with hatred to any who resist their ideology. Seems like they're quite good at leading the masses to prejudge and convict any who do not tow their party line. While I don't think it's yet too late to reverse the tide, it does seem like the point of no return is coming up on the left.

That is a very good analysis, but what I am contending is that the Left cannot win by argument anymore so they resort to rudeness, shout downs and harassing and dehumanizing their opponents. The incidents with Sarah Huckabee Sanders at the Red Hen eatery, or Kirstjen Nielsen at some TexMex place are demonstrations of the escalated level of dehumanizing treatment that conservatives are getting from, the left today.

Take the latter incident and NPR's comments about it that fault Kirstjen Nielsen for having the gall to eat at a Mexican restaurant when the President she serves is such a racist against Mexicans.

1. These idiots think that 'Mexican food' is really from Mexico.

2. Mexicans are now the minority of illegal aliens crossing the border so Trumps efforts to ENFORCE THE LAW is not about anti-Mexican bigotry.

3. They claimed that the serving staff of the Mexican restaurant is likely hispanic and so it was rude, but then MOST restaurant staff these days is hispanic so I guess thjose in favor of enforcing our immigration laws are just not supposed to eat at restaurants?

4. NPR is not engaging in reason, their 'facts' are hysterically erroneous and it is bankrupt sloppy assertions across the board that they try to make up for by shaming their opponents or intimidating them into silence.

When that fails the real violence will start.

Do not overlook the simple fact that the left has 100% completely ignored the violence of antifa, and antifa says that all conservatives are Nazis and the only answer to Nazxis is top punch them in the mouth. When the demonstrators in Charlotte defended themselves from antifa violence the national media including FOX wanted Trump to only denounce the right wing demonstrators and GIVE ANTIFA A COMPLETE PASS on the violence that Antifa instigated.

This is what we are up against as our own leading class has completely bought into the anti-American perspective of the Marxist left.
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Some people see the problem for what it is; Marxist class warfare in different guises.

Jordan Peterson is fighting back.

Jordan B. Peterson hits Wilfrid Laurier University with $1.5M defamation lawsuit

Clinical psychologist and University of Toronto professor Jordan B. Peterson is using the legal system to send a “warning” to academics who liken him to “Adolf Hitler” and white supremacists.

Canada’s Wilfrid Laurier University was hit with a $1.5 million lawsuit by the bestselling author of “12 Rules for Life: An Antidote for Chaos,” due to the content of a viral video featuring its professors. Teaching assistant Lindsay Shepherd was disciplined for showing clips of the author’s debates on Canadian television.

“I think this is a warning, let’s say, to other careless administrators and professors who allow their ideological presuppositions to get the best of them to be a bit more careful with what they say and do,” Mr. Petersontold the Toronto Sun on Wednesday.

Mr. Peterson is represented by Howard Levitt, who also spearheads a $3.6 million lawsuit filed by Ms. Shepherd against the university.

“The politically correct on campus should not think that they can defame people, slander people and bully people implicitly and explicitly with impunity,” Mr. Levitt said. “This isn’t just some internet troll mouthing off in a way that no one pays attention to and doesn’t give any credence to. These are professors and head of gender equity studies making comments that are atrocious about Dr. Peterson who is one of if not Canada’s most prominent intellectual.”

Wilfrid Laurier University released a statement in response to the lawsuit that reaffirms its commitment “to intellectual inquiry, critical reflection, scholarly integrity, academic freedom and freedom of expression while striving to be a supportive and inclusive community.”​
That sounds like a far right batshit crazy rant from someone who listens to too much far right AM radio
Ever wonder why there is no leftist talk radio?

The answer is, there is no audience of supporters/listeners.

Or possibly people who aren't far right don't make it a priority to listen to some crazy blabbering about the end of America every day.
It proves to me that a liberals' character stinks so bad it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike.

Trust me, my maternal side of the family is filled with ultra-liberal, Obama-fellatrix whores I avoid as much as feasible. You would not believe (or maybe fellow Repubs. would believe) the kind of screaming, actually sobbing, temper tantrum verbal abuse they spew at me when I tell them unpleasant, verifiable facts about their little tin god Obama or their favorite child-fucking hate ideology, Islam. Their reasoning is so amoral, they think that because they personally knew a "nice muslim" at some point, it magically cancels out Islam's 24/7 bloodbath of daily human rights atrocities around the world even as I type this sentence (what MIND-BOGGLING scumbags). I loathe being around these arrogant pigs perched on their moralizing high horses. I've told my mother this myself but as usual she refuses to listen to me or take me seriously - too far off in her leftist feel-good fantasy bubble.
When the libtard entertainers verbally attack the First Family of our nation with ugly suggestions, smears, lies and baseless accusations, and then the rest of the left/liberals give them a pass on it, we are seeing the evidence of the death of liberalism as a way of thought.

When a person has reason and fact on his side, that is what he uses to make his point. When people dont have facts and reason on their side, they engage in shout down tactics, trying to offend and outrageously intimidate their opponents into retreat from the public forum.

And that is what the left is engaging in today with all these absurd and insulting attacks on Trump supporters and suggesting that Baron Trump be put in a cell with pedophiles, like the Jacobins did to the royal heir in the French Revolution, and bayoneting the daughters of the Czar after raping them in the Russian Revolution.

These are leftist pigs and this is what they do; if they cant scare you into silence they will happily kill you and your family.

The American leftist school of thought is dead.

So stay locked and loaded and have a call list of friends who will come to your aid in an emergency.

The shit is about to get real, in the USA.

I certainly hope it hasn't come to that or will in the near future. If you look at serious upheavals to American society and culture from a citizen's point of view over the last thirty years or so, immigration is a major culprit. I worked as an interviewer some years back for a major food producer in a small coastal town that traditionally had been a retirement community for the somewhat affluent.

While I worked there the town was literally overrun as my company attracted more and more immigrants. Massive Victorian homes lining streets in the historic district were sold and rented to multi-family immigrant tenant groups. As my company grew its workforce it added a clinic to the main building which offered total worker health care, Immigrant workers were literally having their children on the company campus.

A town that was once known for its historical significance and wide shady streets, peaceful retirement communities close to the beach and a small but steady vacationer economy gave way to overpopulation by an entirely different culture. The original, multi-generational citizens of said town had no choice but to deal with it or move.

Can we seriously entertain the idea of an open border? What will be left for the people who already live here?

Another upheaval has been the rise of political correctness which we all used to joke about but has since become deadly serious. I for one did not see coming the gun-to-your-head LGBTQ movement, nor the introduction of Islamic education in our schools' curriculum. I laughed at someone a few years back who was convinced sharia law was coming to a community near you. I had been to a place or two where sharia was the law and I refused to believe Americans could ever embrace such a thing.

Now it seems like everything most Americans believe in from our Constitutional foundations to religion, protecting our children, being a man of real value to raising strong confident boys is under relentless bombardment. The final piece of the agenda being MSM broadcasting of very real and rabid hatred for anything and anyone white.

Resistance is stamped out with cognitive dissonance. Campus life has become a proving ground for rising militant leftist ideology. Some of our young people are experiencing daily hell on earth as a consequence of earning a higher education. Their speech is censored. They must self-edit their speech and thought and behavior or face unimaginable peer punishment and often administrative censuring. It's madness the likes of which I'd thought we'd left behind in the '60s and '70s. But it's back and more radical than ever.

As citizens we possess but one true tool by which to interact with our government: our vote. Now that the left has seen fit to hire a foreign power to spy on and possibly skew elections, what recourse remains for the American people to express their displeasure with the left leading trend? Lashing out on social media? Protests ringed by Antifa? Emails and letters to our representatives?

The left has proven it will not play fair according to our election process. They dominate the media and online news outlets. They seem to respond with hatred to any who resist their ideology. Seems like they're quite good at leading the masses to prejudge and convict any who do not tow their party line. While I don't think it's yet too late to reverse the tide, it does seem like the point of no return is coming up on the left.
Your entire observation is spot-on.
Considering the conspicuousness of the comprehensiveness of the upheaval, here’s the source...
Political Correctness: Social Engineering Via Weaponising Language

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