The Left has lost the debate, but will they still win the vote?


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
The Left has lost the debate, hands down. By all accounts, even some of their own have said, "no more." What we should all be asking ourselves is...."is their enough of them (no) or can they manipulate the votes to stay in power?

In reality, the answer is up to you! They are losing at almost a 60-40 clip. The Left by statistics, should get hosed so bad, that they have to change their talking points.

Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. Yes, I know, we would like it to be, and that is exactly what the Left is relying on. I mean, cmon, when you are 60-40 in the hole, you have to know it is gm over, right.

Nope! They are going to do everything they can to make YOU out to be evil; even if you make 40.000 bucks a year. They are going to try and make it all about color, rich V poor; even if you are not rich. They want to point to everything that makes us slightly different, and ignore we are all Americans.

Do you support Biden? How about Trump or the Republicans? How evil are you? Not evil, you are being played!

I contend that MOST Americans are want to go for what is best for the country. Doesn't matter what is Left or Right! That might only be 51, 52, or 53%, but that is enough.

So you have to ask yourselve's, are you better off today, or were you better off as far as options yesterday? Freedom is about options, plain and simple. If you have 5 options, and somebody else gives you 10, then the person giving you 5 is persona-non-grata.

This is how America works; and it has worked great for over 200 years. You don't have to agree, but when it is YOU who decides that what the govt wants is unacceptable, we will stand behind you, even if we disagree with your stance. This how America is supposed to work. I do not like your opinion, you don't like mine, and yet, we can agree to disagree.

I do not like your solar power! You don't like my all energy is good stance. So what? Wanna stuff your theory down my throat? If you make your stuff cheaper than mine without the gov't subsidizing your position, then how DUMB am I for ignoring it?

This is America! That is why we succeed! If I take the wrong stance and invest money, I lose. Same goes, vice-versa.

Are Leftists afraid to let America decide? Must be. They want all of you to do what you are told.

In the end, and back to the subject, it is really up to you, no matter what these people say. How you vote, is not as important that YOU do vote. If you vote, we as Americans can hold you accountable. If you do NOT vote and come here and throw trash, you are the worst of the worst.

Put your own money where your mouth is! In this manner, you can be persuaded from right to left, or Left to Right! Want a freebie? That is NOT theoretically Left or Right, that is SOCIALIST! And if that is your position, man/woman up too! No sense in you lying about it......or is there, lol.
The Left has lost the debate, hands down. By all accounts, even some of their own have said, "no more." What we should all be asking ourselves is...."is their enough of them (no) or can they manipulate the votes to stay in power?

In reality, the answer is up to you! They are losing at almost a 60-40 clip. The Left by statistics, should get hosed so bad, that they have to change their talking points.

Unfortunately, that is not the end of the story. Yes, I know, we would like it to be, and that is exactly what the Left is relying on. I mean, cmon, when you are 60-40 in the hole, you have to know it is gm over, right.

Nope! They are going to do everything they can to make YOU out to be evil; even if you make 40.000 bucks a year. They are going to try and make it all about color, rich V poor; even if you are not rich. They want to point to everything that makes us slightly different, and ignore we are all Americans.

Do you support Biden? How about Trump or the Republicans? How evil are you? Not evil, you are being played!

I contend that MOST Americans are want to go for what is best for the country. Doesn't matter what is Left or Right! That might only be 51, 52, or 53%, but that is enough.

So you have to ask yourselve's, are you better off today, or were you better off as far as options yesterday? Freedom is about options, plain and simple. If you have 5 options, and somebody else gives you 10, then the person giving you 5 is persona-non-grata.

This is how America works; and it has worked great for over 200 years. You don't have to agree, but when it is YOU who decides that what the govt wants is unacceptable, we will stand behind you, even if we disagree with your stance. This how America is supposed to work. I do not like your opinion, you don't like mine, and yet, we can agree to disagree.

I do not like your solar power! You don't like my all energy is good stance. So what? Wanna stuff your theory down my throat? If you make your stuff cheaper than mine without the gov't subsidizing your position, then how DUMB am I for ignoring it?

This is America! That is why we succeed! If I take the wrong stance and invest money, I lose. Same goes, vice-versa.

Are Leftists afraid to let America decide? Must be. They want all of you to do what you are told.

In the end, and back to the subject, it is really up to you, no matter what these people say. How you vote, is not as important that YOU do vote. If you vote, we as Americans can hold you accountable. If you do NOT vote and come here and throw trash, you are the worst of the worst.

Put your own money where your mouth is! In this manner, you can be persuaded from right to left, or Left to Right! Want a freebie? That is NOT theoretically Left or Right, that is SOCIALIST! And if that is your position, man/woman up too! No sense in you lying about it......or is there, lol.
Probably depends on if you can keep the pandemic and your hoopla alive through November of next year. Do you think there are enough anti-vaxers to live that long without hospitalization to keep it going? Or, do you think most people will prefer to eat and make a living?

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