The Kraken has been released on Leftists!

They are telling the true believers they are going to get some sweet vengeance when they are really just blowing smoke up their asses. Barr can investigate all he wants apparently but in the end he had better be able to prove everything he says.
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

You almost gotta laugh that the crazy left thinks it's "unpatriotic" to release transcripts of the attempted political coup. The ironic thing is that the democrat party has become the propaganda arm of foreign agents while accusing the President of the same thing.
it's crazy they feel they can demand every little tidbit of info but no one has the right to ask them for the same.

how did we get this jacked up again? oh yea, letting them do that for so long.
"They can demand every little tidbit"? What does that mean? Does the crazy left really compare the democrat party's never ending demand for the President's tax records with evidence of an attempted political coup?
it means i think the left is full of shit they want everything un-redacted to fit their info needs but they refuse to operate under the same transparency.

screw 'em.
The proof is in the pudding where is the pudding?
It's in Bill Cosby's special pudding pops, but don't be surprised if you wake up groggy with Biden sniffing your hair and John Conyers cornering your wife with Avanetti rumaging through your pockets.
if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Yeah Anderson Cooper tried out that same lie and narrative, but we all saw Trump checkmate Pelosi and her storm off mad while the President was chippy and cheery. Pelosi got so mad that she hurt her already tarnished image when she told Conway that she doesn't talk to mere staff, which Joe public hears as : "the queen doesn't mix with mere peasants."
She is unraveling as seen by her constant butchering of simple speach. I'M CONCERNED WE'LL NEVER Know if she is having a stroke or just confused & stumbling on her line of prescripted narrative lies of the day.
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.
if Pelosi doesn't stop handing Trump his fat ass he's going to have a stroke - the Dems aren't worried in the least.
Yeah Anderson Cooper tried out that same lie and narrative, but we all saw Trump checkmate Pelosi and her storm off mad while the President was chippy and cheery. Pelosi got so mad that she hurt her already tarnished image when she told Conway that she doesn't talk to mere staff, which Joe public hears as : "the queen doesn't mix with mere peasants."
She is unraveling as seen by her constant butchering of simple speach. I'M CONCERNED WE'LL NEVER Know if she is having a stroke or just confused & stumbling on her line of prescripted narrative lies of the day.

then she handed him his fat ass and he went bonkers on national tv ..

fuck Trump.
How phony is the Left?

They come on here, and actually try and convince everyone that Trump is going to release something to screw himself, or that will lay a big dud.

Let the Left crow a little while longer, as long as they remember-------------->everything we predicted has come to pass, and everything they said was accurate, has been proved bassackwards, lol.

I got a buck 3.80 that says------------>someone is going to be indicted from the alphabet agencies, or one of the lefts heroes BEFORE 4th of July-) Of course, I already know 3 grand jury's have been paneled 6 weeks ago, by Durham. (ohhhhhhhhhh, you didn't know that? How sad!)

Nothing to see here Leftists, you all just keep being smug. We like when you are sooooooooooo DUMB, you walk right into an ambush-)

Any day now Leftists?

For once, you are correct! And day now is very accurate-)
Fine. Reveal everything. I don't doubt that Trump's going to come off badly in that exchange.

I agree, trump will be confirmed as a bombastic asshole, but the pricks who started this coup attempt, they are going to be exposed for the criminals they are.

"We need rope. Lots of rope."

Don't worry, we're giving tRump plenty.
Sooooooooo, I am sure everyone has become aware that Trump has told AG Barr to declassify everything about spygate. But what most people are unaware of is-------------> It wasn't only AG Barr instructed to do so. He was just the one all the media reported on, which is EXACTLY why the Left is screaming from the high heavens.

What do I mean?

Well people, 2 OTHER cabinet secretaries, were also ordered to release pertinent documents relating to the Trump/Russia/Collusion hoax, and this is REALLY going to get good really quick, lol.

How is that you say, and what am I talking about?

Well, you know how we have an education secretary, and a DHS secretary, etc, etc. Well 2 others were ordered to get with Barr, and turn over THEIR documents to Barr also, that pertain to the hoax!

Who/Whom you say?

1. The Treasury Secretary, AND

2. The ENERGY secretary-)

So what is soooooo special about that you say?!?!?!?!

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmm, ever hear of Ukraine, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, along with Uranium One-)

Ever hear of how much money went to Fusion GPS, from where, and by whom-)

That is not all, but basically, that is all you need know at the moment, since that is JUICY enough, lol. But, if you want to invest the time, watch this, and you will find out more.

My friends, the LEFT IS SCREWED, and it is looking more and more that the Obama legacy, is OVER!

It's a distraction to occupy tRump's weak-minded base.

LOL, glad you take that view. Your side is sooooo screwed, and I don't even have to do predictions, because not much after I did it, the real deal is going to smack you in the kisser-)
hey dipshit I don't have a wife.And so far there is nothing from Trump or Barr..
Don't fret, there's always robotronics, they have them in all types and celebrity likness,
but not in Al Gore's likeness. They were affraid they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the robots and the real Al Gore.

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