The Kickass Native American Rock Bands Music History Forgot


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
There’s a video clip in the new documentary Rumble: The Indians Who Rocked the World, which neatly sums up what the film is all about. The Native American rock band Redbone, dressed in colorful tribal regalia, are performing their hit song “Come and Get Your Love” in a 1974 TV performance. Band member Tony Bellamy starts the number performing what’s known as a Fancy Dance, a Plains pow-wow tradition featuring chanting and fancy footwork. Then he sheds his feathered raiment, picks up an electric guitar, and the band charges into the song, which made it to No. 5 on the pop charts, and was recently featured in Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s a truly thrilling multi-cultural experience. And as the documentary makes clear, Redbone, which included members of the Yaqui and Shoshone tribes, were not the only American Indians who played a key role in the gumbo that makes up American pop culture.

....Rumble, which won a special jury prize at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, opens in New York on July 26th followed by a national rollout, and is the brainchild of Stevie Salas, an Apache guitarist who has played with Rod Stewart, George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, Eddie Money and many others. Salas, who is executive producer of Rumble (the film was directed by Catherine Bainbridge), says he first realized there were other Indians in rock when he started playing for Stewart in the 1980s, but it wasn’t until the early years of this century that he fully realized their influence. That’s when he found out about Link Wray, a Shawnee whose 1958 instrumental hit “Rumble” introduced the power chord to rock and roll.
The Kickass Native American Rock Bands Music History Forgot

I want to see this.



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