The Juke Box II

Solas - Tell God and the Devil they can's not going to be the day we die

[ame=]Solas - Tell God and the Devil - YouTube[/ame]
Two unique sounds came out at or near the same time that were somewhat captivating (for me anyway). I bought both albums and listened to both of them often. I'm going to post several tunes from both albums (just my favorites). Paul Simon and the Graceland Album and Terence Trent D'Arby:

[ame=]Paul Simon- Graceland - YouTube[/ame]
1985 was a bitter/sweet year for me. Still young but recently sober after years of drug and alcohol abuse. My emotions and feelings were moving in all directions and I was falling in love with about 4 women at the same time. Passion, sorrow, confusion, coupled with an emerging awareness of the world I had hidden from for my entire teen years and into my mid 20s. Songs of this era bring back a lot of memories:

[ame=]George Michael - Careless Whisper - YouTube[/ame]

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