The joys of populism


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
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Italy's Five Star party reels in Rome, losing national lustre

Italy's populist Five Star party did well in elections and managed to gain the city hall in Rome.

However it now looks like they were all hot air and not much ability as they've been lying out of their asses about being under investigation for alleged wrong doing.

People might like the idea of these populists, but they're populists because they really don't have the right ideas to move forwards.

Just like Trump.

I agree totally.

But the thing you must remember, it won't be so much because of the polticians or the political movement, it will be because of resistance in the establishment. The Deep State will deny any real change.

Hell, even the source you cited ADMITTED that the system was stacked against them.

Italian newspapers, which are mostly hostile to 5-Star, denounced what they saw as rank hypocrisy.

"Chaos in Rome," said la Repubblica. "A failed revolution," said Rome daily Il Messaggero. "Armageddon for Five Star," said the Huffington Post's Italian edition.

Naturally Trump won't win, the establishment will do everything in it's power, including rigging the balloting process, the media, the polling, etc. to give the illusion more votes were cast for the other party. Anything short of a landslide victory will ensure that Clinton will win.

So should Trump win, there is no way the establishment would let him lead or clean house. If he was effective in anyway, the Deep State would give him the JFK treatment.

I agree totally.

But the thing you must remember, it won't be so much because of the polticians or the political movement, it will be because of resistance in the establishment. The Deep State will deny any real change.

Hell, even the source you cited ADMITTED that the system was stacked against them.

Italian newspapers, which are mostly hostile to 5-Star, denounced what they saw as rank hypocrisy.

"Chaos in Rome," said la Repubblica. "A failed revolution," said Rome daily Il Messaggero. "Armageddon for Five Star," said the Huffington Post's Italian edition.

Naturally Trump won't win, the establishment will do everything in it's power, including rigging the balloting process, the media, the polling, etc. to give the illusion more votes were cast for the other party. Anything short of a landslide victory will ensure that Clinton will win.

So should Trump win, there is no way the establishment would let him lead or clean house. If he was effective in anyway, the Deep State would give him the JFK treatment.

You say Trump won't win, as if Trump isn't a part of the establishment. He's played on this the whole time, but he's more the establishment than a lot of people believe and he certainly isn't change.

I agree totally.

But the thing you must remember, it won't be so much because of the polticians or the political movement, it will be because of resistance in the establishment. The Deep State will deny any real change.

Hell, even the source you cited ADMITTED that the system was stacked against them.

Italian newspapers, which are mostly hostile to 5-Star, denounced what they saw as rank hypocrisy.

"Chaos in Rome," said la Repubblica. "A failed revolution," said Rome daily Il Messaggero. "Armageddon for Five Star," said the Huffington Post's Italian edition.

Naturally Trump won't win, the establishment will do everything in it's power, including rigging the balloting process, the media, the polling, etc. to give the illusion more votes were cast for the other party. Anything short of a landslide victory will ensure that Clinton will win.

So should Trump win, there is no way the establishment would let him lead or clean house. If he was effective in anyway, the Deep State would give him the JFK treatment.

You say Trump won't win, as if Trump isn't a part of the establishment. He's played on this the whole time, but he's more the establishment than a lot of people believe and he certainly isn't change.

Congratulations. You've just destroyed the whole premise or your own thread.
Italy's Five Star party reels in Rome, losing national lustre

Italy's populist Five Star party did well in elections and managed to gain the city hall in Rome.

However it now looks like they were all hot air and not much ability as they've been lying out of their asses about being under investigation for alleged wrong doing.

People might like the idea of these populists, but they're populists because they really don't have the right ideas to move forwards.

Just like Trump.

Move forward?

You mean like invading Libya and then saying its not a war? How is that ISIS haven in Libya working for ya?

You mean like running up a $20 trillion debt that is never ending?

You mean like treating illegal aliens and representing them better than actual US citizens?

If this is forward, throw the damn thing in reverse dolts.
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