The Height of BLM Hypocrisy


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.
The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.

That is quite a pitch for BLM. If what you say is true, I should send them off a huge contribution right away.
Since racism and police murdering minorities is so reprehensible, obviously everyone should try to stop it, but most organizations like BLM are too disorganized to actually be able to do anything about it. Thanks for letting us know BLM is a valid opportunity to make things better.
Why should Jackson and Sharpton have a corner on the market for angry rubes foolish enough to send them money?

They do! They have the Sharpton & Jackson Race-baiting & Phishing Superstore! Your One-stop shopping needs for anything Racial! Including a limited edition "BLM: How I Just Screwed My People By Buying A Mansion With My Donations" tee-shirts! (Oh, I did I mention, they only come in black and XXXL? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.

That is quite a pitch for BLM. If what you say is true, I should send them off a huge contribution right away.
Since racism and police murdering minorities is so reprehensible, obviously everyone should try to stop it, but most organizations like BLM are too disorganized to actually be able to do anything about it. Thanks for letting us know BLM is a valid opportunity to make things better.

It made things a lot better for the founder. She bought four houses in the last two years.

The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.

That is quite a pitch for BLM. If what you say is true, I should send them off a huge contribution right away.
Since racism and police murdering minorities is so reprehensible, obviously everyone should try to stop it, but most organizations like BLM are too disorganized to actually be able to do anything about it. Thanks for letting us know BLM is a valid opportunity to make things better.

It made things a lot better for the founder. She bought four houses in the last two years.


Sharpton and Jackson are envious of Cullors because she's amassed so much so quickly.
Doesn’t help their cause when all their martyrs are career criminals and thugs.

The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.
It would be bad enough if it were just a financial fraud scheme, which it is. The main problem is BLM IS A CANCER that is spreading into every aspect of American life.
The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.

Baffle the biddable is your game; no one with commons sense believes any of your bullshit.
The Height of BLM Hypocrisy
Getting rich off of race-bait burning, looting, and murdering.​
Mark Alexander: The Height of BLM Hypocrisy — The Patriot Post

The political fortunes of Democrat politicians, most notably Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their legislative branch parrots, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, are built on identity constituency deceit. Race-hustling has proven to be their most successful identity game in the last decade, and it has paid rich political dividends.
Demos have a symbiotic relationship with hate-hustling organizations, most notably their Leftmedia publicists. But other major benefactors include leftists with the SPLC, and a huge beneficiary of hate-hustling has been the Marxist so-called Black Lives Matter radicals. These organizations profit handsomely from woke corporations who want to appease these identity groups in order to appear sympathetic and avoid boycotts.
BLM took in $90 million in “donations” last year alone. So, naturally, why wouldn’t self-proclaimed Marxist Patrisse Cullors, BLM’s 37-year-old high-profile cofounder, not want to cash in some of her chips for a nice house in a white suburb?
BLM got its start with the Zimmerman/Martin race-bait hoax in 2013 and ramped up after the 2014 “hands up, don’t shoot” hoax in Ferguson, Missouri. But BLM solidified its brand after Trump’s election, when the Democrats put their division and hate political apparatus in high gear.

BLM is a Marxist Enterprise... just follow the money. It leads directly to the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left funded and staffed by Communists. Anyone who knuckles under for these pimps is NUTS.
Like Anita Dunn, Patrisse Cullors depends on Chaiman Mao's "Little Red Book" for solace, strength and advice.

Baffle the biddable is your game; no one with commons sense believes any of your bullshit.

Sounds like a cry for help because you cannot defend your kind.
BLM is a Marxist/Communist organization. Its ultimate goal is to transform the United State into a communist nation.

Watch this entire video.

BLM gets MILLIONS in donations from corporations. The corporations are being duped by BLM's convincing them that their motive is to fight racism. Their donations are signals of the support for racial equity.

BLM's modus operandi is to promote racism as a divisive tactic in order to promulgate turmoil, rioting. looting, destruction of property and hatred of authority, including police and the federal government. First create anarchy, then communism.

Just as Antifa uses fascist tactics while claiming to be anti-fascist, BLM promotes racial divisiveness while claiming to be anti-racist. They are despicable liars.

The total annihilation of BLM would be a blessing.


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