The GOP healthcare debacle.


Diamond Member
Mar 4, 2013
Dog House in back yard
Thinking of the Yuuuge failure known as Trump (-: I saw this article earlier today.

Cities Fear Obamacare Repeal, Warm to Single-Payer

Some would say it’s a disaster to have single payer without cost constraints, and have no doubt Obamacare didn’t contain Medicaid expansion cost increases. But then I thought the failure wasn’t actually the Senate proposal. The failure was to not sell the proposal. The mayors complaint is they fear healtcare for necessary stuff like opioid treatment won’t be funded. But the gop proposed keeping the new medicaid funding, but indexing it to overall inflation, and letting governors and state legislators divvy up the money to provide treatment.

The point was that the US would still be spending more per person than anyone else. There was a conservative notion back before Obamacare, and before the Kochs and teaparty folks said "no gummit in heathcare ... unless it’s my medicare or employer sponsored care." Tell providers, "you get X amount per person which is more than any other country spends. Now keep people healthy or we’ll find someone who can do the job."

But Trump never tried to sell Americans or governors on the specific plan. Instead we just let dems say "the cbo says Xmillion will lose HC insurance." And that wasn’t a lie. The CBO did it’s job. But we didn’t say that these people would still have care but it will be in as yet non-codified law that there state will determine.

But no, we're too busy wagging the dog in NK and cozying up to the Klan. JFC
Ain't our failure! Insurance companies aren't bailing on "Trump" care. :eusa_dance:
SoroCain and SoroConnel doomed you to welfare clinics and government green cards for a little while longer. Because you HAVE no health insurance, and no insurance Companies. The wealthier do under Obamacare. It's just the middle class, money strapped and the unemployed poor folk that have no insurance. You get to go to friendly neighborhood Rite Aid clinic.
So, either good luck with that, or tell your representatives in Congress you deserve better than Obamascare.
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