The Good Samaritan / Shining Example: Black protester carries white man


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Black protester carries white man through angry crowd to safety to 'stop someone from being killed'
Black protester carries white man
through angry crowd to safety to
'stop someone from being killed'

A Black Lives Matter protester photographed carrying a white man – assumed to be a far-right counter-protester – to safety when demonstrations descended into violence in London Saturday said he chose to step up, rather than let the man be pummeled by the crowd, “to stop someone from being killed.”

Patrick Hutchinson, a member of Black Lives matter in London, England, and 4 friends demonstrated that people can Protest INJUSTICE and brutal, deadly mistreatment of others without embracing hate, without embracing violence, and without becoming the issue/thing being protested.

'Patrick Hutchinson, who is black, and four other Black Lives Matter protesters said they witnessed an altercation break out at the top of the stairs by the Southbank Centre, near the Waterloo Station.

The five men then surrounded the white man who had fallen to the ground, forming a barrier in the crowd to prevent him from being trampled. Hutchinson said he then “scooped him up into a fireman's carry and marched him out with the guys around me, protecting me and shielding me and protecting this guy from getting any further punishment."

It would be awesome in Americans of all colors, on all sides, in this country could be reminded by this act that we are ALL Americans, United We Stand, that we can protest / stand against something without descending into barbaric, animalistic, terroristic behavior, committing heinous acts against those who have done nothing to us or even who may have a different view.

When violence is chosen the message is lost, all progress is lost, and the cause is lost.

God bless Patrick Hutchinson and his friends for rejecting the mob mentality, the hate, and violence, for choosing instead to remember who they are as people at the core, remembering what they stand for / believe in, and choosing to do the right thing!

Hopefully their actions changed the life / perceptions / beliefs of the man whose life he saved....perhaps changed many who witnessed it...and hopefully changed a whole lot more people.

It only takes a few people to stand up to the tidal wave of hate, violence, and tell the people attempting to fan the flames of racial division, hate, and violence, "NO!" to spread kindness, understanding, peace, mending, and forgiveness.

These guys join my unofficial 'Hall of Heroes'.

The 1st one was the mother in Baltimore who saw her son in a mask throwing rocks at the police in Baltimore, went down to the protest site, and right on nationwide TV smacked that ass and told him to 'Get home NOW'! :p
Nice to hear and see good things happening in these protests. Someone tried to burn a flag when a peaceful protester went over and put out the fire.

Protests can be civil.
There are tons of exemplary black folks out there. Don't let the media or the bad apples keep you blinded
to that fact.
Black protester carries white man through angry crowd to safety to 'stop someone from being killed''stop someone from being killed'
Black protester carries white man
through angry crowd to safety to
'stop someone from being killed'

A Black Lives Matter protester photographed carrying a white man – assumed to be a far-right counter-protester – to safety when demonstrations descended into violence in London Saturday said he chose to step up, rather than let the man be pummeled by the crowd, “to stop someone from being killed.”

Patrick Hutchinson, a member of Black Lives matter in London, England, and 4 friends demonstrated that people can Protest INJUSTICE and brutal, deadly mistreatment of others without embracing hate, without embracing violence, and without becoming the issue/thing being protested.

'Patrick Hutchinson, who is black, and four other Black Lives Matter protesters said they witnessed an altercation break out at the top of the stairs by the Southbank Centre, near the Waterloo Station.

The five men then surrounded the white man who had fallen to the ground, forming a barrier in the crowd to prevent him from being trampled. Hutchinson said he then “scooped him up into a fireman's carry and marched him out with the guys around me, protecting me and shielding me and protecting this guy from getting any further punishment."

It would be awesome in Americans of all colors, on all sides, in this country could be reminded by this act that we are ALL Americans, United We Stand, that we can protest / stand against something without descending into barbaric, animalistic, terroristic behavior, committing heinous acts against those who have done nothing to us or even who may have a different view.

When violence is chosen the message is lost, all progress is lost, and the cause is lost.

God bless Patrick Hutchinson and his friends for rejecting the mob mentality, the hate, and violence, for choosing instead to remember who they are as people at the core, remembering what they stand for / believe in, and choosing to do the right thing!

Hopefully their actions changed the life / perceptions / beliefs of the man whose life he saved....perhaps changed many who witnessed it...and hopefully changed a whole lot more people.

It only takes a few people to stand up to the tidal wave of hate, violence, and tell the people attempting to fan the flames of racial division, hate, and violence, "NO!" to spread kindness, understanding, peace, mending, and forgiveness.

One decent person among hundreds of murderous leftwing BLM wackos
Black protester carries white man through angry crowd to safety to 'stop someone from being killed''stop someone from being killed'
Black protester carries white man
through angry crowd to safety to
'stop someone from being killed'

A Black Lives Matter protester photographed carrying a white man – assumed to be a far-right counter-protester – to safety when demonstrations descended into violence in London Saturday said he chose to step up, rather than let the man be pummeled by the crowd, “to stop someone from being killed.”

Patrick Hutchinson, a member of Black Lives matter in London, England, and 4 friends demonstrated that people can Protest INJUSTICE and brutal, deadly mistreatment of others without embracing hate, without embracing violence, and without becoming the issue/thing being protested.

'Patrick Hutchinson, who is black, and four other Black Lives Matter protesters said they witnessed an altercation break out at the top of the stairs by the Southbank Centre, near the Waterloo Station.

The five men then surrounded the white man who had fallen to the ground, forming a barrier in the crowd to prevent him from being trampled. Hutchinson said he then “scooped him up into a fireman's carry and marched him out with the guys around me, protecting me and shielding me and protecting this guy from getting any further punishment."

It would be awesome in Americans of all colors, on all sides, in this country could be reminded by this act that we are ALL Americans, United We Stand, that we can protest / stand against something without descending into barbaric, animalistic, terroristic behavior, committing heinous acts against those who have done nothing to us or even who may have a different view.

When violence is chosen the message is lost, all progress is lost, and the cause is lost.

God bless Patrick Hutchinson and his friends for rejecting the mob mentality, the hate, and violence, for choosing instead to remember who they are as people at the core, remembering what they stand for / believe in, and choosing to do the right thing!

Hopefully their actions changed the life / perceptions / beliefs of the man whose life he saved....perhaps changed many who witnessed it...and hopefully changed a whole lot more people.

It only takes a few people to stand up to the tidal wave of hate, violence, and tell the people attempting to fan the flames of racial division, hate, and violence, "NO!" to spread kindness, understanding, peace, mending, and forgiveness.

I hope this story is real and from this mans heart. I know how Canadian policing works, this could have easily been a well orchestrated ruse.

British police, like Canadian, regularly use agent provocateurs and misinformation through such rallies. Just think of the CNN setting up fake interviews with fake citizens after a tragedy, all to control the narrative, that's what Canadian police do on a regular basis. Sure, it gives a feel good story, but will it just hide some of the bad elements behind both sides? Quite possibly. Is anyone talking about damaged statues, broken stores, violence or some of the radicals on either side? Not anymore, "look, a photo!"

I know a guy who is working for TPS, who went to the CNE in Toronto and was apparently "on something" and he jumped on a police cruiser and started jumping up and down, all caught on video, it made all the news networks and papers. The only thing he was on, was the Toronto Police payroll.

Oddly, the usual right wing rags and news had the perfect air camera set up where the protesting and jumping idiot occurred. It sent the usual narrative, "see, police have it tough out here with these young hoodlums". Budgets never go down, nor salaries. All optics. Now our city and province is broke with little innovation staying, this clown and his relations are doing quite well I'm sure.

So, yeah, I'd love for this to be a legitimate story, but, I'm always skeptical.
Thank you magic negro...what would he ever do?!

Let's make a movie about this magic negro.
It actually irritates you to see a black man put in a positive light, doesn't it.
You can't stand it. I'm sorry you are such a pathetic example of humanity.
I feel sorry for humanity, actually.
Not magic negroes like him! They give me inspiration. Why? That one isolated incident is all I need as a boomer to know that all we need is to find more isolated incidents like these.
So we can tell ourselves...SEE! All of them aren't bad...and therefore...none of them are...on the whole ya see?
He saved a white man! It's just like they have been telling me in the motion pictures for all of these years!
Not magic negroes like him! They give me inspiration. Why? That one isolated incident is all I need as a boomer to know that all we need is to find more isolated incidents like these.
So we can tell ourselves...SEE! All of them aren't bad...and therefore...none of them are...on the whole ya see?
He saved a white man! It's just like they have been telling me in the motion pictures for all of these years!
One good one doesn't make all of them good any more than one bad one makes them all bad.
I would have to feel compelled to think all whites are racist pricks if you were the only example I
had to go by.

And that isn't fair, is it?
Not magic negroes like him! They give me inspiration. Why? That one isolated incident is all I need as a boomer to know that all we need is to find more isolated incidents like these.
So we can tell ourselves...SEE! All of them aren't bad...and therefore...none of them are...on the whole ya see?
He saved a white man! It's just like they have been telling me in the motion pictures for all of these years!
One good one doesn't make all of them good any more than one bad one makes them all bad.
I would have to feel compelled to think all whites are racist pricks if you were the only example I
had to go by.

And that isn't fair, is it?
But...but...doesn't it warm your confirmation bias...way down deep? mother's milk...soothing...
My feels.

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