The future is very bright for the United States

That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.
Then why don't "multiple single-issue" voters bother you more ???
Because for you it is not the issue it is the person.
The American people have seen the poverty, misery, and crime that the liberal ideology delivers. And they are disgusted by it. Democrats are in serious trouble when even California is recalling Soros-installed District Attorneys.

That's your only standard for a bright future?

Single issue voters are annoying and stupid.
If you would use words correctly
He didn't say it was the only standard.
But he is right in that 2nd Amendment rights are the chief bearers of true Federalism.

Nothing violates America's future like a fool Beto O'Rourke coming to my state to take my gun
This is very encouraging. Children will be getting an actual education in these states with accurate information instead of leftists disinformation.
PragerU Kids content is now an approved educational resource in FL, TX, NH, OK, MT, and AZ, with more states to come.
The American people are fed up with the alt-left’s bat-shit crazy, extremist ideology - and the propaganda they push in schools.
Record low unemployment, record high stock markets. The nation is at peace.
“Record low unemployment”? WTF? Your lack of links on your outrageous claims is duly noted.

For the record, unemployment is up right now so clearly not at “record low unemployment” 🤦🏼‍♂️

Record low unemployment, record high stock markets. The nation is at peace.
You left everything out, CC
  • Outrageous inflation that is killing families
  • Record unsecured borders resulting in horrific crimes
  • Arming the Taliban with billions of dollars in U.S. weapons & vehicles
  • Allowing Russia to invade Ukraine
  • The total elimination of the 4th Amendment
  • Cocaine in the White House
  • Total depravity on the White House grounds 🤮
Receipts are all there CC (unlike your posts)

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