The First New Year's Eve With The Donald As President...I Feel Good.


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
So incredible, so beautiful The Donald is our President. Folks, hopefully US taxpaying citizens attending the thing in Times Square have the latest high tech clothing, some of which contains battery powered heaters to offset the "climate change" or the unusual cold. Global warming, not so much. :p

From what I understand Hussaine/Crooked Hillary supporters will be closely monitored to insure they do not shoot people or blow up shit.

So, I intend on picking up a case of Brooklyn Lager later today to celebrate! Holla if ya hear meh!
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Indeed........especially when you wake up this fine New Years Eve and see THIS >>>

Trump delivering on vow to shrink govt...


Hey celebrate Trumps first year, give a try to Brooklyn Winter!! all of their some for Christmas Eve. Need to get some more though tonight I'll be toasting Mr Trump with Baileys on the rocks!! Never drink the stuff except this time of year!:rock:
Who is sitting in the White House has never played a part in how I feel about the upcoming year. I cannot imagine the resident of the White House playing such a role. Kind of feel sorry for those that are this way, half their life is spent not feeling good about the future.

Here is my New Years advice to those let such things impact them: Forge your own path and determine your own destiny, do not let your partisanship determine your happiness or future.

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