The extreme UNWISDOM of using retail to push culture

Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.

Well it looks like this is proving to be true. Retail has no place in culture preaching.
Budlighting has become a new and lethal verb phrase.
Does AB wish that they never got involved? Ya Think?
Right about now Target probably wishes they never even heard of the word Pride. Was it really a business decision to make a push in the public's face to sell products which were already available there and being sold there but now were being super promoted beyond what was necessary? Or....was it some kind of socio-political pressure that made them appear to become proselytizers of the Alternate lifestyle church? Not smart....people don't like being told what to do, what to like, what to believe.....especially when they show up with their wallets to get what they need from a place they like to shop at. Shopping for your needs is a vital activity that people like to do in peace, on their own, unmolested ( pun intended) and independently. Take that away from them and they will simply disappear. Not a very good sequence of events for a retail dependent organization where foot traffic is god. Having made the initial blunder they suffered pushback and the loss of billions in company value.....even trying to correct the initial blunder they have placed themselves squarely in the middle of a culture war with no allies at all....none. Retail is about foot traffic and customer base....that's all it should ever be about....beyond that you are simply in the wrong business.

Hey time you get the bright idea to become a spokesman for a cause check with you stockholders first.....cuz if you don't're going to have to check with them later.

Substitute Bud light ....

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