The Essence of Being a Lawyer: Prevarication


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
Never forget: what separates a "good" lawyer from a mediocre lawyer is that a "good" lawyer can argue convincingly for a case that is utterly without merit. That ability is what is rewarded in law school and in the profession itself.

A "good" criminal defense lawyer is one who can obtain a "not guilty" verdict (or a favorable plea bargain) for someone who is obviously guilty of the crime. A "good" tort lawyer is one who can convince a jury that it was not the negligent but penniless driver who caused the death of his client, but (a) the manufacturer of the car, or (b) the bartender who served him his last drink, or (c) the city that failed to plow the roads or put a warning sign at the intersection. A "good" malpractice lawyer is someone who can convince a jury that a competent and conscientious doctor who treated a patient appropriately, but with a bad outcome, was actually a near criminal who caused the bad outcome through ignorance or malfeasance.

Lawyers are in the business of "advocacy," and if the cause or client is manifestly good then they don't need a particularly "good" lawyer to plead their case; it's only when the cause or client is questionable that a high-priced lawyer is needed.

Note the outrage that Attorney Alan Dershowitz is causing in his Liberal colleagues when he renders objective commentary on Trump-Conspiracy matters. They don't want him to render honest legal opinions; they want him to speak as a Liberal, Anti-Trump advocate, and they hate him for rendering honest legal opinions.

Maybe it's just me, but I get truly irritated when I see news sources querying ATTORNEYS FOR ONE OF THE PARTIES about current events. THESE PEOPLE ARE PAID TO LIE! What the fuck do you think they are going to say? How dare you present it as "news" or honest commentary!

I don't care what Stormy Daniels' lawyer says about what might have happened 20 years ago, or what he says about the NDA that she signed. He is paid to lie. Or what Trump's lawyer says either. It is not "news" and it's not informative in any way. Give it a rest. [Just one example].

Duquesne University School of Law
Class of '82
we get it

you're a devoted trumpling

you don't care about anything other than justifying your vote for the fraud that currently infests the white house.

unfortunately, that's not possible
Never forget: what separates a "good" lawyer from a mediocre lawyer is that a "good" lawyer can argue convincingly for a case that is utterly without merit. That ability is what is rewarded in law school and in the profession itself.

But of course. A lawyer is a professional arguer, trained to make a case for -- anything he's hired to make a case for, regardless how specious.

That's exactly why it's the dominant previous profession of politicians. They stump to make the specious case that electing them would somehow be a good thing, and electing their opponent would not. Gods forbid we should ever elect people from normal backgrounds who aren't out to deceive everybody like truck drivers and plumbers and teachers. Nah, let's elect these stuffed shirts all full of themselves because they know how to manipulate emotions with language.
The entire stormy affair is designed to embarrass and humiliate Trump on the world stage and hopefully destroy his wife. There is no other point. No one is accused of harassment or assault. No one has denied that the affair, even if true was completely consensual.

It is with total irony that the very same people who demand that gay and lesbian relationships be considered normal, now demand we be horrified over an adult heterosexual relationship.
Tipsy, you are exactly right. Why is NO ONE in the MSM asking the question, "Why are these sluts so keen to break their contract?" What is in it for them? Why do they NEED to publicize their own immorality?

DJT famously stated that his money and celebrity status made it possible for him to grab women by the [vulgar word for vagina] with impunity...and here is a mini-harem demonstrating EXACTLY THAT!
Like everyone else, I have heard the jokes and insults about lawyers.

Yes, many lawyers are incompetent and/or dishonest and/or less than intelligent.


BUT -- sadly -- human beings being the awful creatures that they are, people in a democracy need lawyers.

When the government throws the book at you, it has unlimited resources. It can spend millions of dollars to get you.

The only defense that an ordinary person has is a good lawyer.


People who dislike lawyers often quote Shakespeare's King Henry VI: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

I once read, however, that those words were said by one of the bad guys in that play, That is to say, lawyers were the only people standing in the way of those bad guys.

(I do NOT know if that interpretation is correct. I definitely do NOT know my Shakespeare.)
Like everyone else, I have heard the jokes and insults about lawyers.

Yes, many lawyers are incompetent and/or dishonest and/or less than intelligent.


BUT -- sadly -- human beings being the awful creatures that they are, people in a democracy need lawyers.

When the government throws the book at you, it has unlimited resources. It can spend millions of dollars to get you.

The only defense that an ordinary person has is a good lawyer.


People who dislike lawyers often quote Shakespeare's King Henry VI: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."

I once read, however, that those words were said by one of the bad guys in that play, That is to say, lawyers were the only people standing in the way of those bad guys.

(I do NOT know if that interpretation is correct. I definitely do NOT know my Shakespeare.)

What's the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?

One is a slimy, bottom-dwelling, scum-sucking scavenger...
...and the other is a fish.
Never forget: what separates a "good" lawyer from a mediocre lawyer is that a "good" lawyer can argue convincingly for a case that is utterly without merit. That ability is what is rewarded in law school and in the profession itself.

But of course. A lawyer is a professional arguer, trained to make a case for -- anything he's hired to make a case for, regardless how specious.

That's exactly why it's the dominant previous profession of politicians. They stump to make the specious case that electing them would somehow be a good thing, and electing their opponent would not. Gods forbid we should ever elect people from normal backgrounds who aren't out to deceive everybody like truck drivers and plumbers and teachers. Nah, let's elect these stuffed shirts all full of themselves because they know how to manipulate emotions with language.
Clearly real estate magnate/former reality TV star is not a ‘normal background.’
The fact is that the notion of the ‘citizen politician’ is a myth.

The fantasy of an average Joe holding elected office, honestly doing the work of the people who elected him is naïve and unrealistic; Mr. Smith doesn’t get to go to Washington – and if he does, his inexperience, ignorance, and incompetence will render him a failure.

Whether we like it or not, politics is a profession, the purview of those with experience, training, and a background in the law, governance, and public policy – a profession best left to professionals.

The Trump disaster is further proof of that.
Never forget: what separates a "good" lawyer from a mediocre lawyer is that a "good" lawyer can argue convincingly for a case that is utterly without merit. That ability is what is rewarded in law school and in the profession itself.

But of course. A lawyer is a professional arguer, trained to make a case for -- anything he's hired to make a case for, regardless how specious.

That's exactly why it's the dominant previous profession of politicians. They stump to make the specious case that electing them would somehow be a good thing, and electing their opponent would not. Gods forbid we should ever elect people from normal backgrounds who aren't out to deceive everybody like truck drivers and plumbers and teachers. Nah, let's elect these stuffed shirts all full of themselves because they know how to manipulate emotions with language.
Clearly real estate magnate/former reality TV star is not a ‘normal background.’

Nor is "con artist" which alone should have strangled that candidacy in its proverbial crib.

But nooooo. Because as the old truism says, nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

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