The end of all your freedoms

It doesn't even take a brain to follow this trail.

Today some of the credit card companies track your purchases and send those to the Government.
Certain medicines, firearms, air travel to DC - etc.

(Cash it's a little harder.)

Next -

The people administrating the Digital Currency can eliminate the credit card step.
Track it themselves and decline purchases that they don't agree with.

Want to buy firearms - currency declined.
Want to but a gas guzzler vehicle - currency declined.

This is actually the easy part; it gets harder from here.

The President's son, Don Junior, recently had his bank account closed because he was operating a media business that wasn't Democrat Media Bubble Cult approved.
So, basically, all you have is a paranoid fantasy in lieu of explaining what the CBDC is being used for.

I knew it!
Banks lend each other money all the time. Then they have to settle up.

The CBDC is being used so they don't have to move truckloads of cash back and forth.

And THAT is what the CBDC is being used for, you paranoid credulous dumb fucks.

Note the words Settlement Platform.
So no explanation by you or anyone else what a CBDC is and how it will steal your cash.

Didn't think so.
I never said that the CBDC would steal everyone's cash, did I?

If so, please show me where I said that.

I never even mentioned Jewish bankers. More strawmen, but then, that is all you really have now.

What I am saying is, systems are being put in place to replace cash.

China is on the cutting edge of this, as all nations will follow since China are the experts on population control. After all, China bought both parties in the US years ago.
I never said that the CBDC would steal everyone's cash, did I?

If so, please show me where I said that.

I never even mentioned Jewish bankers. More strawmen, but then, that is all you really have now.

What I am saying is, systems are being put in place to replace cash.

China is on the cutting edge of this, as all nations will follow since China are the experts on population control. After all, China bought both parties in the US years ago.

Cash is over.
They have been phasing out cash for awhile.

Our airport doesn't take case.
Our sports arena doesn't take case.
But with digital currency, you have no money in hand. All you will have is digital currency the government owns. In fact, they have to agree to let you use it. For example, if you spend dollars in a way they don't want you to, they can withhold those funds. As we saw with the Fuhrer Trudy in Canada, if you act in ways the government does not like, such as a trucker protest, they will just seize all y our digital assets as you become penniless overnight.
Paranoid hysteria. :lol:
Cash is over.
They have been phasing out cash for awhile.

Our airport doesn't take case.
Our sports arena doesn't take case.
A cashless society was envisioned thousands of years ago

Revelations 13:16
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

And as you point out, cash is disappearing more and more every year.

The benefits of the cashless society are numerous. Just imagine a chip implanted on your hand or forehead that could do all of your financial transactions. Moreover, what if they could track you with the chip.

1. No more cheating on taxes, saving billions.
2. No more filing taxes, saving even more money.
3. No more printing of money, saving more money.
4. No more missing persons.
5. No more running from the law, that is, unless you have something to hide. Do you?
6. No more giving your history and physical to medical staff. If they find you passed out, they just scan your head or hand and get all your medical information. It would both save lives and money, and most importantly, time.
7. No more under the table financial transactions you can hide that are illegal.

So as we can see, this is the wet dream of every world despot since the dawn of time. It just so happens that today, we have the technology to do it.

China will show us the way...............................

Again, it is not if, but when.
A cashless society was envisioned thousands of years ago

Revelations 13:16
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

And as you point out, cash is disappearing more and more every year.

The benefits of the cashless society are numerous. Just imagine a chip implanted on your hand or forehead that could do all of your financial transactions. Moreover, what if they could track you with the chip.

1. No more cheating on taxes, saving billions.
2. No more filing taxes, saving even more money.
3. No more printing of money, saving more money.
4. No more missing persons.
5. No more running from the law, that is, unless you have something to hide. Do you?
6. No more giving your history and physical to medical staff. If they find you passed out, they just scan your head or hand and get all your medical information. It would both save lives and money, and most importantly, time.

So as we can see, this is the wet dream of every world despot since the dawn of time. It just so happens that today, we have the technology to do it.

China will show us the way...............................

Again, it is not if, but when.
The mark of the beast is the bright red MAGA hat on your forehead.
Let me ask you, if the state demanded you receive a mark on your right hand or forehead, would you take it?
If the state demanded you worship a golden idol, would you?

If the state demanded you worship a golden idol, would you?

I never brought up Trump. Trump has no ability to stop this.
I never brought up Jewish bankers
Can't you have an honest discussion for the first time in your life?

What are you so afraid of?
I never brought up Trump. Trump has no ability to stop this.
I never brought up Jewish bankers
Can't you have an honest discussion for the first time in your life?

What are you so afraid of?
You brought up the mark of the beast, as if that has any relevance. :lol:

And when it comes to monetary conspiracy theories, it always inevitably comes around to the Jews.

You are being led around by your nose, rube. You could not even explain your conspiracy theory with any evidence or knowledge.

Don't you EVER get tired of your massive ignorance being exploited?
I never brought up Trump. Trump has no ability to stop this.
I never brought up Jewish bankers
Can't you have an honest discussion for the first time in your life?

What are you so afraid of?

He is 100% a fraud
You brought up the mark of the beast, as if that has any relevance. :lol:

And when it comes to monetary conspiracy theories, it always inevitably comes around to the Jews.

You are being led around by your nose, rube. You could not even explain your conspiracy theory with any evidence or knowledge.

Don't you EVER get tired of your massive ignorance being exploited?
Just watch the news idiot

OTTAWA — With the capital’s streets cleared of the heavy trucks and cars that made some of them impassable for three long weeks of protest, Canadian authorities said Tuesday that they were lifting freezes on hundreds of bank accounts associated with protest organizers and Canadians who had blockaded Ottawa’s streets with their vehicles.

Isabelle Jacques, an assistant deputy minister in Canada’s department of finance, told a House of Commons committee that the banks had begun unlocking accounts on Monday and that no more finances would be locked up.

“The vast majority of assets are in the process of being unfrozen,” she said.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided a week ago to invoke his country’s Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history to quell the unrest, it gave the police sweeping new powers to go after the finances of the protesters.

Ms. Jacques said that those measures are now being lifted because they were intended to pressure protesters to leave the city’s streets.

All you can do is insist on shoving a tin foil hat on my head while sticking your head in the sand.

You Leftists have already shown your hand.
Just watch the news idiot

OTTAWA — With the capital’s streets cleared of the heavy trucks and cars that made some of them impassable for three long weeks of protest, Canadian authorities said Tuesday that they were lifting freezes on hundreds of bank accounts associated with protest organizers and Canadians who had blockaded Ottawa’s streets with their vehicles.

Isabelle Jacques, an assistant deputy minister in Canada’s department of finance, told a House of Commons committee that the banks had begun unlocking accounts on Monday and that no more finances would be locked up.

“The vast majority of assets are in the process of being unfrozen,” she said.

When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau decided a week ago to invoke his country’s Emergencies Act for the first time in Canadian history to quell the unrest, it gave the police sweeping new powers to go after the finances of the protesters.

Ms. Jacques said that those measures are now being lifted because they were intended to pressure protesters to leave the city’s streets.

All you can do is insist on shoving a tin foil hat on my head while sticking your head in the sand.

You Leftists have already shown your hand.
And this has, what, to do with the CBDC Settlement Platform?

You're looking terribly desperate now, rube!
That was the first World Economic Forum's predictions of what we would be like in 2030...

1. All products will have become services. “Welcome to the year 2030. Welcome to my city - or should I say, "our city." I don't own anything. I don't own a car. I don't own a house. I don't own any appliances or any clothes... "

8 predictions for the world in 2030

Apple is a part of the world economic forum.

Apple is also easing people into not owning what they own with their plans where people subscribe to apple products, you don't actually own them. I don't know if it's rolled out yet or not.

That will help get people used to not owning things.

California is also helping the trend of not owning your home by removing single family home zoning. It will be replaced with rental units.

When the crash happens and monetary system changes a lot of people will be taxed out of their homes and will have to move to rentals which they will be trapped in while banks swoop on and take the property. Inflation will also feed into this. And more inflation and fed hikes happen the more smaller banks will close and be gobbled up by bigger banks.

We're also seeing a rise of corporate landlords.


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