The democrat party wants their own "Year Zero." Pol Pot is their guiding light....

This is a look at the Killing Fields in Cambodia, when the young in that country, led by communist pol pot, took their country to the mythical "Year Zero," where they wanted to start from first destroying statues, culture, art, make new men and women in their own image......

And the killing fields were filled with the men, women and children that got in the way....

This is where the democrat party and their young, violent, hate filled antifa and black lives matter want to take the U.S.....

None of this is fiction. In fact, if you know any Cambodians born after about 1960 living abroad today, they are probably first-hand witnesses and most likely victims of what happened in those years.

What happened was this: The Khmer Rouge reset the clock from 1975 to “Year Zero,” erasing the past.

--They smashed the state and replaced it with their own interpretation of reality.

--They replaced Cambodia’s flag with their own.

--They destroyed the church and replaced God with their revolution.

--They smashed the family.

--They indoctrinated the children.

--They forced public confessions and denunciations.

--They destroyed the universities.

--They relocated and “reducated” millions.

--They turned ordinary people into spies and suspected anyone who did not demonstrate ultimate fealty to them, othered and shamed them, starved them, tortured them and shot them.

--Canceled them.

In modern times, revolutions tend to take one of two courses. On one hand, they result in liberal democracy such as the American Revolution. On the other hand, they devolve into madness and blood, as the French and later the Russian Revolution did. Cambodia’s took the latter path

Leftists sure have a thing for dictatorship. Socialism is just foreplay.
Don't you commie shills think for a second a supermajority of Americans don't see what's going on. Everybody is ready to kill you, are you ready to die to take down America? Even if you are, there's way more of them than you. Also, they have all the gun and weapon and hunting experience.
This should be reported if this is not a joke.
When you start talking about killing people because they do not agree with your politics, it is not funny.
The many right-wing extremists who have killed blacks, immigrants, Jews, gays and others that they do not agree with start off by posting about killing people like this guy has done. There are left wing extremists who do the same.
All could have been stopped if their threats had been addressed before they take action.
How do we stop people like this,on the right and left, before killings happen?
First call you should make ought to be stopping the Democrats who are killing dozens of people in big cities on weekends to make the point that they can kill prolifically, but Republicans who aren't killing anybody at all. But you're going to report a person who speaks of killing hypothetically, not threateningly. Republicans are mad at people who kill other people while their city and state leaders disinherit the police who have faithfully executed their duties of saving the majority of Americans from serial shooters with lists in their pockets after they take out, say, a Republican House Majority Leader whose name happened to be on the top of the list. :cranky:

Democrats are soliciting murders around America in cities they control. Why, I do not know, I just see the light, and it's not the light of brotherhood, it's the flame of hatred multiplied by self-righteous loathing of having expectations that men must not murder their neighbors or real American citizens and their children.

Oh dear god just stop with this bullshit. Step away from your reverence to your sky fairy. Do criminals who shoot people in the big cities you fear have a giant D (for Democrat) tattooed on their shirts when they commit their crimes? If not, you're just spewing bile. You have one nutjob individual who posts his support for Bernie on social media and then apply it to every Democrat that you don't agree with. What are you, 15? The death toll from right wing sprees far outweighs anything you can pin on the other side...Oklahoma City ring a bell?
This is a look at the Killing Fields in Cambodia, when the young in that country, led by communist pol pot, took their country to the mythical "Year Zero," where they wanted to start from first destroying statues, culture, are, make new men and women in their own image......

And the killing fields were filled with the men, women and children that got in the way....

This is where the democrat party and their young, violent, hate filled antifa and black lives matter want to take the U.S.....

None of this is fiction. In fact, if you know any Cambodians born after about 1960 living abroad today, they are probably first-hand witnesses and most likely victims of what happened in those years.

What happened was this: The Khmer Rouge reset the clock from 1975 to “Year Zero,” erasing the past.

--They smashed the state and replaced it with their own interpretation of reality.

--They replaced Cambodia’s flag with their own.

--They destroyed the church and replaced God with their revolution.

--They smashed the family.

--They indoctrinated the children.

--They forced public confessions and denunciations.

--They destroyed the universities.

--They relocated and “reducated” millions.

--They turned ordinary people into spies and suspected anyone who did not demonstrate ultimate fealty to them, othered and shamed them, starved them, tortured them and shot them.

--Canceled them.

In modern times, revolutions tend to take one of two courses. On one hand, they result in liberal democracy such as the American Revolution. On the other hand, they devolve into madness and blood, as the French and later the Russian Revolution did. Cambodia’s took the latter path

And...more alt-right bullshit. Honestly, why can't you parrot this stuff on the dark web sites where it will sell and play? LOL.
What is fiction here is that you are trying to apply what happened in a totalitarian Democrats. Pathetic.

You on the right are closer to this list above than anyone on the left. You support an administration that seeks to deprive the masses of individual choice through stacking the courts, you support a leader that has espoused imprisoning his opponents and makes an enemy of the free press..because they're mean to him. :), and seeks to division pimp in the hopes of playing up to people like you who...well, let's face're not very smart. And he likes it that way.

You are a useful tool to him. He doesn't give a shit about you. Just your abject loyalty.
Project much? Oh, wait. Without any platform, that's what Democrats do.

Uh..don't know what reality you live in but Democrats do have a do Republicans...I think. It's just a matter of which one is the best for the country moving forward?
But this OP? Just alt-right screed. Comparing a brutal, totalitarian regime to the opposition party. That's what dictators do. And Trump is closer to that than any Democrat. Period.
More mental talking points: "what reality you live in"


No prob. Return you to your regularly scheduled sky deity worship. It holds the key for you true believers.
Kinda like the whole creationism vs evolution.
You have nothing except..."because I said so".
Carry on.
If you want to make a reasoned argument, tell me why the OP screed has any basis in reality. Then we'll have something to talk about.

Moron....the democrat party leadership has members praising mao, citing mao, and their brown shirts, antifa and black lives matter are actually burning, looting, beating and killing people in democrat party controlled cities......and the ones they aren't killing they are getting fired from their careers for "Wrong Thinking." You moron..

Who? Give me a link that has any Democrat quoting Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, or Roger Rabbit. :) Or killing anyone.
Damn...don't you get tired of being an alt-right, cherry picking shill?

C'mon, I used to enjoy your gun control posts. You were a little over the top but you made points that evoked discussion.
What happened??

Would you like a list of the democrats that hung African American slaves? Did you ever hear of Mary Jo? Should I continue or are we good?
This is a look at the Killing Fields in Cambodia, when the young in that country, led by communist pol pot, took their country to the mythical "Year Zero," where they wanted to start from first destroying statues, culture, are, make new men and women in their own image......

And the killing fields were filled with the men, women and children that got in the way....

This is where the democrat party and their young, violent, hate filled antifa and black lives matter want to take the U.S.....

None of this is fiction. In fact, if you know any Cambodians born after about 1960 living abroad today, they are probably first-hand witnesses and most likely victims of what happened in those years.

What happened was this: The Khmer Rouge reset the clock from 1975 to “Year Zero,” erasing the past.

--They smashed the state and replaced it with their own interpretation of reality.

--They replaced Cambodia’s flag with their own.

--They destroyed the church and replaced God with their revolution.

--They smashed the family.

--They indoctrinated the children.

--They forced public confessions and denunciations.

--They destroyed the universities.

--They relocated and “reducated” millions.

--They turned ordinary people into spies and suspected anyone who did not demonstrate ultimate fealty to them, othered and shamed them, starved them, tortured them and shot them.

--Canceled them.

In modern times, revolutions tend to take one of two courses. On one hand, they result in liberal democracy such as the American Revolution. On the other hand, they devolve into madness and blood, as the French and later the Russian Revolution did. Cambodia’s took the latter path

And...more alt-right bullshit. Honestly, why can't you parrot this stuff on the dark web sites where it will sell and play? LOL.
What is fiction here is that you are trying to apply what happened in a totalitarian Democrats. Pathetic.

You on the right are closer to this list above than anyone on the left. You support an administration that seeks to deprive the masses of individual choice through stacking the courts, you support a leader that has espoused imprisoning his opponents and makes an enemy of the free press..because they're mean to him. :), and seeks to division pimp in the hopes of playing up to people like you who...well, let's face're not very smart. And he likes it that way.

You are a useful tool to him. He doesn't give a shit about you. Just your abject loyalty.
Except no, not really....
This is a look at the Killing Fields in Cambodia, when the young in that country, led by communist pol pot, took their country to the mythical "Year Zero," where they wanted to start from first destroying statues, culture, are, make new men and women in their own image......

And the killing fields were filled with the men, women and children that got in the way....

This is where the democrat party and their young, violent, hate filled antifa and black lives matter want to take the U.S.....

None of this is fiction. In fact, if you know any Cambodians born after about 1960 living abroad today, they are probably first-hand witnesses and most likely victims of what happened in those years.

What happened was this: The Khmer Rouge reset the clock from 1975 to “Year Zero,” erasing the past.

--They smashed the state and replaced it with their own interpretation of reality.

--They replaced Cambodia’s flag with their own.

--They destroyed the church and replaced God with their revolution.

--They smashed the family.

--They indoctrinated the children.

--They forced public confessions and denunciations.

--They destroyed the universities.

--They relocated and “reducated” millions.

--They turned ordinary people into spies and suspected anyone who did not demonstrate ultimate fealty to them, othered and shamed them, starved them, tortured them and shot them.

--Canceled them.

In modern times, revolutions tend to take one of two courses. On one hand, they result in liberal democracy such as the American Revolution. On the other hand, they devolve into madness and blood, as the French and later the Russian Revolution did. Cambodia’s took the latter path

And...more alt-right bullshit. Honestly, why can't you parrot this stuff on the dark web sites where it will sell and play? LOL.
What is fiction here is that you are trying to apply what happened in a totalitarian Democrats. Pathetic.

You on the right are closer to this list above than anyone on the left. You support an administration that seeks to deprive the masses of individual choice through stacking the courts, you support a leader that has espoused imprisoning his opponents and makes an enemy of the free press..because they're mean to him. :), and seeks to division pimp in the hopes of playing up to people like you who...well, let's face're not very smart. And he likes it that way.

You are a useful tool to him. He doesn't give a shit about you. Just your abject loyalty.
Project much? Oh, wait. Without any platform, that's what Democrats do.

Uh..don't know what reality you live in but Democrats do have a do Republicans...I think. It's just a matter of which one is the best for the country moving forward?
But this OP? Just alt-right screed. Comparing a brutal, totalitarian regime to the opposition party. That's what dictators do. And Trump is closer to that than any Democrat. Period.
More mental talking points: "what reality you live in"


No prob. Return you to your regularly scheduled sky deity worship. It holds the key for you true believers.
Kinda like the whole creationism vs evolution.
You have nothing except..."because I said so".
Carry on.
If you want to make a reasoned argument, tell me why the OP screed has any basis in reality. Then we'll have something to talk about.

Moron....the democrat party leadership has members praising mao, citing mao, and their brown shirts, antifa and black lives matter are actually burning, looting, beating and killing people in democrat party controlled cities......and the ones they aren't killing they are getting fired from their careers for "Wrong Thinking." You moron..

Who? Give me a link that has any Democrat quoting Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, or Roger Rabbit. :) Or killing anyone.
Damn...don't you get tired of being an alt-right, cherry picking shill?

C'mon, I used to enjoy your gun control posts. You were a little over the top but you made points that evoked discussion.
What happened??

Would you like a list of the democrats that hung African American slaves? Did you ever hear of Mary Jo? Should I continue or are we good?

No. Feel free to bullshit away. Don't forget to pack a wife.
Don't you commie shills think for a second a supermajority of Americans don't see what's going on. Everybody is ready to kill you, are you ready to die to take down America? Even if you are, there's way more of them than you. Also, they have all the gun and weapon and hunting experience.
This should be reported if this is not a joke.
When you start talking about killing people because they do not agree with your politics, it is not funny.
The many right-wing extremists who have killed blacks, immigrants, Jews, gays and others that they do not agree with start off by posting about killing people like this guy has done. There are left wing extremists who do the same.
All could have been stopped if their threats had been addressed before they take action.
How do we stop people like this,on the right and left, before killings happen?
STFU Commie. Scared are ya? You should be. You stupid fuck, because basically you are engaged in being an enemy of the state. An enemy of all that America is, so fuck you! :fu:
Also, retards of your variety are a minute percentage of the population. If you make the majority mad, you are going to have a very bad time.
This needs to be reported. People like this end up killing people.
It is tough to kill people on on a message board but there are neighbors and people you easily can get to.
If reporting you does not get things done,I hope you get help for yourself before you kill someone.
The sick rioters who looked to kill are just like you.
Are you taking any prescription medication?
Don't you commie shills think for a second a supermajority of Americans don't see what's going on. Everybody is ready to kill you, are you ready to die to take down America? Even if you are, there's way more of them than you. Also, they have all the gun and weapon and hunting experience.
This should be reported if this is not a joke.
When you start talking about killing people because they do not agree with your politics, it is not funny.
The many right-wing extremists who have killed blacks, immigrants, Jews, gays and others that they do not agree with start off by posting about killing people like this guy has done. There are left wing extremists who do the same.
All could have been stopped if their threats had been addressed before they take action.
How do we stop people like this,on the right and left, before killings happen?
First call you should make ought to be stopping the Democrats who are killing dozens of people in big cities on weekends to make the point that they can kill prolifically, but Republicans who aren't killing anybody at all. But you're going to report a person who speaks of killing hypothetically, not threateningly. Republicans are mad at people who kill other people while their city and state leaders disinherit the police who have faithfully executed their duties of saving the majority of Americans from serial shooters with lists in their pockets after they take out, say, a Republican House Majority Leader whose name happened to be on the top of the list. :cranky:

Democrats are soliciting murders around America in cities they control. Why, I do not know, I just see the light, and it's not the light of brotherhood, it's the flame of hatred multiplied by self-righteous loathing of having expectations that men must not murder their neighbors or real American citizens and their children.

Oh dear god just stop with this bullshit. Step away from your reverence to your sky fairy. Do criminals who shoot people in the big cities you fear have a giant D (for Democrat) tattooed on their shirts when they commit their crimes? If not, you're just spewing bile. You have one nutjob individual who posts his support for Bernie on social media and then apply it to every Democrat that you don't agree with. What are you, 15? The death toll from right wing sprees far outweighs anything you can pin on the other side...Oklahoma City ring a bell?

You have one nutjob cop who kills a black man and every cop is a killer. The sad part is everyone agrees but dems need the votes so you and and the media will continue with the narrative.
Don't you commie shills think for a second a supermajority of Americans don't see what's going on. Everybody is ready to kill you, are you ready to die to take down America? Even if you are, there's way more of them than you. Also, they have all the gun and weapon and hunting experience.
This should be reported if this is not a joke.
When you start talking about killing people because they do not agree with your politics, it is not funny.
The many right-wing extremists who have killed blacks, immigrants, Jews, gays and others that they do not agree with start off by posting about killing people like this guy has done. There are left wing extremists who do the same.
All could have been stopped if their threats had been addressed before they take action.
How do we stop people like this,on the right and left, before killings happen?
First call you should make ought to be stopping the Democrats who are killing dozens of people in big cities on weekends to make the point that they can kill prolifically, but Republicans who aren't killing anybody at all. But you're going to report a person who speaks of killing hypothetically, not threateningly. Republicans are mad at people who kill other people while their city and state leaders disinherit the police who have faithfully executed their duties of saving the majority of Americans from serial shooters with lists in their pockets after they take out, say, a Republican House Majority Leader whose name happened to be on the top of the list. :cranky:

Democrats are soliciting murders around America in cities they control. Why, I do not know, I just see the light, and it's not the light of brotherhood, it's the flame of hatred multiplied by self-righteous loathing of having expectations that men must not murder their neighbors or real American citizens and their children.

Oh dear god just stop with this bullshit. Step away from your reverence to your sky fairy. Do criminals who shoot people in the big cities you fear have a giant D (for Democrat) tattooed on their shirts when they commit their crimes? If not, you're just spewing bile. You have one nutjob individual who posts his support for Bernie on social media and then apply it to every Democrat that you don't agree with. What are you, 15? The death toll from right wing sprees far outweighs anything you can pin on the other side...Oklahoma City ring a bell?

You have one nutjob cop who kills a black man and every cop is a killer. The sad part is everyone agrees but dems need the votes so you and and the media will continue with the narrative.

ROAR!! One?...what rock have you been living under?
This is a look at the Killing Fields in Cambodia, when the young in that country, led by communist pol pot, took their country to the mythical "Year Zero," where they wanted to start from first destroying statues, culture, are, make new men and women in their own image......

And the killing fields were filled with the men, women and children that got in the way....

This is where the democrat party and their young, violent, hate filled antifa and black lives matter want to take the U.S.....

None of this is fiction. In fact, if you know any Cambodians born after about 1960 living abroad today, they are probably first-hand witnesses and most likely victims of what happened in those years.

What happened was this: The Khmer Rouge reset the clock from 1975 to “Year Zero,” erasing the past.

--They smashed the state and replaced it with their own interpretation of reality.

--They replaced Cambodia’s flag with their own.

--They destroyed the church and replaced God with their revolution.

--They smashed the family.

--They indoctrinated the children.

--They forced public confessions and denunciations.

--They destroyed the universities.

--They relocated and “reducated” millions.

--They turned ordinary people into spies and suspected anyone who did not demonstrate ultimate fealty to them, othered and shamed them, starved them, tortured them and shot them.

--Canceled them.

In modern times, revolutions tend to take one of two courses. On one hand, they result in liberal democracy such as the American Revolution. On the other hand, they devolve into madness and blood, as the French and later the Russian Revolution did. Cambodia’s took the latter path

And...more alt-right bullshit. Honestly, why can't you parrot this stuff on the dark web sites where it will sell and play? LOL.
What is fiction here is that you are trying to apply what happened in a totalitarian Democrats. Pathetic.

You on the right are closer to this list above than anyone on the left. You support an administration that seeks to deprive the masses of individual choice through stacking the courts, you support a leader that has espoused imprisoning his opponents and makes an enemy of the free press..because they're mean to him. :), and seeks to division pimp in the hopes of playing up to people like you who...well, let's face're not very smart. And he likes it that way.

You are a useful tool to him. He doesn't give a shit about you. Just your abject loyalty.
Project much? Oh, wait. Without any platform, that's what Democrats do.

Uh..don't know what reality you live in but Democrats do have a do Republicans...I think. It's just a matter of which one is the best for the country moving forward?
But this OP? Just alt-right screed. Comparing a brutal, totalitarian regime to the opposition party. That's what dictators do. And Trump is closer to that than any Democrat. Period.

Is it REALLY "just right screed" or are you just WOEFULLY behind on current events and the DEMANDS coming from Dem leadership and organizations? I think YOU'RE the clueless one... And I'm not even IN this war...

Too long a list.. Something about decriminalizing shop lifting, eliminating bail, defunding the police, descriminating against churches, etc.. But the one that FLOORED ME THIS WEEK was the LA Teachers Council weighing on Covid 19 and re-opening schools with a list of socialist MARXIST demands instead of anything constructive to ACTUALLY serving the kids who are getting SCREWED out of their ONCE IN LIFETIME chance at an education..

Their main DEMANDS to help fight COVID???>

1) Defund the police.
2) Medicare for All
3) Kill every Charter school or school of choice..

You leftists talking about ASYLUM INMATES?? You are the Asylum inmates..... Can't think straight. Aint part of the solution.. To YOUR LEADERS and ORGS -- the REVOLUTION is the SOLUTION.;..

Viva la Revolution !!!!! There's a nugget of truth in this OP... Ask the LA teachers....
If you folks cant honestly express what's going on this country, and instead just choose to brawl with other to the point of personal threats and taunting -- what do you want USMB moderation to do? It's all crap.. Nobody is TRYING to discuss.. The ACTUAL topic hasn't been challenged or defended...

It's getting to the point where we're gonna have to INSIST that you try harder and discuss topics or just go back to twitter, Hannity, and Dem Underground...

Deleted a bunch here. If you got a deletion alert and come back in and do it again -- you're going out for at LEAST a week...

If you folks cant honestly express what's going on this country, and instead just choose to brawl with other to the point of personal threats and taunting -- what do you want USMB moderation to do? It's all crap.. Nobody is TRYING to discuss.. The ACTUAL topic hasn't been challenged or defended...

It's getting to the point where we're gonna have to INSIST that you try harder and discuss topics or just go back to twitter, Hannity, and Dem Underground...

Deleted a bunch here. If you got a deletion alert and come back in and do it again -- you're going out for at LEAST a week...
"You folks cant honestly express what's going on this country, and instead just choose to brawl with other to the point of personal threats and taunting -- what do you want USMB moderation to do? It's all crap.. Nobody is TRYING to discuss"
"I find the above statement from the site unacceptable"

There is brawling and then there are death threats. There is a huge difference between the two.
This site is almost 100% brawling. I have been called every name in the book and I have returned with the same insults. That is the culture of the political banter here.
Sticks, stones and bullets can kill you, words will not hurt you (unless you are a wuss)

I find this site dangerous if they say someone who says they will "kill" someone is the equivalent of calling someone an asshole.
If you folks cant honestly express what's going on this country, and instead just choose to brawl with other to the point of personal threats and taunting -- what do you want USMB moderation to do? It's all crap.. Nobody is TRYING to discuss.. The ACTUAL topic hasn't been challenged or defended...

It's getting to the point where we're gonna have to INSIST that you try harder and discuss topics or just go back to twitter, Hannity, and Dem Underground...

Deleted a bunch here. If you got a deletion alert and come back in and do it again -- you're going out for at LEAST a week...
In a piece in the Atlantic last year, Jen Doll wrote: “If there’s anything to be afraid of, it’s this idea that death threats are this kind of new online norm.” They are, in fact, the norm. However, I think it’s also safe to assume that these wannabe Tony Sopranos only represent the lowest trenches of society
"You folks cant honestly express what's going on this country, and instead just choose to brawl with other to the point of personal threats and taunting -- what do you want USMB moderation to do? It's all crap.. Nobody is TRYING to discuss"
"I find the above statement from the site unacceptable"

There is brawling and then there are death threats. There is a huge difference between the two.
This site is almost 100% brawling. I have been called every name in the book and I have returned with the same insults. That is the culture of the political banter here.
Sticks, stones and bullets can kill you, words will not hurt you (unless you are a wuss)

I find this site dangerous if they say someone who says they will "kill" someone is the equivalent of calling someone an asshole.

PM me to discuss.. Rules state to NOT reply to moderator messages EXACTLY BECAUSE that's not the topic of this thread.. I'll be glad to chat in PM.... Add another mod into the PM if you wish or bring a friend..

DO NOT reply in thread...
I always love it when a thread identifies tendencies and then all those who recognize themselves as embodying those tendencies are triggered and lash out.

Going full-on Pol Pot is a bit much, but the current zeal among leftists to erase history is both very much real and very much of the same intolerance as the op described.

For any of the leftists who have been triggered, I would say this - if you have spoken out clearly and forcefully to denounce the toppling of statues, the creation of 50 imaginary genders or the closing down of traffic to promote a racist Marxist organization, then do continue to protest the unfairness of the op. If you haven't, then go look in the mirror because you very much ARE what it describes.

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