The democrat party economic lockdown and crash, was it really necessary? No.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.
And this.....

Hmmmmm...60,000.....isn't that the same number as a flu season?

A key coronavirus model has lowered its estimate of total U.S. deaths in its latest projection of how many will die due to the contagious virus.

The revision will likely fuel criticism from skeptics that initial projections were overblown, and one that government leaders may use to say that efforts to combat the spread are working.

The University of Washington's Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) lowered its projection of total deaths from 68,841 (with an estimate range of 30,188 to 175,965) to just over 60,308 (with an estimate range of 34,063 to 140,381) in an update published Friday.
A year from now we'll look back and ask why we had these stay at home orders when this was nothing more than the flu.

And some of us know the reason.....the democrat party needed to beat Trump...and the best way to do that was to crush the U.S. economy...with American workers as the eggs in the democrat party omelete.......
Always looking to cast blame upon others (R).
"I take NO responsibility at ALL." djt
The democrat party economic lockdown and crash, was it really necessary? No.

Is Mike DeWine a Democrat? Ron DeSantis? Greg Abbot? Larry Hogan? Charlie Baker? Doug Ducey?

They reacted to the IHME numbers pushed by the democrat party members of the press........the stampede was started by the democrats and they are politicians......once the 1-2 million number from the Imperial College model was pushed, and then the 1-200,000 IMHE model was pushed....with joy and glee by the democrat party press..........what did you expect them to do?

And what about the political orientation of those model know, the ones whose numbers are insanely wrong? What about their motives......?

The fear, panic and hysteria was driven by the democrat party press....who failed to point out that the survival rate for this virus was 98%.......that the most vulnerable people were over 60 years old and they had numerous underlying conditions...

This falls on the democrats, who pushed fear, panic and hysteria to crush the economy.......
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.
It's just proof that Democrats and Liberals will do anything to destroy America, and their enemies.

I personally think China unleashed this thing intentionally, to help Joe Biden and the DemNazis.
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.

He did act....and you assholes called him a racist and a xenophobe.....while telling us there was no threat.
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.

He did act....and you assholes called him a racist and a xenophobe.....while telling us there was no threat.

No one called him a racist. The xenophobic comment was made in reference to his tendency to find and label scapegoats.
You're welcome.
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.
He did act so why don't you stop lying? Oh wait, I forgot Trump was telling everyone to gather in Chinatown because it was perfectly safe.
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

Open the entire country yesterday

Demotards we're saving lives you cant have any seeds ! Lol

Open open open NOW....or die
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.

He did act....and you assholes called him a racist and a xenophobe.....while telling us there was no threat.

No one called him a racist. The xenophobic comment was made in reference to his tendency to find and label scapegoats.
You're welcome.

They seem to be obsessed with selling mythologies. Then when you challenge them to document it and they can't find it, it never dawns on them that they've been Rump-punked. They're kind of stupid that way.
As more research comes out and it turns out that the death rate of the virus is closer and closer to just another seasonal anti-body testing is showing in the first attempts at getting the actual number of infected people.....

Was the democrat party forced lockdown of the economy really necessary?

But in either case, the lockdown is rendered pointless. If we can successfully stave off a cataclysmic outbreak while opening the economy, then we could have staved it off without ever shutting it down in the first place. If we can’t, then the uncontrolled outbreak was always inevitable, and all we accomplished with the shutdown was a temporary delay of the bloodbath, which we bought at the price of an economic collapse.
It will be argued that the shutdown “flattened the curve” and saved us from overwhelming the hospitals. But if there is a strategy to open the economy now while avoiding that scenario, we could have utilized that strategy from the beginning. If a shutdown is the only way to flatten the curve, the curve will become curved again whenever the shutdown ends. If the curve stays flat after the shutdown, that would seem to indicate that we could have flattened it without a shutdown.

If Trump had acted in January, you're right, the lockdown probably wouldn't have been (largely) necessary.
Last I looked, there were Republican governors as well as Democrat governors that shut their states down.
In fact, governors, mayors and business leaders took the initiative in taking action. You have them to thank for the lower death toll.

He did act....and you assholes called him a racist and a xenophobe.....while telling us there was no threat.

Linky, Blinky?
The democrat party economic lockdown and crash, was it really necessary? No.

Is Mike DeWine a Democrat? Ron DeSantis? Greg Abbot? Larry Hogan? Charlie Baker? Doug Ducey?

Add: Mitt Romney, Jim Justice, Henry McMaster....

Romney? Wow, you really are stupid....he is essentially a republican member of the democrat party...

The press is 95% democrat party......and they pushed panic, fear and hysteria....without telling people the survival chance getting the Chinese Flu was 98%....a critical detail that would have lessened the panic they were pushing....

Then, again.......what are the political leanings of the IHME model makers....the ones here who pushed 1-240 thousand dead Americans from the virus? I wonder if they are good friends with james comey, john brennan, lisa paige, her lover and the rest of the anti-Trumpers in the government......
The democrat party economic lockdown and crash, was it really necessary? No.

Is Mike DeWine a Democrat? Ron DeSantis? Greg Abbot? Larry Hogan? Charlie Baker? Doug Ducey?

Add: Mitt Romney, Jim Justice, Henry McMaster....

Romney? Wow, you really are stupid....he is essentially a republican [sic] member of the democrat [sic] party...

The press is 95% democrat [sic] party......and they pushed panic, fear and hysteria....without telling people the survival chance getting the Chinese Flu [sic] was 98%....a critical detail that would have lessened the panic they were pushing....

Then, again.......what are the political leanings of the IHME model makers....the ones here who pushed 1-240 thousand dead Americans from the virus? I wonder if they are good friends with james [sic] comey [sic] , john [sic] brennan [sic] , lisa [sic] paige [sic], her lover and the rest of the anti-Trumpers in the government......

There it is, the No True Scotsman Fallacy, right on time. Dismissed.
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