Senior Member
It's a vicious vicious LIE! Currently, the federal deficit is listed as $318 billion dollars. Not too shabby, considering. However, that's no the actual deficit. This deficit does not include public servant and military retirement benefits as well as many other expenditures. The audited deficit done according to actual accounting rules lists it as $760 billion, but that's not all. Citing some bullcrap about how Congress could change the rules of Social Security and Medicare, those costs are also not included in the current federal budget. If those figures were included, as the auditing accountants are considering, the deficit rises to, now brace yourself, $3.5 TRILLION, over 10 times what congress reported. How do they get away with this? They're the government. They make their own rules. Execs from Worldcom, Tycho, Enron, and HealthSouth have gone to federal prison for doing this very thing. Why do our elected officials get to be above the law? It's deceit on a massive scale that's designed to do nothing more than hide the government's lack of fiscal responsibility with all that pork spending and to launch a massive cover-up on the incredible costs of the failing Social Secuirty and Medicare programs.
This has to stop, and it should all start with a massive tax reform, such as the Fair Tax, which gives power back to the people and makes sure that they all know exactly how much they're paying and what it's being used for.
This has to stop, and it should all start with a massive tax reform, such as the Fair Tax, which gives power back to the people and makes sure that they all know exactly how much they're paying and what it's being used for.