The case for NO impeachment

If all they have on Trump is paying a porn star to keep quiet and some election violations.......then an impeachment is unwarranted

We all know, Republicans would impeach on that in a minute. But Dems are more patient

If the Mueller report shows unlawful conspiracy with Russia, obstruction, business and tax fraud........he deserves to be impeached
Sorry my friend ,,,There will never be 20 of all the republican swine to vote for impeachment Worst garbage ever to sit in congress and their leader McConnell is a scumbag too

With Nixon, it became so bad Republicans did not have a choice

I don’t want to see Trump impeached over picky shit, even if he deserves it
That will just set the bar low for future Presidents and every President will be impeached over political hackery and it will have no meaning
If all they have on Trump is paying a porn star to keep quiet and some election violations.......then an impeachment is unwarranted

We all know, Republicans would impeach on that in a minute. But Dems are more patient

If the Mueller report shows unlawful conspiracy with Russia, obstruction, business and tax fraud........he deserves to be impeached
Money Laundering for the Russians, sure, Schiff previews new line of attack against Trump: Deutsche Bank 'laundered Russian money'

Conspiracy with Russia to win election, sure, but with the NSA/FBI/DOJ illegally spying on the Trump campaign, that would be known already. We'll soon see what Mueller has.

Obstruction, (bimbo payments) No, as per Dershowitz
Dershowitz: Trump 'Absolutely' Did Nothing Wrong With Payments

So it all hinges on Mueller. I'm not counting on the dem clowns in congress to do anything but make noise.
We will have to see what the investigation finds. If it is a large number of insignificant violations.......Dems will pursue but it will go nowhere

Dershowitz is a paid shill......I don’t give him any more credence than Giulianis opinions

I suspect there is much more there than has been revealed. I also think Trump has been his own worst enemy in what he has said and the actions he took
I don't think Dershowitz is "paid." He has a dispute with the democratic party over Israel.
Dershowitz: Democratic party tolerating anti-Semitism

I don't think anyone in the mainstream of the dems ever called for destroying Israel. Obama didn't. But there is a view even among some American Jews that Israeli politics has no interest in peace. Only a minority of Israelis want to take over what was once the Kingdom of Judea, but they do seem to run Likud. And there really is no viable opposition to Likud. But that may be because it seems conversely true that there's no one amongst the Palestinians who wants a peace either.

But Trump offers fullthroated support for Israel no matter what they do, and he's the closest to their dream of a US potus who will attack Iran. So, it seems he's willing to suffer any humiliation and the distain of people who used to call him a friend or at least like him. He's also advocated for torture, Wienstien, Epstien and OJ. I'm strongly in favor of any defendant getting representation, but Dershowitz seems to prefer the ones with notoriety. In short, he's media hound with an agenda, and while he isn't a traitor, his views may be harmful to America's.
The case for no impeachment is Pence.
I still think Pence is a credible President

Trump is not

I'm not sure about credible. Spiro Agnew really was a crook. He was bribed for construction contracts while Gov of Maryland. Nixon broke laws in 68 and 72 to gain power, and broke more laws covering his tracks, but not for monetary gain.

Pence is probably not a crook. But he thinks eggs are life and possibly wants to replace Melania
If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.

Took you over two years to figure that out? I said that from the beginning. Of course with the new kids in the office, it may come to that, Omar and Cortez are really doing well at upsetting the establishment Democrats. Between them and Trump politics is becoming really interesting.
If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.

Took you over two years to figure that out? I said that from the beginning. Of course with the new kids in the office, it may come to that, Omar and Cortez are really doing well at upsetting the establishment Democrats. Between them and Trump politics is becoming really interesting.

Ocasio-Cortez: True To Form
The case for no impeachment is Pence.
As bad as Pence is...If he's not corrupt and not a Russian asset (and had no part in any of those actions ,should they be proven) He's be better than the moron we have now
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If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.
Look at that 180!
Are you a Hollywood stunt driver?
If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.
Look at that 180!
Are you a Hollywood stunt driver?
Got enough of them driving around Ft Lauderdale,,,,
If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.

Took you over two years to figure that out? I said that from the beginning. Of course with the new kids in the office, it may come to that, Omar and Cortez are really doing well at upsetting the establishment Democrats. Between them and Trump politics is becoming really interesting.

Ocasio-Cortez: True To Form
the hell with cortez,,,,republicans have many more in congress that are far worse
the hell with cortez,,,,republicans have many more in congress that are far worse

Did any ever leave a woman to drown in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch and run hoe to act as if nothing happened in an attempt to save their future political career?

If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.

Took you over two years to figure that out? I said that from the beginning. Of course with the new kids in the office, it may come to that, Omar and Cortez are really doing well at upsetting the establishment Democrats. Between them and Trump politics is becoming really interesting.

Ocasio-Cortez: True To Form
the hell with cortez,,,,republicans have many more in congress that are far worse
If Mr. Trump is removed via impeachment and conviction — that is, with those 20 Republican votes — Republicans can say, “See, we’ve come to our senses; got that out of our system.” But if they renominate Mr. Trump and stick with him through November 2020 and the voters clearly say no, not again, Republicans are left sitting in the wreckage. They will be trying to air out the Trump stench for a generation, maybe two, which is precisely the fate they deserve.

Took you over two years to figure that out? I said that from the beginning. Of course with the new kids in the office, it may come to that, Omar and Cortez are really doing well at upsetting the establishment Democrats. Between them and Trump politics is becoming really interesting.

Ocasio-Cortez: True To Form
the hell with cortez,,,,republicans have many more in congress that are far worse

As you are unaware of same, your post puts you squarely in the camp that favors socialism, infanticide, anti-white racism, opposition to free speech.....and,what may be significant for you....anti-Semitism.

Have you been measured for that brown shirt yet?

Did you know that some Jewish folks worked with the Nazis?

"A kapo or prisoner functionary was a prisoner in a Nazi concentration camp who was assigned by the SS guards to supervise forced labor or carry out administrative tasks. Also called "prisoner self-administration", the prisoner functionary system minimized costs by allowing camps to function with fewer SS personnel. "
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All she's saying is that in the real world...unless there is compelling evidence to support impeachment, Republicans in the Senate will protect the Orange Asshole. They may protect him even then but we need to know what happened ..or didn't.
All she's saying is that in the real world...unless there is compelling evidence to support impeachment, Republicans in the Senate will protect the Orange Asshole. They may protect him even then but we need to know what happened ..or didn't.
STop trying to reason with Trumpbots. That way is madness.

But I do wonder if maybe she doesn't have an inkling into what Mueller didn't find. He found out how, and told us in an indictment, exactly how the KGB manipulated facebook users into thinking the KBG were real Americans supporting Trump. But maybe there's no definitive like to Trump and the KGB.

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