the big picture

are you significantly better off, overall, than you were two years ago ?

  • yes i am

    Votes: 9 33.3%
  • no i am not

    Votes: 10 37.0%
  • really not much change

    Votes: 8 29.6%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
are we much better off now than we were two years ago, as promised by the president and congress ?
Better off? Pretty vague term, I would think. Unemployment is higher than it was 2 years ago, deeper in debt than 2 years ago.....more spending than 2 years ago. More taxes are looming than 2 years ago. I dunno know....need to have some consideration to ask that.
For now I'm doing about the same.

Just have that sinking feeling that that big assed shoe is getting ready to drop.
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For now I'm doing about the same.

Just have that sinking feeling that that big assed shoe is getting ready to drop.

that's it ! i think you just hit the undercurrent of "most american's" or as the administration says "the american people".
For now I'm doing about the same.

Just have that sinking feeling that that big assed shoe is getting ready to drop.

that's it ! i think you just hit the undercurrent of "most american's" or as the administration says "the american people".

Good job, right winger. Play to your base. Too bad your poll did not pan out as you had hoped. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.:clap2:
are we much better off now than we were two years ago, as promised by the president and congress ?

Personally, I'm about the same... but sure do have lots of friends on the unemployment line right now. Not that they're complaining. Two years of 'free money' from Uncle Sugar helps soften the blow of doing nothing worthwhile all day except watching Oprah.

Libbies must be so proud of all they've accomplished. :clap2:
are we much better off now than we were two years ago, as promised by the president and congress ?

choose your poison ?

no it's not a when did you stop beating question...
when the campaigning was going on (before the election) there were claims and promisis made, and i was just wondering if the people that voted for "change we need" are better off (happier.. economocally not struggling, employed, secure, with an optimistic outlook), ...with the change they got
level flying here. do people really bank on the president and congress' promises?
I was retired two years ago and I am still retired. My status really hasn't changed all that much except you can't make any money on interest anymore... Lots of my friends are much worse off with unemployment and the rotten job market.
level flying here. do people really bank on the president and congress' promises?

I would expect to see some promising signs.....and we really haven't seen that. Anyone look at the housing market numbers over the last 2 days?

maybe things aren't as bad as we are so informed
Could you show us a link where the new unemployment are wrong, and the housing numbers were wrong? Please by all means, show us where it's not that bad....or is it that your a partisan hack?
this is an amazingly close poll. off year elections are always a referendum on the congress and whitehouse. maybe two years isn't much time to turn things around.

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