The Apocalypse it coming?


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
All politics aside there's no question that the most recent catastrophe to visit our little space floating rock has gotten our attention. Pandemics are real and are not going to disappear because we are biologically based beings and must live and function within the parameters of our biological habitat. While it would appear that COVID 19, as nasty as it not the same kind of Killer that the Spanish Flu was in 1918 it remains nevertheless a refresher course in the vigilance that must be taken to guard against the danger of such contagion.

Not to sound pessimistic but it is also important to realize that our lives on this planet, as a human race and not just as individuals, are not guaranteed. All around us in the cosmos are conditions that are not at all friendly to life. Just look a little bit toward the Sun to our so-called sister planet Venus....800 degrees with almost 1,00 psi for atmospheric pressure and steaming with acid vapors......can't grow a garden there lemme tell ya. If something is living there I don't think I want to meet it. Then we have asteroids and comets that do not need our permission and don't apply for travel passes when they decide to visit. Anything over a mile wide is going to ruin everyone's day. Just sayin.....

We have come to accept death as part of the human experience....and maybe someday man will rise to the occasion and find a way to escape the physical deterioration of the human body thus finding immortality. However....when something comes along that does not play by the rules and starts to take human lives against our will or our accepted norms....we panic and well we should. Unfortunately the truth is that it is very likely we will see an apocalypse bug sooner or later. The thing about living organisms is that they learn and they adapt. Never mind what anyone cooks up in a military lab...nature is quite capable of sending us a nasty little surprise all on her own. I hope I'm not here to see it when it comes...but it probably will come...God help us when it does.

Had we waited or not responded to this virus the Spanish Flu of 1917 would look like a minor set back. this had the potential to kill 200 million globally if there was no mitigation.

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