The Anger Of The Left

red states rule

Senior Member
May 30, 2006
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The left in this country is far from the bunch of tolerant and understanding people they claim to be

The Anger Of The Left
By Thomas Sowell

That people on the political left have a certain set of opinions, just as people do in other parts of the ideological spectrum, is not surprising. What is surprising, however, is how often the opinions of those on the left are accompanied by hostility and even hatred.

Particular issues can arouse passions here and there for anyone with any political views. But, for many on the left, indignation is not a sometime thing. It is a way of life.

How often have you seen conservatives or libertarians take to the streets, shouting angry slogans? How often have conservative students on campus shouted down a visiting speaker or rioted to prevent the visitor from speaking at all?

The source of the anger of liberals, "progressives" or radicals is by no means readily apparent. The targets of their anger have included people who are non-confrontational or even genial, such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

It is hard to think of a time when Karl Rove or Dick Cheney has even raised his voice but they are hated like the devil incarnate.

For the complete article:
Hardly news.

The basic agenda of the left (instilling socialism and opposing anything Republicans do) is unworkable, and as such, indefensible. What else can they do, but shout down and abuse any potential opposition? They can't refute their opponents, so they dare not meet them in the arena of ideas at all. Fear, abuse, and demagoguery is all they can offer in "defense" of what they want.
Hardly news.

The basic agenda of the left (instilling socialism and opposing anything Republicans do) is unworkable, and as such, indefensible. What else can they do, but shout down and abuse any potential opposition? They can't refute their opponents, so they dare not meet them in the arena of ideas at all. Fear, abuse, and demagoguery is all they can offer in "defense" of what they want.

Right. Liberals want to instill pure socialism on America. Your rhetoric is typical gross generalization and exaggeration. Conservatives have done good things for America. Yet, liberalism has done some good things for America. Would you rather that the USA not have any of the items listed at
Right. Liberals want to instill pure socialism on America. Your rhetoric is typical gross generalization and exaggeration. Conservatives have done good things for America. Yet, liberalism has done some good things for America. Would you rather that the USA not have any of the items listed at

Where is the logic in your post? (Just the above).
Right. Liberals want to instill pure socialism on America. Your rhetoric is typical gross generalization and exaggeration. Conservatives have done good things for America. Yet, liberalism has done some good things for America. Would you rather that the USA not have any of the items listed at

I could easily do just fine without about 2/3's of those items.
Hardly news.

The basic agenda of the left (instilling socialism and opposing anything Republicans do) is unworkable, and as such, indefensible. What else can they do, but shout down and abuse any potential opposition? They can't refute their opponents, so they dare not meet them in the arena of ideas at all. Fear, abuse, and demagoguery is all they can offer in "defense" of what they want.

Very true

Now the left is trying to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"

The left cannot compete in the arena of talk radio - so they now want to change the rules
You keep harping about the left not having a presence on talk radio ??? So what ?? The left has the NEWS and owns the TV airwaves.. The only thing the republicans have is Boortz and Limbaugh.. big deal. The republicans cannot compete at all on TV. Good luck challenging Bill Mahr...
You keep harping about the left not having a presence on talk radio ??? So what ?? The left has the NEWS and owns the TV airwaves.. The only thing the republicans have is Boortz and Limbaugh.. big deal. The republicans cannot compete at all on TV. Good luck challenging Bill Mahr...

and yet the left wants to silence the few areas of the media they do not control
Very true

Now the left is trying to bring back the "Fairness Doctrine"

The left cannot compete in the arena of talk radio - so they now want to change the rules


with who ?

The corporate whores like Limpballs or Cultwhore?

I can understand why you dont want the fairness doctrine back it makes it so people using the airwaves have to give all sides to a story instead of just the corporate propaganda.
Right. Liberals want to instill pure socialism on America. Your rhetoric is typical gross generalization and exaggeration. Conservatives have done good things for America. Yet, liberalism has done some good things for America. Would you rather that the USA not have any of the items listed at

Almost everything on that page is garbage, yes. Or, it's a basically good idea that would be much better if it were provided by the free market.
The left in this country is far from the bunch of tolerant and understanding people they claim to be

The Anger Of The Left
By Thomas Sowell

That people on the political left have a certain set of opinions, just as people do in other parts of the ideological spectrum, is not surprising. What is surprising, however, is how often the opinions of those on the left are accompanied by hostility and even hatred.

Particular issues can arouse passions here and there for anyone with any political views. But, for many on the left, indignation is not a sometime thing. It is a way of life.

How often have you seen conservatives or libertarians take to the streets, shouting angry slogans? How often have conservative students on campus shouted down a visiting speaker or rioted to prevent the visitor from speaking at all?

The source of the anger of liberals, "progressives" or radicals is by no means readily apparent. The targets of their anger have included people who are non-confrontational or even genial, such as Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush.

It is hard to think of a time when Karl Rove or Dick Cheney has even raised his voice but they are hated like the devil incarnate.

For the complete article:

Who the hell are the left in your opinion?...Libs?

Alot of people in this country..and those of your own party are left minded thinkers when it comes to all the crap you claim here.

You're like that asshole cop in that movie.."Convoy"...Starts with that is right up your alley.

I don't see the so called "left" as a proper term in your case to use as an example..(When It Comes To Your Way Of Thinking).To use..and say the left are against this..or that is your way of saying they are retarded.

So it's left minded thinking to say this war was a lie & it's a failed mission?

What the F__K??...Is everybody left of your way of thinking..burning flags?..Marching for Gay Rights?...Anti-War Demonstrators??...If we disagree on any issue with you..we are left minded thinkers?

Ya can't lump American Voters to such a strong term..You'll lose alot a votes being so direct in your way of thinking...:)

Is that how you classify us in your way of thinking??

Sometimes people take it to the street...In your case you take your issues to the U.S.MessageBoard.

Your are the biggest protester I've encountered.

It's over Red States Rule...Nothing you can say anymore...Your propaganda is that of a left winger burning a flag.
Almost everything on that page is garbage, yes. Or, it's a basically good idea that would be much better if it were provided by the free market.

BVB love the name and the picture but the Free market was tried and guess what It alone caused so much misery that we had to gradually temper it with restrictions to keep the American dream alive.

A good study of American history shows that.

It funny but this is why consevitives hate higher education.

It teaches people too many facts , facts have a liberal bias.
Almost everything on that page is garbage, yes. Or, it's a basically good idea that would be much better if it were provided by the free market.

Why didn’t the private sector do something about them? Consider labor laws and workplace safety. If not for them, in all likelihood, there would still be child labor in very dangerous environments. Don’t give me the erroneous statement that employees would have choices. In times of job shortage, people, in a practical sense, did not have a choice. They had to grab whatever job they could or risk starving in the street. If they got a job, they better not get hurt. If they were injured, all that the boss had to do was show him the door and bring in another desperate hungry worker.

No. Most of these examples of liberal programs were needed and the free market place / private sector was not going to pick up the bat.
The main difference between conservatives and liberals is conservatives made it out of adolescence
Why didn’t the private sector do something about them? Consider labor laws and workplace safety. If not for them, in all likelihood, there would still be child labor in very dangerous environments. Don’t give me the erroneous statement that employees would have choices. In times of job shortage, people, in a practical sense, did not have a choice. They had to grab whatever job they could or risk starving in the street. If they got a job, they better not get hurt. If they were injured, all that the boss had to do was show him the door and bring in another desperate hungry worker.

No. Most of these examples of liberal programs were needed and the free market place / private sector was not going to pick up the bat.


Someone has an overinflated opinion of the collective conservative intellect. :rofl:

No at all

My opinion is based on the lunacy of liberalism and the arrogrance and hate the left shows on a daily basis
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