The American people amaze me no end... devotion to Trump

you are delusional.

You need to watch the stations that are showing us how the left is destroying our country every day and twice on (their most hated day) Sunday
I read my news like a civilized person. I do not need anyone to tell me how I should feel about an issue.
As we all know, Trump is way ahead in the R polls, and last I heard, was ahead of Dementia Sniffer Bad Grandpa Dude (that last stat is far from amazing... I mean, how is THAT hard to beat????)

I am surprised by this. I know leftists aren't going to want to vote for someone indicted so much, but on the other hand... extreme leftists are advocating letting MURDERERS out of prison!


So there's that...

Anyhow, I really thought that the propaganda would have trickled down even to conservatives!

I am so proud of these Americans. I feel kind of like ... hate to say it... but I feel like saying something like what Michelle O said... This is [one of the only] times I've been proud to be an American.

The funny thing about all this ?

The Left actually WANTS T-rump to be the nominee as much as the most indoctrinated Trump huggers do.
The indictments will all start evaporating just in time for him to be there for them (all).
I saw this brief segment of CNN recently (it wass commercial break time on Fox, otherwise would have missed it. That would have been sad :rolleyes:)

They were interviewing Trump fans, trying to figure out wht they like about him, why they still support him

(The elites at cnn never get regular Americans)

Well, one guy was wanting to "move on from Trump" anyway but even the ones who were not planning to ditch Trump

well... the hack "reporter" interviewing these people.. Ms Bash.. kept arguing with them. One of those times... I think it was when one of them brought up that the election may have been stolen, she said (proably vehemently, but I was on CCs)


And then Fox came back on and I was glad to get away from all that insanity/hackery :)
Trump was the only person to expose the Democratic Stalinist and the fake GOP

He was a huge threat to destroy the Pol Pot regime in America
Trump was the only person to expose the Democratic Stalinist and the fake GOP

He was a huge threat to destroy the Pol Pot regime in America
past tense?

He still is

That's why they're trying to get rid of him. The elite dims know America does NOT like them

If they don't know that, they are more dense than we thought (and boy, did we thought...!)

Again, I am so proud of my country :WooHooSmileyWave-vi:

for seeing through the BS that the sicko gummit is giving us.. all this politicization of govt agencies, etc.

I don't know how Trump will do in the General, but if he is this popular w/ conservtives... well, he did win a lot of everyday Ds in 16 and 20, didn't he? It's just that he couldn't overcome all those fake ballots.. dead people voting
The Bolshevik Jews, white Maoist , N - have destroyed the country
I don't get that Blame the Jews stuff so I will move on

The lawless, perverse dims are destroying it. And most of them are not Jews
yes. I suspect that many of the Americans who support him and cannot be dissuaded to support someone else... have also been in trouble with govt for no valid reason...

I believe there are a lot of stories out there about such gov persecution happening to people... mostly in blue states
I think this is true too. It is a very big reason the more he has been publicly persecuted the more peasant support he gets.

It's because people have felt the government does that to them as well in some form.

So in a rebellious way, it's kind of a n F U to what some peasants view as the government picking and choosing who they prosecute. It's like well we will just vote for him the more you do that then. :lol:
As we all know, Trump is way ahead in the R polls, and last I heard, was ahead of Dementia Sniffer Bad Grandpa Dude (that last stat is far from amazing... I mean, how is THAT hard to beat????)

I am surprised by this. I know leftists aren't going to want to vote for someone indicted so much, but on the other hand... extreme leftists are advocating letting MURDERERS out of prison!


So there's that...

Anyhow, I really thought that the propaganda would have trickled down even to conservatives!

I am so proud of these Americans. I feel kind of like ... hate to say it... but I feel like saying something like what Michelle O said... This is [one of the only] times I've been proud to be an American.

It's not blind devotion to Trump as the DemLickers love to say. It's about trying to save the country. Our DOJ is garbage our Media is garbage our FBI is garbage. We cannot exist like that.
I think this is true too. It is a very big reason the more he has been publicly persecuted the more peasant support he gets.

It's because people have felt the government does that to them as well in some form.

So in a rebellious way, it's kind of a n F U to what some peasants view as the government picking and choosing who they prosecute. It's like well we will just vote for him the more you do that then. :lol:

I love it. I was beginning to think (Confession time) that most Americans were kind of stupid

until I saw this phenomenon of Trump getting more support after each indictment!

I mean, it's just so... cool


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