The Age of Muppets and Dr Suess Being Bad


Perhaps Biden, Kamala, Nancy, and company, can have all the Dr Seuss and other banned books sent to the Capitol so they can have the National Guard throw them into a bonfire while they're goose stepping.




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Why are you so hell bent on denying what is taking place before your very eyes?

Right in front of my eyes, I see most conservatives just lying outright about almost everything. Nobody is denying that. It's too obvious to deny.

On this thread, they're all openly lying about the Suess issue. And you're now choosing to jump on that liar bandwagon. Why are you deliberately embracing such a stupid lie? If you're going to consign your souls to hell, you should at least make the lies worthwhile.
People who get personally insulted by by pop culture are idiots.
Nobody is shocked you consider pedophillia pop culture.
Pop culture is a retarded bunch of crap manufactured to appeal to the greatest number of gullible idiots possible. It's been that way since before we were born. Quit taking it personally. The correct thing to do is ignore it.
Why are you so hell bent on denying what is taking place before your very eyes?

Right in front of my eyes, I see most conservatives just lying outright about almost everything. Nobody is denying that. It's too obvious to deny.

On this thread, they're all openly lying about the Suess issue. And you're now choosing to jump on that liar bandwagon. Why are you deliberately embracing such a stupid lie? If you're going to consign your souls to hell, you should at least make the lies worthwhile.

Dr Seuss books have been pulled from future publication: true or false?
Dr Seuss books have been pulled from future publication: true or false?

False. A few books out of a large number have been pulled from pubilcation BY THE SUESS FAMILY.

In response, conservatives almost universally told the lie that liberals just banned all Suess books.

Why are you defending that lie? Is a hatred of free-market capitalism driving you?
Dr Seuss books have been pulled from future publication: true or false?

False. A few books out of a large number have been pulled from pubilcation BY THE SUESS FAMILY.

In response, conservatives almost universally told the lie that liberals just banned all Suess books.

Why are you defending that lie? Is a hatred of free-market capitalism driving you?
The "family" didn't pull the books the corporate company did. So why are YOU lying?

And the books were pulled because they FEAR LEFTISTS.
They were fine for nearly a hundred years but now suddenly have to be pulled.... what else coincides with this newfound altruism?

The "family" didn't pull the books the corporate company did.

Which is run by the family.

This isn't a debate. Your side claimed liberals banned all Seuss books. You all lied openly.

Given that none of you show any regrets about lying, the logical assumption is that all of you will lie again whenever possible, and therefore anything you say should be initially considered to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.
The "family" didn't pull the books the corporate company did.

Which is run by the family.

This isn't a debate. Your side claimed liberals banned all Seuss books. You all lied openly.

Given that none of you show any regrets about lying, the logical assumption is that all of you will lie again whenever possible, and therefore anything you say should be initially considered to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.
It IS NOT run by the family. It was founded by the family.

Why are YOU lying?
Dr Seuss books have been pulled from future publication: true or false?

False. A few books out of a large number have been pulled from pubilcation BY THE SUESS FAMILY.

In response, conservatives almost universally told the lie that liberals just banned all Suess books.

Why are you defending that lie? Is a hatred of free-market capitalism driving you?

If free market capitalism was the deciding force then the books would have been taken out of publication due to a lack of public interest. But that's not what happened, is it? They were taken out to appease leftist cancel culture.
The "family" didn't pull the books the corporate company did.

Which is run by the family.

This isn't a debate. Your side claimed liberals banned all Seuss books. You all lied openly.

Given that none of you show any regrets about lying, the logical assumption is that all of you will lie again whenever possible, and therefore anything you say should be initially considered to be a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.
You triggered? Liberals banned Dr.Seus, censored Mr potato head and the Muppets

What a bunch of snowflakes
Ya know what is funny, liberals running around thinking why the right hates us
Amazing. Every conservative here knows they're lying, but they all still lie. At this stage, they're only useful as examples of how fanatical cult devotion annihilates any sense of morality.
But pedophillia of Cuties and the insanity of music hits is acceptable.

Who said the Left are insane?

View attachment 463805

It shows what a big liar Trump and his supporters are as they try to stir up a fake controversy to divert attention from the Republicans'
unpopular agenda. The publishers of Dr Seuss' books decided 6 of then had inappropriate content so they decided to cease publication of six and only six of the 70 or so Dr Seuss books. That is hardly canceling Dr Seuss.

Then you liars said a northers Virginia school banned Dr Seuss. Again untrue. What they said was to expand National Reading Day to include other authors in addition to Dr Seuss.

This is a controversy that does not exist. This is just another attempt to divide the country.
So why do conservatives keep lying about liberals cancelled dr. Suess.

Oh, I see. General principles. They're conservaitves. They lie more readily than normal humans breathe. They get a sick pervy thrill from thinking of themselves as victims, and they'll tell any lie to get a victimhood rush.

Why are you so hell bent on denying what is taking place before your very eyes?

Because it didn't happen.

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