Texas billionaire Harold Simmons Lies it Up Again


Mar 25, 2008
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Now see what the billionaires from Texas are doing with the money they stole with the outrageous tax breaks, they’re buying millions of dollars worth of lies.
It seems these Texas millionaires think they can hijack another election with a couple of bucks and cheap lies….they need to be locked up, they’re presently the greatest threat to America's stability and security.
This also speaks for McCains integrity, he's yet to denounce these outrageous attacks and outright lies, birds of a feather.

Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical
By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer 18 minutes ago
DENVER - Barack Obama is striking back fiercely and swiftly to stamp out an ad that links him to a 1960s radical, eager to demonstrate a far more aggressive response to attacks than John Kerry did when faced with the 2004 "Swift Boat" campaign

The lone financier of the anti-Obama ad, Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, was also one of the main funders of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who targeted Kerry. Simmons, a McCain fundraiser, contributed nearly $2.9 million to the American Issues Project, according to documents filed by the group with the Federal Election Commission.
Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical - Yahoo! News
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Obama is a popularist, and the moneyed interests will stop at nothing to defeat him.

They are scared sh*tless!
Now see what the billionaires from Texas are doing with the money they stole with the outrageous tax breaks, they’re buying millions of dollars worth of lies.
It seems these Texas millionaires think they can hijack another election with a couple of bucks and cheap lies….they need to be locked up, they’re presently the greatest threat to America's stability and security.
This also speaks for McCains integrity, he's yet to denounce these outrageous attacks and outright lies, birds of a feather.

Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical
By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer 18 minutes ago
DENVER - Barack Obama is striking back fiercely and swiftly to stamp out an ad that links him to a 1960s radical, eager to demonstrate a far more aggressive response to attacks than John Kerry did when faced with the 2004 "Swift Boat" campaign

The lone financier of the anti-Obama ad, Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, was also one of the main funders of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who targeted Kerry. Simmons, a McCain fundraiser, contributed nearly $2.9 million to the American Issues Project, according to documents filed by the group with the Federal Election Commission.
Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical - Yahoo! News

Just think of him as you as Republican with money.
Obama is tied to Ayers. There is no question except how deeply he sympathizes with the terrorist known as the Weatherman.


Obama’s relationship with Ayers is an especially vivid milepost on his rise, in record time, from a local official who unabashedly reflected a very liberal district to the leader of national movement based largely on the claim that he can transcend ideological divides.

In one sense, Obama’s journey toward the cultural and political center is not unusual among national politicians. But its velocity is.

Michelle Malkin Obama/Ayers gets an airing

“Barack Obama is friends with Ayers, defending him as, quote, ‘Respectable’ and ‘Mainstream,’” the ad states. “Obama’s political career was launched in Ayers’ home. And the two served together on a left-wing board. Why would Barack Obama be friends with someone who bombed the Capitol and is proud of it? Do you know enough to elect Barack Obama?


And the spin by the Obama campaign begins. I like how they don't mention that the damage caused by Ayers was from a bomb that he planted. In fact Ayers girlfriend at the time was killed while making a bomb.

I especially like the line


When the reality is that even though BHO knew that Ayers is nothing but a terrorist bomber, he STILL is friends with him and moves unabashedly with him in political circles.

If people who set bombs in the attempt to kill government officials are OK in BHO's book, maybe the unabomber will get a cabinet post.
Obama is a popularist, and the moneyed interests will stop at nothing to defeat him.

They are scared sh*tless!

LOL! Obama's team demands DOJ take the place of FEC and gets CNN and FOX to refuse the ads. THEN make an ad denouncing the charge, brilliant. What would have been fodder just for the political extremists goes mainstream. Dream team for certain.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley defends Obama

There are a lot of reasons that Americans are angry about Washington politics. And one more example is the way Senator Obama’s opponents are playing guilt-by-association, tarring him because he happens to know Bill Ayers.
I also know Bill Ayers. He worked with me in shaping our now nationally-renowned school reform program. He is a nationally-recognized distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois/Chicago and a valued member of the Chicago community.

Daley: Don't tar Obama for Ayers: The Swamp
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley defends Obama

There are a lot of reasons that Americans are angry about Washington politics. And one more example is the way Senator Obama’s opponents are playing guilt-by-association, tarring him because he happens to know Bill Ayers.
I also know Bill Ayers. He worked with me in shaping our now nationally-renowned school reform program. He is a nationally-recognized distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois/Chicago and a valued member of the Chicago community.

Daley: Don't tar Obama for Ayers: The Swamp

It's Chicago. Ayers father and Richard J Daley were very good friends. Now, how did that Annenberg Chicago program go? We're all dying to get the details. :badgrin:
If Bill Ayers is such a terrorist, why isn't he in jail?
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Smell that desperation?

lets review some of the charges these liars have tried to pass off on us,shall we?

Obama is a Muslim; Obama wasn't born in the USA; Obama doesn't take care of his brother; Obama is going to take away your guns; and my personal favorite Obama is a radical and if only Hillary had been nominated all us right wing cranks would have voted for her.

Face it, boys, your rich boy, know-nothing, chickenhawk, notwit scion screwed up on every front, and the people are NOT amused.

They know you guys are nothing but liars, now, and the American people are going to elect a BLACK MAN for POTUS.

Learn to cope, just as we patriotic Americans have had to do, for the last eight years while your boy shit all over the America we love.
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When your party and its policies are a failure - when your people are not working Americans but the wealthy - what can America expect. There is no substance nor ethical behavior in the republican party today, but there are lots of single issue items they pretend to support which make the blind believers happy and gives the tools something to write about. We'll see if the American people can see through it this time.

The Conservative Nanny State
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End
Republican Corruption

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
When your party and its policies are a failure - when your people are not working Americans but the wealthy - what can America expect. There is no substance nor ethical behavior in the republican party today, but there are lots of single issue items they pretend to support which make the blind believers happy and gives the tools something to write about. We'll see if the American people can see through it this time.

The Conservative Nanny State
CEPR - America Since 1980: A Right Turn Leading to a Dead End
Republican Corruption

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Pardon me but the conservatives I know are all self employed people who own businesses and provide jobs for people. And as business owners, they work harder and risk more of their personal money than anyone else and pay huge amounts of money in taxes. And in fact are not "rich".

The money our small business pays out in payroll and SS taxes not to mention SUTA and FUTA and Workman's' Comp taxes is obscene. But it will never be enough for the government or for Lib's who think that people who don't want to work as hard or risk or as much as I and other small business owners have deserve more of my money than I do.

The fact that you throw the word rich around like an insult is just another Libby class warfare tactic.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep more of the money you earn.
Pardon me but the conservatives I know are all self employed people who own businesses and provide jobs for people. And as business owners, they work harder and risk more of their personal money than anyone else and pay huge amounts of money in taxes. And in fact are not "rich".

Sounds to me like if that is the case, you ought to be a democrat.

You're backing the wrong horse if you are a true conservative small businessman, and you think the current crop of Republican leadership gives a damn about your needs, sport.

The money our small business pays out in payroll and SS taxes not to mention SUTA and FUTA and Workman's' Comp taxes is obscene.

I totally agree.

But it will never be enough for the government or for Lib's who think that people who don't want to work as hard or risk or as much as I and other small business owners have deserve more of my money than I do.

Wake up! The Republicans dominated politics and got pretty much they wanted from the government for the last eight years, dude.

Are your small businessmen better off than they were under Clinton and those damned liberals?

The fact that you throw the word rich around like an insult is just another Libby class warfare tactic.

(truly) Small businessmen are not rich. I say (truly) because the way the government now defines "small" business now is simply absurd.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep more of the money you earn.

What you apparently are failing to realize is that most real liberals quite agree with you.
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Pardon me but the conservatives I know are all self employed people who own businesses and provide jobs for people. And as business owners, they work harder and risk more of their personal money than anyone else and pay huge amounts of money in taxes. And in fact are not "rich".

The money our small business pays out in payroll and SS taxes not to mention SUTA and FUTA and Workman's' Comp taxes is obscene. But it will never be enough for the government or for Lib's who think that people who don't want to work as hard or risk or as much as I and other small business owners have deserve more of my money than I do.

The fact that you throw the word rich around like an insult is just another Libby class warfare tactic.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep more of the money you earn.
Thats complete bullshit. YOu are making that up.. please list the businesses and I will do some fact checking as to their political persuasion and generosity employing the community.. I will say that whomever I have called out on this has slinked away like the lying sack of shit that they are... I my friend am calling you out... back up your words or pack up and go home Nancy....
Now see what the billionaires from Texas are doing with the money they stole with the outrageous tax breaks, they’re buying millions of dollars worth of lies.
It seems these Texas millionaires think they can hijack another election with a couple of bucks and cheap lies….they need to be locked up, they’re presently the greatest threat to America's stability and security.
This also speaks for McCains integrity, he's yet to denounce these outrageous attacks and outright lies, birds of a feather.

Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical
By JIM KUHNHENN, Associated Press Writer 18 minutes ago
DENVER - Barack Obama is striking back fiercely and swiftly to stamp out an ad that links him to a 1960s radical, eager to demonstrate a far more aggressive response to attacks than John Kerry did when faced with the 2004 "Swift Boat" campaign

The lone financier of the anti-Obama ad, Texas billionaire Harold Simmons, was also one of the main funders of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth who targeted Kerry. Simmons, a McCain fundraiser, contributed nearly $2.9 million to the American Issues Project, according to documents filed by the group with the Federal Election Commission.
Obama seeks to silence ad tying him to 60s radical - Yahoo! News

When you can't defend your candidate, because the accuasations against him are true, attack the messenger!
Exactly. Just as he IS tied to Wright, Pfleger, and Farrakhan.
Oh well the that does it, I'm voting for four more years of McBush. Hell yes let's turn the country over to a band of millionare liars from Texas after all look where it got us so far...you'e a pathetic joke.
So what if Obama was tied to Charlie Manson, at least he's not connected to Bush or his pirates, hell I'd still take my chances, anything would be better that the money grabbing war criminals and liars in office now.
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Thats complete bullshit. YOu are making that up.. please list the businesses and I will do some fact checking as to their political persuasion and generosity employing the community.. I will say that whomever I have called out on this has slinked away like the lying sack of shit that they are... I my friend am calling you out... back up your words or pack up and go home Nancy....

All right Asshole, tell me just how are you going to look up the political leanings of small business owners in my State?

When I say small business, I mean those that employ less than 100 people. Buy you go ahead and look up all the businesses that fit this profile and report back to me. you moron
Sounds to me like if that is the case, you ought to be a democrat.

You're backing the wrong horse if you are a true conservative small businessman, and you think the current crop of Republican leadership gives a damn about your needs, sport

I am not so naive to think that any political party is looking out for me. I would vote libertarian if I thought they had a chance in hell.

I totally agree.

But since the libs won't address any of the tax issues or SS except to raise employers contributions I cannot support them.

Are your small businessmen better off than they were under Clinton and those damned liberals?

Yes. As a self employed business owner, I know the benefit of saving for retirement as no one else will save for me. So when dems raise capital gains and income taxes it hurts me and my family's future.

(truly) Small businessmen are not rich. I say (truly) because the way the government now defines "small" business now is simply absurd.

My definition of small business is one that employs less than 100 people

What you apparently are failing to realize is that most real liberals quite agree with you.

not in my experience. most libs i talk to are diametrically opposed to my views on taxes.
All right Asshole, tell me just how are you going to look up the political leanings of small business owners in my State?

When I say small business, I mean those that employ less than 100 people. Buy you go ahead and look up all the businesses that fit this profile and report back to me. you moron

Ok.. but give me a day or two to consult the psychic friends network to find out which of these small business owners are the ones that you know...

Like I said.. your comments were pulled directly out yo ass...completely fabricated... Run along Nancy.. it appears I'm still at 100% on calling people out on this issue..
Ok.. but give me a day or two to consult the psychic friends network to find out which of these small business owners are the ones that you know...

Like I said.. your comments were pulled directly out yo ass...completely fabricated... Run along Nancy.. it appears I'm still at 100% on calling people out on this issue..

You just expect me to post the names of my friends on a web site? You are a moron aren't you?
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